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         Kids Links Engineering:     more detail
  1. Fourth World: Book One in the Missing Link Trilogy (Smart Kids) by Kate Thompson, 2006-04-18

41. Students - Cool Links
Explore these cool links to find out more about engineers and Science NewsFor kids is a great place to find science and engineeringrelated games,
Explore these cool links to find out more about engineers and engineering education!
  • Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits
    Discover Engineering

    This student-only site is geared toward sixth through ninth graders. It helps you learn about engineering careers and find minority and female role models. Check out the "cool stuff" section that highlights the fun and importance of engineering.
    Down the Drain

    Have you ever thought about how much water goes down the drain whenever you flush the toilet? How about when you turn on the dishwasher? Do you think it's the same in other parts of the world? Well, these questions can be answered by participating in "Down the Drain," a collaborative online classroom project designed by the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE). This cool exercise lets you collect data from around the world to see how their water-usage compares to ours at home.
    Engineer Girl!

42. Division Of Engineering Science Biomed Related Thesis Links
Students can focus on fundamental engineering, chemistry and/or biology and control, virtual music instrument for kids with physical disabilities,
Possible Thesis Projects and Supervisors
Biotechnology Program at UTM

Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Chemical Engineering
Prof. Grant Allen
- Chemical Engineering
Prof. Paul Brumer
- Dept. of Chemistry New
Prof. Warren C. W. Chan
Prof. Tom Chau
- IBBME, Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre New
Prof. Alan R. Davidson
Dept. of Medical Genetics and Microbiology, Dept. of Biochemistry
Prof. Stephen Davies
- IBBME, ECE Prof. Al-Amin Dhirani - Dept. of Chemistry New Prof. C. Ross Ethier - IBBME, MIE New Dr. Sylvain Houle - Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Prof. Masahiro Kawaji - Chemical Engineering Prof. Ian Manners - Chemical Engineering Prof. Stephen Naumann - Director, Rehabilitation Engineering Department, Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre and Associate Professor, IBMME Prof. V. G. Papangelakis

43. WebED
SCIENCE links. Science Nature for kids This site provides DataFit 7.1, A science and engineering tool that simplifies the tasks of data
Home Education WebED K-12 Links WebEd Info Announcements


K-12 Links
OSC Educational Programs
WebEd K-12 Links go to section Math Links Science Links Life Science Links Language Art Links Geography and Space Links General Links Tools for Statistical Analysis Tools for On-line Material Collaboration and Problem-based Learning I. MATH LINKS
  • Ask Dr. Math: Award winning math site, Kings County: California Mathematics Academic Content Standards and Assessment, Organizations, Resources, Real World Mathematics, Numbers in Search of a Problem. Computing Technology for Math Excellence is devoted to resources for teaching and learning mathematics (K-12 and calculus) and the standards movement in education. Math resources include over 70 software products that have been shown to raise achievement levels of students. There are links to sites for basic skills mastery, problem solving and critical thinking, using data, homework assistance, games, simulations, virtual math manipulatives, project-based learning, field trips for math, standardized testing, and more. Gallery of Interactive Geometry: WebPisces allows you to compute curves in a plane and modify parameters and domains; Build a Rainbow examining a mathematical model of light passing through a water droplet...

44. AHFMR Links
The Natural Sciences and engineering Research Council supports kids Healthis a site for parents, kids, and teens that presents science in a fun and
About AHFMR Funding Opportunities Media Desk Publications ... Experts
Related Links
* Please note that the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research does not endorse, nor is it responsible for the content of the sites listed below.
By Category Alberta Universities Health and Research Organizations Health and Science Teaching Resources By AHFMR Program Technology Commercialization Dissemination SEARCH Program Health Technology Assessment ... Communications and Education Alberta Universities
University of Alberta
  • Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry University of Calgary
  • Faculty of Medicine ... University of Lethbridge The University of Alberta is a research-intensive institution and home to many Heritage researchers. It is located in Edmonton, Alberta. The University of Calgary is a research-intensive institution and home to many Heritage researchers. It is located in Calgary, Alberta. The University of Lethbridge is a research-intensive institution and home to many Heritage researchers. It is located in Lethbridge, Alberta. Health and Research Organizations Provincial National International Provincial
    Alberta Cancer Board

