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81. USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-For Kids Only Earthquakes for kids Learning links, Earthquake Topics, spacer us Departmentof the Interior, us Geological Survey http://earthquake.usgs.gov/4kids/ | |
82. U.S. Government Online: Surfing The Net With Kids The best federal government sites for kids, teachers and families, us governmentOnline. Email this page to a friend with a personal message http://www.surfnetkids.com/usgovernment.htm | |
83. Secretary Of State Kid's Page (Home) Information and location of Maine's counties. http://www.state.me.us/sos/kids/government/counties.htm | |
84. TVOntario governmentowned educational television network. Schedules, show information, educational links and games for kids. http://www.tvo.org |
85. Special Topics--US Government Information government Information pathfinders for kids can come in the shape of a USgovernment primer by grade level, along with selected annotated links to http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cde/datalib/845/gov.htm | |
86. DontPardonBigTobacco.org Allows anyone concerned about the tobacco industry's practice of marketing to kids to send an instant fax to President Bush telling him not to weaken the us government's lawsuit against tobacco companies. http://tfk.grassroots.com/doj/ | |
87. Grants And Grant Writing Links And Resources - Deborah L. Kluge Grants and Grantwriting links, Deborah L. Kluge, Independent Consultant, in the us Also contains links to international private and government grants. http://www.proposalwriter.com/grants.html | |
88. Child Abuse - Federal Government Information Resources government Agencies Child Abuse. For national nongovernmental Child Abuse and National Non-governmental Organizations and links us government http://www.therapistfinder.net/government/Child-Abuse.html | |
89. New York State Senate >> Home about our members and their districts, including links to their individualweb sites. The New York State Senate web site also offers a Senate kids Page, http://www.senate.state.ny.us/ | |
90. CPL Kids Pages: Michigan: Government Canton, Wayne County, state, and federal links from the Canton Public Library. http://www.cantonpl.org/kids/mgov.html | |
91. Blue Skyways - A Service Of The Kansas State Library School Finance links Kansas Gaming links Communities Information Menu,Education Information Menu, government Information Menu, Kansas Libraries http://skyways.lib.ks.us/ | |
92. ConneCT Kids Home Page Official kids website for the State of Connecticut which provides information created by government agencies for young adults. http://www.kids.state.ct.us/ | |
93. Congressman Ike Skelton's Website - Kids Links Congressman Ike Skelton s Website kids links Ben s Guide to us Governmentfor kids This site provides fun learning tools for students, parents, http://www.house.gov/skelton/kids.html | |
94. Secretary Of State/Kids Page An online almanac of state facts, government, legends, and photos. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/kidspg/homepage.asp | |
95. Texas SenateKids Explore the Texas Capitol and learn all about the state government through a virtual tour, games, trivia, and other online activities. http://www.senate.state.tx.us/kids/ | |
96. City Of Maryville, Tennessee City government page, including utility, schools, and service information. Includes a special area just for kids. http://www.ci.maryville.tn.us/ | |
97. National Constitution Center: Government Websites Related links http//www.firstgov.gov. FirstGov for kids governmentsponsoredwebsite designed to promote participation in participate in Federal http://www.constitutioncenter.org/CitizenAction/GovernmentWebsites/index.shtml | |
98. American Towns New Canaan Features community calendar, links, and information for government departments, schools and libraries, clubs and organizations, sports and recreation, arts and entertainment, restaurants, businesses, real estate, and kids activities as well as a community action exchange program. http://www.newcanaan.americantowns.com/ |
99. Unicam Kids Facts, history, and the process of government of the Nebraska legislature. http://www.unicam.state.ne.us/kids/index.htm | |
100. Links: U.S. Government Disability-Related Web Sites links to us government DisabilityRelated Web Sites GPO Access - theSuperintendent of Documents, us government Printing Office, has searchable http://www.advocacyinc.org/linksus.htm | |
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