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121. Page Moved Mark Recktenwald. Married. Two kids. Civil Engineer with fulltime government job. Avid home-brewer and rocketeer. Moonlighting in engineering and computer consulting. http://web.raex.com/~markndeb/rockets/index.htm | |
122. Sex And Kids Arguing that the government overreaches itself, under the banner of protecting children from abuse by broadening an already shaky pornography law, this article highlights the depiction of eroticized children (which usually passes without comment) in advertisements and Hollywood. http://www.zmag.org/zmag/articles/jan94bronski.htm | |
123. Science, Federal Resources For Educational Excellence (FREE) It also has crosscurricular connections with history, government, ARS Science4 kids! is a series of stories about what scientists do at the http://wdcrobcolp01.ed.gov/cfapps/free/displaysubject.cfm?sid=8 |
124. FEMA For Kids: Y2K For Kids U.S. government web site explains the Y2K problem and its implications in terms children can understand. http://www.fema.gov/kids/y2k.htm | |
125. MyFlorida.com - Home Page The Official Portal of The State of Florida, Skip to Global links Skip to SearchSkip to Main Navigation Skip to Content Featured egovernment Services http://www.myflorida.com/ | |
126. K.I.D.S. For Canada Includes information about the country and its government, volunteer opportunities for Canadian kids and teens, and a forum where young people can share their thoughts and feelings. http://www.kidsforcanada.ca/ |
127. Time For Kids | News Article from Time for kids explains what this rare disease is and tells how the government is working to protect Americans from it. http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/news/story/0,6260,180228,00.html | |
128. FirstGov.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal Official web portal of the us government. Contains comprehensive information ongovernment resources, services and forms for citizens, businesses and http://www.firstgov.gov/ | |
129. MyProwler Metasearch A Complete Search Engine And Database Customizable metasearch with clustered results. Provides deep or fast search of the whole Web. Selection also includes downloads, auctions, kids sites, recipes or United States government. In each case, there is a choice of sources used. http://www.myprowler.com/ | |
130. Afterschool.gov ClearinghousesGovernment Linkskids and TraumaLegislative Help the us Departmentof State redesign their website for kids. http://www.afterschool.gov/ | |
131. Mexico For Kids Official site from Mexican government to learn about the land, people, and culture of Mexico. Includes history, government, news, and games. http://www.elbalero.gob.mx/index_kids.html | |
132. KID_INFO_The_Web's_Best_Student_Homework_Reference_Resource Birth of a New Nation and Formation of a New government Civil War and Reconstruction us government and governmental Agencies Historical Events http://www.kidinfo.com/School_Subjects.html | |
133. Reflex Records Belgium Reflex Records is a label focusing on reissues of old HC and Punk classics. Home of the biggest European TRADEBOARD for punk/HC record collectors. Home of re-pressings of Negative Fx, Dys, Poison Idea, Fu's, Jerry's kids, Attitude adjustment, Offenders, Last Rights, and government Issue. http://www.reflexdistribution.com/ | |
134. Keep Art In Schools Advocacy campaign from an advertising association encouraging emails to legislators to keep arts programs in Florida's public schools and to urge government funding for arts education. Comments from kids. http://www.keepartinschools.com | |
135. Welcome To The State Of Illinois Web Site State links Skip to Content Skip to State links. News Illinois Facts Accepts Robert Wood Johnson FoundationÂs ÂCovering kids Families Champion http://www.illinois.gov/ | |
136. Spacer Spacer Left_upper_corner_gray Image Spacer Please use the links below to locate services and department information.Access will be restored shortly. government Organization Home http://www.miamidade.gov/ |
137. Ingram Library/Goverment Documents/Government Sites For Kids A listing of sites by government agencies designed for children. http://www.westga.edu/~library/depts/govdoc/kids.shtml | |
138. The Commercialization Of Children's Public Television The 15second announcements that bracket PBS kids' shows are growing increasingly commercial. These enhanced underwriter acknowledgments are public broadcasters' solution to funding problems in the wake of reduced government support. But are they legal? Many underwriter advertisements seem to contradict communications law, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations and even PBS's own guidelines. http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1032 |
139. The Premier's Kid Zone | Le Coin Des Jeunes Du Premier Ministre Includes a message from the premier, a virtual tour of Ontario, a trivia game, history, and a simple explanation of how Canada's government works. In English and French. http://www.kids.premier.gov.on.ca/ |
140. Salon.com News | Deadly Immunity When a study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids, the government rushed to conceal the data and to prevent parents from suing drug companies for their role in the epidemic. Free registration required to view entire article. http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2005/06/16/thimerosal/index_np.html | |
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