    Alberta Centre for Active Living

    Alberta Center for Injury Control and Research

    Alberta Diabetes Foundation
    Institute for Health Economics

    The Alberta Cancer Board is a major health services organization operating cancer facilities and programs throughout Alberta.
  • 45. *Imagine* Engineering Links
    CTY s Investigations in engineering, Johns Hopkins University; Cybercamps Dialogue for kids Robotics Discoverengineering links (by field)
    Focus on Engineering
    Volume 11 #3, Jan/Feb 2004
    Summer Programs

    46. RRTC:Information And Resource Referral Project
    engineering Assisitve Technology Society of North America. Search Enginesfor kids links are provided for common search engines for kids including
    Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision
    Information and Resource Referral Project
    Site Map
    • Accessible Publications in Media Links to Books on Tape, Braille books, Online Newspapers and Magazines. Aging and Vision Loss National Organizations which deal with issues on aging and vision loss as well as online resources. Blind Sports and Recreation Resources Links to National Parks, Recreation Programs, such as bowling, golfing and skiing; National Organizations ie., Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America; as well as Special Olympics to name a few. Blindness Information Links Links to Organizations for the Blind such as American Council for the Blind, American Printing House for the Blind to Deaf/Blind resources, library resources and resources for Christian families etc. Blindness Related Research Resources Research resources include ABLEDATA, National Rehabilitation Information Center and the Trace Center as well as many more. Blinded Veterans Programs This section provides information regarding VA facilities, clinics by State and Region. Braille and Transcription Services Resources include Braille Transcription Services, Books, Graphics, Music and Learning Braille.

    47. FEMA: Earthquake Links
    Earthquake engineering Research Centers and NEHRPFunded Centers. Earthquakeengineering Research kids • Earthquake links • FEMA Print Publications
    Hazards Assistance Flood Maps NPSC ... NEHRP Publications and Resources Earthquake Links Search FEMA NEHRP Mitigation Division About the NEHRP Best Practices ... Hazards Publications and Resources Earthquake Links The following agencies and organizations can provide additional information on earthquakes and earthquake mitigation: NEHRP Agencies [Back to Top]
    Federal Partners [Back to Top]
    Regional Consortia

    48. Topic Resources For Kids, Parents And Teachers For User Category All
    Education Resources Math Science Provides links to math- and science-related Imagine - Imagine science and engineering quarterly newsletter.
    Home Alerts Site Map Index ... Communications See also Search Advanced Search
    Enables you to search 47 million pages in real time
    Browse topic: ( home) Science Education Resources for Kids, Parents and Teachers
    B C D ... W
    Advanced Technology Integration for Space and Life Sciences
    - To educate and inform members of the biomedical community who are interested in the challenges of human spaceflight. [National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)]
    Agriculture in the Classroom
    - Educational resources. [Department of Agriculture (USDA)]
    America Counts
    - A program equipping teachers to teach challenging mathematics, supporting high-quality research on best practices of mathematics teaching and learning; and building a public understanding of today's mathematics [Department of Education (ED)]
    Astrogeology Research Program
    [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); Astrogeology Research Program.]
    B Biology in the News. - Links to the science news sites of scores of different news services, an NBII Information Node. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)]

    49. Genetic Engineering: A Guide For Kids By Tiki The Penguin
    Find out about genetic engineering in this guide What is it? Click here togo to my links page to find out more about groups concerned about genetic

    Navigate Tiki's site

    My website map

    What can kids do? Lots of things. If you are worried about GE, here's what you can do:
    • Find out about others who feel the same way. There are hundreds of groups in many countries all working to wake up other people to the possible risks of GE. You can join and I've listed some on my links page.
    • You can send emails or write letters to your local or national government in your country - that would really surprise them.
    • Better still, call or write to supermarket managers or even the companies who make GMOs. Tell them what you think and why.
    • You can pester your mum or dad to help you (and them) find out more. Get them to buy organic food (which is not allowed to contain any GMOs).
    • If you have a garden or yard, try growing your own vegetables. It's fun... and then you know where your food came from. You could even keep a couple of hens for eggs (being a bird myself, I don't like to think about eating eggs but I don't suppose the hen will mind if you're kind to her). Or buy local food , perhaps from a farmer's market, your local farm or join a veg box scheme. Again, you know where the food comes from, who grows it and what it is they grow.

