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Kids Links Environment: more detail | |||||
41. Environment And Nature - Refdesk.com resources and links for teachers and kids; links to other ocean/coastal These fun and interactive activities are for kids, the general public, http://www.refdesk.com/nature.html | |
43. Kids' Science Page. Environment And Natural Resources - National Agricultural Li Internet links. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) kids Stuff FrogWebResources for kids Groundwater Foundation Kid s Corner http://www.nal.usda.gov/Kids/env.htm | |
44. Discovery Museum : : Home Provides a friendly, handson, interactive learning environment for children of all ages. Exhibit details, party information, events calendar, contact information, and links to kids Internet sites. http://www.northcoast.com/~discover/ | |
45. Eco-Schools: Environment Links UK environment Agency kids Section Play some fun environmental games; watchand interact with the K-Zone animations and learn how you can help make http://www.eco-schools.org/links/links_environment.htm | |
46. National Association Of Conservation Districts environmental Education links !! Where to go for more information. Simon thesalamander help kids, and the rest of us, learn about the environment its http://www.nacdnet.org/resources/Links-Education.htm | |
47. ReferenceResources:OurEnvironment All About the environment links to web pages about the environment; PlanetPals Planetpals teaches kids to love our planet and everything in it in a http://www.kidinfo.com/Science/Our_Environment.html | |
48. Childstats.gov - Related Resources Complete List of Behavior and Social environment links General Behavior Alcohol Use kids Pages. Complete List of kids Pages links Back to Top http://www.childstats.gov/related.asp | |
49. Links To Issues On Kids Health And Schools Get Involved, Other are links for environmental Activist Alternatives /Solutions for a pesticide/chemical free kids / Schools healthy environment http://www.getipm.com/links/kids-schools.htm | |
50. Biodiversity & The Environment Teacher Resources - NBII This directory links to dozens of sites on the Web that offer projects, From Defenders of Wildlife, this site is full of materials for kids and teachers http://www.nbii.gov/education/biodiversity.html | |
51. Illinois EPA Envirofun Captain Earthworm, Captain Redbird, and Captain Bluegill present informationabout recycling, pollution, and tips for keeping the environment healthy. http://www.epa.state.il.us/kids/ | |
52. NIEHS Kids' Pages Links And Resources NIEHS kids Pages links to other Science Sites, developed by the of EnvironmentalHealth Sciences as a means of introducing kids to science and http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/links.htm | |
53. Kidsrgreen From the Centre for environmental Education (CEE), kRg offers educational activities and games about many aspects of the environment. Also offers crafts and a theme of the month. http://www.kidsrgreen.org/ |
54. National Institute Of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes Of Heal National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences kids Pages, games, links Caution When you encounter this image link to a nonNIEHS site or the http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/home.htm | |
55. Kids_home_page7-6-2005 Tells kids what they can to do protect the environment. http://www.globalresponse.org/kidsactions.php | |
56. KIDS LINKS EARTH MURALS The Earth Murals project is a Global kids environmental awarenessproject dedicated to involving children in all 50 MORE kids links MZ http://www.ecomall.com/biz/kidslinks.htm | |
57. SD DENR WPP Kids Page Learn about the state watershed and environmental issues. http://www.state.sd.us/denr/dfta/watershedprotection/kidspage.htm | |
58. Computer Clubhouse An afterschool learning environment for kids to explore their own interests and learn about technology. http://www.computerclubhouse.org/ | |
59. NRDC References/Links NRDC s reference section includes summaries of environmental laws and treaties, links Our Picks of the Week kids links By Topic Clean Air Energy http://www.nrdc.org/reference/ | |
60. NIEHS Kids Page -- Games And Activities Games, music, brainteasers, and other activities that introduce children to the impact of the environment on health. http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/games.htm | |
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