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61. Amateur Scientist Sites Large collection of articles, links, discussions, and other resources for Check out kids projects http//www.halcyon.com/sciclub, the physics and Tesla http://www.funsci.com/texts/wsites_en.htm | |
62. PHYSICS Has links to several pages that offer ideas and resources for science projects . Boston Museum of Science offers an online interactive where kids can http://www.bu.edu/lernet/GK12/GK12 Resources.htm | |
63. - Einstein Links Einstein Year a year celebrating physics - Einstein links This site containsa biography, reading list, multimedia information and Einstein for kids. http://www.einsteinyear.org/facts/biography/document_view | |
64. Physics Category Specific links. physics Internet Connection Science Nature for kids links information about a variety of science topics. http://cusef.byu.edu/registn/categor/physics.htm | |
65. Dragonfly Hot Links Children s Literature links to literature for kids of all ages Past NobelLaureates in physics Created by the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center http://www.units.muohio.edu/dragonfly/links.htmlx | |
66. The People Of Qatar Jaber Qatar, newspapers, music, songs, IRC, shopping, kids games, Islam. O; AlObaidly, Nasser links . Q; Al-Qaradawi, Dr. Ilham physics, http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/8522/qatarg.html | |
67. Science.gov Topic Resources For Kids, Parents And Teachers For User Category All Education Resources Math Science Provides links to math- and QuarkNet -Brings high school physics teachers and their students into the research http://www.science.gov/browse/w_133A.htm | |
68. Science Blog Research News In Science, Health, Medicine, Space GCSE physics Earth and Universe kids - Topics include the earth, kids Earth and Sky - kids - Includes articles, activities, and links for http://www.scienceblog.com/community/phpodp/odp.php?browse=/Kids_and_Teens/Schoo |
69. Lab For Terrestrial Physics Education And Outreach Page The Lab for Terrestrial physics links for Students. For kids Only (EarthScience Enterprise ) http//kids.earth.nasa.gov http://ltp-education.gsfc.nasa.gov/kidslinks.html | |
70. ALA | Great Web Sites: Chemistry & Physics CHEMISTRY AND physics. Back to Great Web Sites for kids main page of theatomic structure of each element, and links to additional information. physics http://www.ala.org/ala/alsc/greatwebsites/greatwebsiteschemistry.htm | |
71. Optical Research Associates - Optics For Kids Another thing to search for is physics FAQ, which exists in several places onthe Net and Here are some great web links and other resources on optics. http://www.opticalres.com/kidoptx.html | |
72. SSDOO Education: Activities For Students Space science activities for elementary and secondary students in astronomy, physics, life sciences, and space technology. http://ssdoo.gsfc.nasa.gov/education/kids.html | |
73. Errors And "science Myths" In K-6 Science Textbooks BAD physics Misconceptions spread by K6 Textbooks; ELECTRICITY misconceptionsAll links to other Websites. REPORT A TEXTBOOK ERROR, AAP s e-line http://www.amasci.com/miscon/miscon.html | |
74. Kids In Physics Texas Tech physics department outreach program. http://www.phys.ttu.edu/~tlcdl/kidsinphysics.html | |
75. Funology.com -- The Laboratory -- Science Experiments Lots of fun home experiments for kids exploring physics, chemistry, biology and the weather. http://www.funology.com/laboratory/index.htm | |
76. The Space Place :: Build A Newtonian Physics Machine If you build it carefully, this Newtonian physics Machine device demonstrates one of the basic laws of nature. http://spaceplace.jpl.nasa.gov/en/kids/funphysics.shtml | |
77. SCIENCE HOBBYIST: Amateur Science Experiments, Demonstrations, Projects In the matter of physics the first lessons should contain nothing but what is SCI. articles links SCIENCE PROJECTS Articles from latest THE AMATEUR http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/amasci.html | |
78. Web Links Web links science fair projects, ideas, experiments and topics. Search enginefor kids, children, educators and teachers Searching sites designed for http://www.super-science-fair-projects.com/web-links.html | |
79. Green Living - Homework Center - Multnomah County Library http//chemistry.berkeley.edu/links/temperature.html Let this online calculator physics Megasites Bubbles and Soap Bouyancy Roller Coasters http://www.multcolib.org/homework/physcihc.html | |
80. ReferenceResources:Physics physics links links to sites about physics. EIA Kid s Page Learn the differencebetween renewable and nonrenewable energy from the Energy Information http://www.kidinfo.com/Science/Physics.html | |
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