    50. K-12 Students And Teachers | College Of Engineering & Applied Science | Universi
    If so, you should check out our engineering classes for kids. We offer weeklongsummer For more opportunities visit these other CU outreach links
    This Site CU Web Site CU People Prospective Students Current Students Faculty and Staff Alumni and Donors ... Engineering Home
    Kids and Engineering: Come Join in the Fun!
    CU Wizards Program
    Professor Jean Hertzberg of mechanical engineering presented "Too Hot to Handle" and "Go with the Flow" as part of the CU Wizards Program, one of the many K-12 outreach efforts promoting the study of science and engineering.
    CU Wizards Schedule
    Do you know a child who likes to take apart toys and rebuild them, or who asks questions like, "Why do the lights turn on when you flip the switch?" If so, you should check out our engineering classes for kids. We offer weeklong summer classes where children can study machines and discover what makes them work, then design and build an electro-mechanical robot or toy of your their creation.

    51. Orthotics And Prosthetics Rehabilitation Engineering Centre - Our Links
    O P links of Interest. The following are other O P Internet Sites that may A newsletter for families and friends of children with

    Founded in 1970, the "Academy" as it is known within the profession, became the first professional organization established to further the scientific, educational, and professional attainments of practitioners in the disciplines of orthotics and prosthetics.

    ISPO - International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics

    An international multi-disciplinary organization comprised of persons who have a professional interest in the clinical, educational and research aspects of prosthetics, orthotics, rehabilitation engineering and related topics.
    NAAOP - National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics

    NAAOP is an organization totally committed to addressing national legislative issues of concern which impact the delivery of high quality Orthotic and Prosthetic health care services. NCOPE - National Commission on Orthotic-Prosthetic Education PFA - Pedorthic Footwear Association The not-for-profit organization representing professionals involved in the field of pedorthics. ADA - American Diabetes Association

    52. What Do Scientists Do?
    a 64page publication of the American Society for engineering Education. This listing provides quick links to US government
    To understand the importance of a good science education, it's important to think about the many ways in which science contributes to our everyday lives. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you're probably enjoying the benefits that result from a scientist's work. Sound engineers make your movies and music better. Doctors study diseases and discover new cures and treatments. Chemists bring you health and beauty aids - from medicines to soap and perfume - to keep you feeling and looking your best. Agricultural scientists help bring fresh, nutritious produce to your supermarkets. Automotive engineers get you from point A to point B quickly and safely. And before the pest control company comes to service your home, there are entomologists studying how bugs and critters operate. These are just a few examples. Many more examples of science abound, on the ground, in the skies, and in the oceans. When you think of scientists or engineers, you might think of astronauts, lab researchers, oceanographers, biologists, geologists, or anthropologists. But many other people in your community work with science every day: your dentist, pharmacist, veterinarian, zookeeper, optometrist, park ranger, and physical therapist or nurse, among others. People with science backgrounds also work as statisticians, teachers, and journalists. In short, science is an important part of many different kinds of jobs. Interested in more? Check out these additional resources!

