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41. Indigenous Crop Protection Practices In Africa indigenous Crop Protection Practices in SubSaharan East africa Mwenu,Mwena (kikuyu), Murao, Kilao (Meru), Mshua, Mbina (Taita), Olsenetoi (Massai) http://www.ippc.orst.edu/ipmafrica/elements/ncpp.html | |
42. ReliefWeb » Document Preview » Risk Of Conflict Increasing Recent violent clashes between Maasai and kikuyu groups over access to water Kenya Minorities, indigenous peoples and Ethnic Diversity is calling for http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/RWB.NSF/db900SID/RMOI-6BF42L?OpenDocument |
43. IRIN Africa Great Lakes KENYA KENYA IRIN Focus On Displaced agency covering subSaharan africa, eight countries in central Asia and Iraq . kikuyu people alleged not be to indigenous to Rift Valley province. http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=20575&SelectRegion=Great_Lakes&Selec |
44. Poverty Politics - Department Of Anthropology, University Of Bergen Kenyan kikuyu domestic conflicts, Rwandan massacres and South African Truth Eversole, R. McNeish J. Eds (2005) indigenous peoples and Poverty in http://www.uib.no/povertypolitics/publications.htm | |
45. Itineraries - African Kaleidoscope a diverse cultural cross section of South africaÂs indigenous people, by safari van through beautiful kikuyu country to the foothills of Mt. Kenya. http://www.bornfreesafaris.com/africa_kaliedoscope.htm | |
46. Minorities At Risk (MAR) The colonial settlers forcibly evicted the indigenous African In January of1999, the Luhya along with members of the Kisii, kikuyu, Sabaot, http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/kenluhya.htm | |
47. African Proverbs, Sayings And Stories - Book Reviews is also found among the kikuyu and other African cultures) Mear ikimojino After many years of listening to the people in their indigenous language, http://www.afriprov.org/resources/bkreview.htm | |
48. Religion In East Africa Most of the time, when people think about East African tribes, In the beginning,He took Gikuyu, the founder of the kikuyu tribe, and gave him a wife. http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/a/r/art5001/interest.htm |
49. East Africa Living Encyclopedia The kikuyu (or Gikuyu) homeland is around Mount Kenya and it is believed theymigrated With a PreHistoric People The Akikuyu of British East africa. http://www.africa.upenn.edu/NEH/kethnic.htm | |
50. Mau Mau, Bibliography Mau Mau indigenous PeoplesKenya - kikuyu (African People) - KenyaHistory,1895-1955. LC 55030100; BL 55002426. THROUP, David. http://users.skynet.be/terrorism/html/kenya_maumau.htm | |
51. 'Just World News' By Helena Cobban: Caroline Elkins' Mau Mau Book, Contd. All these people just never came back when it was over. Her own judgments werethat the British They were based on indigenous kikuyu religion. http://justworldnews.org/archives/001339.html | |
52. Reviews: Africa These works of art portray the many aspects of the African peopleÂs life, I feel strongly that indigenous people have the right to their way of life and http://web.cocc.edu/humanities/HIR/Reviews/Africa.html | |
53. G21 AFRICA - "The People's Voice" G21 africa The People s Voice by Robert O Doul. Kameme FM (kikuyu for KamemeFM, the People s Voice ) has now gained the status of something of a http://www.g21.net/africa7.html | |
54. The Environment Times - Available Articles africa. indigenous knowledge in natural disaster reduction in africa by James Kamara ÂPeople are going hungry. Our cattle are dying. What can we do? http://www.environmenttimes.net/region.cfm?regionID=13&groupID=4 |
55. The Environment Times - Available Articles BRACING FOR HARD TIMES FOR THE indigenous IN KENYA, ANY WAY FORWARD? africaÂs african journalists at a threeday climate change workshop organised and http://www.environmenttimes.net/theme.cfm?themeID=2&groupID=3 |
56. GeographyIQ - World Atlas - Africa - Kenya - People Facts And Figures Demographic information and statistics on the people of Kenya. Ethnic groups,kikuyu 22%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, http://www.geographyiq.com/countries/ke/Kenya_people.htm | |
57. Kenya People Ethnic groups kikuyu 22% Luhya 14% Luo 13% Kalenjin 12% Kamba 11% Kisii 6% Meru6% other African 15% nonAfrican (Asian European and Arab) 1% http://www.world66.com/africa/kenya/people | |
58. News 2005 Rising Insecurity In And Around Cherangany Hills Open SENGWER (1) ETHNIC MINORITY HUNTERGATHERER indigenous peoples Chairman,African National Congress. Charles K Kiberen. Member, Sengwer Land Allocation http://www.ogiek.org/news/news-post-05-03-26.htm | |
59. Ogiek.org: In-Depth Who is indigenous in africa? indigenous africans are mostly from hunting and They have identified themselves as an indigenous people, as defined in http://www.ogiek.org/indepth/ | |
60.  Ethnographic Art From Kenya, Turkana, Pokot, Maasai, Rendille, Food Containe including the Turkana, Pokot, Maasai, kikuyu, Borana and Rendille Carved woodneck rest used by the Pokot and Turkana peoples of Kenya, circa 1950s. http://www.douglasyaney.com/col-3-pg2-ek-ethnographic.htm | |
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