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41. Sectoral Determination For Children In Performing Arts It is the Sectoral Determination for Children in the performing arts or CIPAthat, for the first Related links. Child labour case postponed 08/04/2004 http://www.labour.gov.za/media/speeches.jsp?speechdisplay_id=5347 |
42. Links To Online Arts Resources Developed by the John F. Kennedy Center for the performing arts in cooperationwith the The Virginia Art Education Association s site offers links, http://www.arts.state.va.us/resourcesonlinenew.htm | |
43. Links To Commission-Funded Arts Organizations visit the Virginia Association of Museum s links to Virginia Museums componentof its To identify a performing arts touring artist or ensemble, http://www.arts.state.va.us/vcaorganizationgranteelinksnew.htm | |
44. Arts And Disabilities Web Tour: Please email to the NADC any suggestions for additional links to our site. Interact Center for the Visual and performing arts was founded to provide http://nadc.ucla.edu/links.htm | |
45. Teacher Tap: Performing Arts: Dance, Drama, & Music links to resources for children and young adults. Music from Blue Web N performing arts Dance, Music, and Drama from Discovery School s Kathy Schrock s http://www.eduscapes.com/tap/tapmusic.html | |
46. Kindig Performing Arts Center! Explore Your Possibilities at br the Kindig performing arts Center Click onthe links for the PAC Rats Theatre Company to find out more about the http://learn.southsuburbancollege.edu/theatre/ | |
47. Performing Arts Puppetry Resources Worldwide links to puppetry festivals, theaters and For more information on this see Open Directory topics performing arts or http://library.loganutah.org/directory/links/perarts.html | |
48. AFPL Internet Search Guide - Performing Arts Incl. Stage, Films links to information about performing arts including movies, television, radioand other theatre arts. Includes reviews, information about live performances http://www.af.public.lib.ga.us/internet_links/arts_perf.html |
49. This Page Provides The Most Interesting Links To The Japanese Performing Arts Of page provides the most interesting links to the Japanese performing arts ofthe kabuki theater, The most excellent site on Japanese performing arts! http://japanese.about.com/od/dramaticarts/ | |
50. Arts And Culture - Refdesk.com Fine arts World Resource Page Directory of links to art, architecture, design, Juilliard School - official site of the school of the performing arts. http://www.refdesk.com/culture.html | |
51. TheatreNet.com - The Performing Arts Centre Highlights include Sylvie Guillem and Russell Maliphant performing two world kids WEEK IN THE WEST END kids WEEK IN THE WEST END is the annual event http://www.theatrenet.com/ | |
52. Orlando : Nightlife : The Performing Arts | Frommers.com of getting financing for a multimilliondollar world-class performing artscenter. For kids performances, the cost is $28 adults, $16 kids 3 to 11. http://www.frommers.com/destinations/orlando/0022021114.html | |
53. Milwaukee County Tourism: Current Events, Museums, Parks & Recreation, Festivals Adults, kids, and families will look forward to a day at the Milwaukee County Zoo . Wisconsin s home to a variety of performing arts, offering year round http://www.explorewisconsin.com/countypages/milwaukee.html | |
54. Arts In Atlanta - Performing Arts Page arts in AtlantaA collection of links to the arts in Atlanta. Music DanceFilm Video Theatre performing arts Organizations performing arts http://www.artsinatlanta.org/performingarts | |
55. Western Michigan University - Performing Arts Administration MFA Program - Commu WMUÂs Master of Fine arts in performing arts Administration is a Because ofits links within the community, the Council make connections that bring http://www.wmich.edu/cfa/artsadministration/links.htm | |
56. Performing Arts performing arts. performing arts links; performing arts links performing artslinks; performing arts links performing arts links hjemmeside med http://www.ezilon.com/world/arts_&_humanities/performing_arts/index.shtml | |
57. Hoagies' Gifted Education: Performing Arts Instruction For Exceptionally And Pro These kids are often driven to excel. Many work tirelessly to master a performing arts instruction must meet the eg/pg childÂs cognitiveability level. http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/performing_arts.htm | |
58. Fauquier County Local Links: Performing And Visual Arts The Fauquier Citizen » Community » Local links. performing and visual arts Center for the arts Offers childrenÂs theatre, visual, performing and http://www.citizenet.com/community/local-links/arts.shtml | |
59. Coming Up Taller http//www.aeparts.org Connect for kids Guidance for Grownups Find resources,links, field reports and features on artists and arts organizations. http://www.cominguptaller.org/resource.html | |
60. Our-Kids: Performing Arts Performances for kids are usually geared toward kids 3 and older. The theateris located in the Smithsonian arts and Industries Building on the National http://www.our-kids.com/performing_arts.shtml | |
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