    53. Aeronautics - Hot Links!
    justeng.jpg (1607 bytes), engineering recruitment websitethat is 100% free to engineering Other Educational links Related to kids
    Home Research For Teachers HISTORY ... Admin/Tools partially funded by NASA, it is still a private site. Therefore, before using our materials in any form, electronic or otherwise, you need to ask permission.
    There are two ways to browse the site: (1) use the search button above to find specific materials using keywords; or,
    (2) go to specific headings like history principles or careers at specific levels above and click on the button.
    Teachers may go directly to the Teachers' Guide from the For Teachers button above or site browse as in (1) and (2). FAQ
    Hot Links !!
    ALLSTAR related site ALLSTAR Learning Laboratory provides access to Blacks in Aviation part of site
    General links and contributors:
    NASA NASA Headquarters NASA Langley Research Center Office of Education NASA Ames Research Center ... The Franklin Mint Airplane Collection-History Level 2 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (Hurricane Hunters of the Air Force Reserve) Aerospace Education Alliance - Wings Student Organization
    Other Aeronautics related NASA funded projects:
    Aviation Academy 2000 K-8 Aeronautics Internet Textbook (K8AIT) LEGO Data Acquisition and Prototyping System (LDAPS) PlaneMath ... Student Program for Aeronautics Resources and Knowledge (SPARK)
    History of Aviation related links:
    Air Force Magazine National Aviation Hall of Fame biographies of inductees The Ninety-Nines women pilots' organization International Women's Aviation Air and Space Museum Women's Airforce Service Pilots of World War II The Glenn H. Curtiss Museum of Early Aviation

    54. Guide To Selected Bridge Engineering Web Sites: Multidisciplinary Center For Ear
    It also provides links to bridge engineering software, publications, and exhibits a bridge discussion forum, and bridgerelated links for kids.
    search our site
    Guide to Selected Bridge Engineering Web Sites
    • AISI Steel Works: Bridges

      Compiled by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), this site includes design aids, research reports, and information on training and seminars. In addition, the AISI home page at provides current news and data on the steel industry, a list of AISI publications, public policy issues, and links to steel-related trade associations, government agencies, research institutions, and member companies.
    • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

      Highlights of this site include the AASHTO Journal , which provides a weekly overview of transportation issues, and the AASHTO Regulatory Monitor (Regs Report) with weekly coverage of the US Federal regulations on transportation. Both documents can be searched using keywords.
    • Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

    55. Earthquakes And Earthquake Engineering, Frequently Asked Questions, With A Speci
    The page also includes links to recent earthquake activity and other earthquakerelatedsites. Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) kids Zone
    search our site
    Guide to Selected Web Sites for Earthquake Education
    Comprehensive Sources
    • The Disaster Center

      This is a comprehensive site with information about earthquakes (causes, plate tectonics, preparedness, hazard maps, effects, risk prediction, children's sites, seismic design, EQ info for educators, international EQ info). It also includes a variety of natural hazards (drought, flood, hurricanes, etc).
    • Earthquake Facts and Fiction

    • Exploratorium: Life Along the Faultline

      Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and Chevron, this site provides earthquake information suitable for middle school and high school students. Video from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and photographs from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake illustrate seismic damage and community disaster response. The site also features explanations for the causes of earthquakes, methods for building earthquake resistant structures, several earth science projects, an invitation to submit personal experiences of earthquakes, and a short list of links to other earthquake-related sites.
    • Geological Society of America: Resources for K-12 Earth Science Educators

    56. GEERing Up! UBC Engineering & Science For Kids
    UBC engineering and Science for kids is a nonprofit program dedicated to providing To find an Actua program in another city, check out our links page.
    GEERing Up! UBC Engineering and Science for Kids is a non-profit program dedicated to providing youth in Greater Vancouver opportunities to explore science, engineering and technology in fun, creative, innovative and educational ways. Designed, organized and operated by UBC students, we endeavor to show program participants how fun, exciting and useful engineering and science can be, using interactive demonstrations and hands-on activities. The students hear the words, see the examples, and do the rest! Our goal is to provide this incredible learning experience to as many youth as possible. In addition to bringing workshops to schools all over the Lower Mainland in May and June for each year, we offer camps at UBC’s Point Grey campus each July and August. At our Explorers, Imagineers, Innovators and Inventors camps, children and youth who will be entering grades two through ten visit our on-campus camps for deeper discovery and learning. In addition, GEERing Up! offers several unique programs and initiatives, including Girls Only! Week with our Discoverers and Developers camps, Young Women in Science and Technology Mentorship Camp (YWSET) for those in grades 9 through 12, our new Junior Engineer Leadership Program for those in grades 11 and up, and an Aboriginal Outreach Satellite Camp with the K’omox First Nation. This year, we are also pleased to offer a second Satellite Camp at another aboriginal community yet to be selected. GEERing Up! is committed to equal opportunity access, and offers bursaries to all campers who demonstrate financial need.

