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61. Labor Studies Resource Page The Department of economics has a web page with links to general economicsresources including government pages, online journals and publications, http://www2.gwu.edu/~labor/resources.html | |
62. EconData.Net Data Quick Links Page kids COUNT Census Data Online, Annie E. Casey Foundation Regional EconomicInformation System (REIS), Bureau of Economic Analysis http://www.econdata.net/content_quicklinks.html | |
63. KCSOS : Conditions Of Children : Family Economics Conditions Of Children links. Home. Online Data Sources Demographics Family economics Education Family economics. mom and son Income and Wages http://kcsos.kern.org/ConditionsOfChildren/Economics | |
64. CanTeach: Links: English Language Arts - Literature Reviews, Theme Lists & Lesso CanTeach links to literature reviews, theme lists, and lesson plan resources . economics and Geography Lessons for 32 Children s Books Lesson plans for http://www.canteach.ca/links/linkreviews.html | |
65. U.S. Catholic Links While we try to police our links as much as possible, as a result of this emergingtechnology, economicsÂcivic response to WB/IMF global trade policies http://www.uscatholic.org/links/usclinks.html | |
66. Salt Of The Earth Links From the office of really official sounding disclaimers The links below areintended as a economicsÂcivic response to WB/IMF global trade policies http://salt.claretianpubs.org/links/links.html | |
67. Institute For Justice: Other Links Of Interest The Institute provides the following links to organizations with which we have the environment, law economics, and social welfare, the Institute strives http://www.ij.org/links/ | |
69. SWAP Links SWAP page of links on user requested topics. The New economics Foundation isthe radical think tank which describes itself as unique in bringing http://www.swap.ac.uk/Links/links.asp?show=sl&sid=__Jacsc33 |
70. UGA Extension Links Staff, Web links. Children Youth Families Diabetes Food Selection Buying FoodSafety Preservation Consumer economics Housing Environment Nutrition http://www.fcs.uga.edu/extension/links.html | |
71. The Global Social Change Research Project links to resources about social and economic growth and change. links topictures, movies, virtual postcards, midi music files, for kids to look at or http://gsociology.icaap.org/ | |
72. Children's Literature Lesson Plans And Resources This site contains links to lesson plans and resources for children s literature Many lesson plans integrating children s literature and economics. http://www.cloudnet.com/~edrbsass/edchildrenslit.htm | |
73. Social Studies Lesson Plans And Resources links to lesson plans intended to help teachers put current areas of global conflict, economics and Geography Lesson Plans for Children s Books http://www.cloudnet.com/~edrbsass/edsoc.htm | |
74. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Sustainable Development EnviroDirectory, metadatabase on environmental lists of links. Context Institute,Sustainable culture, information; from economics to education, http://www.ulb.ac.be/ceese/meta/sustvl.html | |
75. CONSILIENCE PRODUCTIONS | "dialogue BEYOND Music" | Music Label, Political Blog, The arts are much more than just fun extra activities for kids. America snonprofit arts industry generates $134 billion in economic activity every http://www.cslproductions.com/democracy/links.shtml | |
76. About The International AIDS And Economics Network (IAEN) This list is not intended as an endorsement by AIDS economics or the World Bankof these sites. Select a category, or scroll down to browse links http://www.worldbank.org/aids-econ/links/ | |
77. Economics Social Studies Education Kids And Teens economics (Subscribe). Categories. Careers (35); Money (22). Organizations (2) Game challenges kids to earn, save, and spend money. http://www.internet-web-directory.com/Kids_and_Teens/Education/Social_Studies/Ec |
78. Institute Of Economic Affairs links to other useful sites or sites mentioned on the iea site A database oflinks on the Austrian School of economics from the LibertySearch portal. http://www.iea.org.uk/listBody.jsp?type=link&pageID=28 |
79. The Bell Policy Center The CRCE mission is to generate high quality economic research and analysis Useful state data from the 2004 kids COUNT Data Book available in an online http://www.thebell.org/links.html | |
80. Research Center: Web Resources: International Web Resources links to internal tobacco industry documents and other evidence of British American The World Bank Group s perspective the economics of tobacco control http://tobaccofreekids.org/research/webresources/international.shtml | |
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