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21. NCDOT, Division Of Aviation, Safety & Education, Kids Links Airports Grant Program Airport Development safety Education Kid s links.http//www.nasm.si.edu/ Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum http://www.ncdot.org/transit/aviation/what/safetyed/kidspage.html | |
22. Kids' Lightning Information And Safety Lightning information and safety for kids (plus parents and teachers) Use thelightning safety links below to learn what to do if this happens. http://www.kidslightning.info/ | |
23. Science And Math - FirstGov For Kids Download an informative tornadosafety coloring book for your preschooler. Item Playtime for kids - This site provides links to all kinds of sites with http://www.kids.gov/k_science.htm | |
24. Kids Traffic Safety Page All jumps are within the kids Traffic safety section of the New York State Note to Parents We check our links regularly and check the site content of http://www.nysgtsc.state.ny.us/kids.htm | |
25. Health - FirstGov For Kids Item FDA kids Page Learn about animal care, food safety, vaccines and much the National Institute of Health lists links to great pages from various http://www.kids.gov/k_health.htm | |
26. CMLKids: Kids Links Disney characters help you to learn about safety on the Internet. Designed likea driver s test, kids earn their Internet License by answering http://www.cmlkids.com/kidslinks.cfm?catcode=KInt&age=9 |
27. Eggys World Of Fun For Kids - Games, Puzzles And Mazes! Seven categories of links to interactive, safety tested, kids' web pages. http://www.eggysworld.com/ | |
28. Maryland Kids In Safety Seats Since the 1980s, Maryland kids in safety Seats (KISS) has been the state s leadagency in child passenger imagebullet.gif (814 bytes) safety links http://www.mdkiss.org/ | |
29. Off-Campus Links Pages - The Police Notebook The Police Notebook Law Enforcement Internet site to promote safety and crime kids links links. kids Web - A WWW Digital Library Just for kids http://www.ou.edu/oupd/linkks.htm | |
30. Parents School Violence, Safety And Security Center and resources for kids safe and constructive use of the Internet. This section links you to sites for lab safety, school resource officer http://www.keepschoolssafe.org/parents/ | |
31. Evans Public Library: Kids Links And Safety Tips kids links and safety Tips, Evans Public Library, Vandalia, IL. http://www.epl.lib.il.us/kidlink.htm | |
32. Theme Park Insider Readers' picks for top theme parks and attractions for adults, kids, and toddlers. Includes reviews, links, discussion board, and safety and accident information. http://www.themeparkinsider.com/ | |
33. Parenting, Pregnancy, Childcare, Babynames - Parenthood.com Just for kids Scrap Books Home Garden Children Music Holiday/PartySupplies Recalls Transportation safety Child/Household safety http://www.parenthood.com/links.html | |
34. ALA | Especially For Children And Their Parents Internet safety Tips for kids From the National Center for Missing and Great Web Sites for kids A cybercollection of links to Web sites for fun and http://www.ala.org/ala/oif/foryoungpeople/childrenparents/especiallychildren.htm | |
35. Parent Links Single Parenting. Fathers. Child safety. Workrelated. Shopping links A must-have e-book to raise your kids right during and after divorce. http://www.rexanne.com/parentlinks.html | |
36. Internet Safety: Surfing The Net With Kids safety for kids on the Net is frontpage news now that the Supreme Court has The following links are either new discoveries or sites that didn t make it http://www.surfnetkids.com/kidsafe.htm | |
37. Music K-8 Kids Links To Cool Web Sites Find links to kidfriendly web sites. Music K-8 kids is a music site with neatstuff for kids Safekids - Online safety. links will open in a new window. http://www.musick8kids.com/html/links.tpl?category=Safety&color=r |
38. Ol Blue, USA - Kids Safety Center Coloring Story Book links. Bicycle safety Around Large Vehicles Educating Kidsabout safety around all large vehicles http://www.olblueusa.com/KidsSafetyCenter.html |
39. Keeping Internet Kids Safe - A 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organization A small collection of articles about online safety topics, as well as some links, and newsletter archives. http://www.kiks.org | |
40. Recommended Web Links - Keep Kids Healthy web links describing Internet sites of interest to Parents. the NationalHighway Traffic safety Administration, a page for kids using Vince and Larry, http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/welcome/weblinks.html | |
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