    57. Other Math Links
    American Society for engineering Education Washington, DC Kid s Click -Web Guide for kids by Librarians Knot a Braid of links - Canadian
    Helpful Math Links
    Algebra Quizzes - BBC Education

    American Association of School Librarians - ICONnect - Top Ten Internet Sites for Families

    American Society for Engineering Education - Washington, DC
    Center for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching
    - University of Exeter
    Chemistry Coach - Links to a Better Education

    Chicago Tribune - News In Education (Math Section)

    Common Math Mistakes -by Eric Schechter

    Community Learning Network - . CLN is designed to help K-12 teachers integrate technology into their classrooms.
    Math Games - BBC ONLINE
    Planet Hop, Late Delivery, Equation Math
    Math Historians
    Math League Math Quizzes - Wicked - Ministry of Education. Wellington, New Zealand Math Quotations Server ... Metric Conversion Factors - Washington State Department of Transportation The Miami Herald - Newspaper in Education - Math Links MidLink Magazine By Kids 8 - 18 -supported by SAS inSchool, North Carolina State University, the University of Central Florida. Multiplication Table Applet by Dickinson State University Multiplication Table - Dave's Math Tables ... NRICH - National Royal Institution Cambridge Homerton - OnLine Maths Club University of Cambridge School of Education OJK's Precalculus Study Page PBS Mathline - Recommended links for teachers Pennsylvania Dept. of Education - Recommended Math Sites

    58. Cartoons To Engage Children In Science And Engineering Edutech
    Hot links. US Educator s Reference (Formerly AskERIC) From a simple idea ofusing cartoons to engage and teach kids about science and engineering,

    59. RDOS: Departments: Engineering Services: Solid Waste: Kids' Corner
    kids learn about the environment in a fun and interactive way. Check out the kidsActivities Just click on the pictures or text links below. Have fun!
    Search: Departments Summary Chief Administrative Office Finance Engineering Services ... Legislative Services Engineering Services W elcome to
    a web page made especially for kids. Kids learn about the environment in a fun and interactive way. Check out the Kids Activities below and learn how to compost, recycle and reduce the amount of garbage you make. Just click on the pictures or text links below. Have fun! Try to find the words in...
    Draw a picture of how your community would look "Free of Litter". See the results of...
    Last updated: May 26, 2003 101 Martin St. * Penticton, BC V2A 5J9 * Canada Toll Free Phone: 1.877.610.3737 Email: Home About Us Departments
    Powered by Acertive Media Viewing links with this icon requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    Download here

    60. Engology, Professional Links, Professional/Chartered Engineering, Women In Engin
    Useful Professional links. Science, Technology engineering Programme for Schools. Showing the Diversity of engineering to kids . http//
    Useful Links and Books European Space Agency ( ESA ) - Engineers Without Borders Future Scientists and Engineers of America Structural Engineers Association of Illinois ( SEAOI ) Steve Altes Rocket Engineer, Writer, Actor, Brad Pitt's Stand-in and Photo-double. TechsUnite Cable Science Network Eng - Tips Forum Society of Women Engineers ... The Engineering Honor Society - " Tau Beta Pi " Books
    Please read the book and encourage your public library to obtain a copy [ available for $40.55 online at ]. These notable achievements and innovator-role models should inspire future engineers for decades. It is a great summary of the crowning achievements of engineering, and it will enhance your pride in being an engineer. This synopsis by ; James D. Froula, P.E., Executive Director, Secretary-Treasurer and
    Editor, Tau Beta Pi. Book : ' Forks in the Road Impacting the World around us.

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