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41. K-12 GEOGRAPHY/ECONOMICS New Laboratory for Teaching and Learning and links FOR kids ONLY! A hostof information and links to tutorials on the craft of geography. http://www.geocities.com/dboals.geo/geog.html | |
42. Poverty-Related Links By Category Contents ordering information for Wisconsin kids Count data books Contentsregistry of more than 6600 economics institutions worldwide http://www.irp.wisc.edu/links/category.htm | |
43. TeacherSource . Recommended Links . Social Studies | PBS Recommended links Archived Recommendations economics Savings Bonds for kids!Children can learn the basics about US savings bonds  what they are, http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/recommended/social_studies/lk_economics.shtm | |
44. FRONTLINE/WORLD . Educators . Activities . Economics . A Newscast On Nigerian Wo on Nigeria and the Role of Women section of links and Resources. your classto the kids in India or summarizes the most important links for the children http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/educators/economics_nigeria.html | |
46. Related Links (Note When you click on any of the links below, you will leave the Econfun.com site . Google Search for kids and Teens Social Studies economics http://www.econ-fun.com/related_links.htm | |
47. MiddleWeb Resources In Other Content Areas Internet Resources for Teachers of economics in Secondary Schools Robert Dixon, Search the site or browse links for kids, parents, and educators. http://www.middleweb.com/CurrOther.html | |
48. Mathematics Information (These won Nobel prizes in physics, literature, or economics, since there is nonefor mathematics, My Collection of Other links for kids (no math) http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~neum/math.html | |
49. MGPL Webrary® - Webrary Links Menu 300399 economics, jobs, government, law, education, social issues, finance, Five specialized pages of links are also available. kids links http://www.webrary.org/ref/weblinksmenu.html | |
50. Economics It s stocks and bonds. economics is part of almost everything you could everthink about. Find about how by visiting the links on this page. http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/economics.htm | |
51. Economics, Finance, Trade, Business Links economics, Finance, Trade, business links Young Investors Network help kidslearn the basics of investing. Registration required, but is free. http://www.indianchild.com/economics_and_finance.htm | |
52. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Home Page the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics . Skip Navigation links, Latest Numbers. DOL Seal Link to DOL Home Page http://www.bls.gov/ | |
53. Crisis: Links links links. General help and advice organisations; Government New economicsFoundation New economics Foundation - radical think tank which creates http://www.crisis.org.uk/links/index.php | |
54. Crisis: Links links links. Homelessness organisations; General help and advice organisations New economics Foundation radical think tank which creates practical and http://www.crisis.org.uk/research/links.php | |
55. WSJ.com - U.S. Home but an Arizona woman who uses phone and Web tracking to find missing kids isputting up a fight to keep the name on her site. More Journal links http://online.wsj.com/home/ | |
56. "Market Myths: The Failings Of Conservative Economics" By James K. Galbraith He shows how the realist style of economic argument works, combining the who send our kids to public schools; and who are aware that, for instance, http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2001/0103.galbraith.html | |
57. ASLAPR -- Helpful Links US Census Bureau 1997 Economic Census Finance and Insurance Arizona. Children.Annie E. Casey Foundation kids Count Data Arizona; Arizona Dept. of http://www.lib.az.us/links/factsAZ.cfm | |
58. Economic Behavior Resources The Economic Behavior of Children Remarks, links, Papers, and a Bibliography.A page devoted to the study of the economic behavior of children. http://www.psychology.org/links/Environment_Behavior_Relationships/Economics/ |
59. Related Links, Federal: NYS Kids' Well-being Indicators Clearinghouse KWIC provides links to public and private organizations that aim to promote the Social Security Administration SSA provides economic protection for http://www.nyskwic.org/related_links/federal.cfm | |
60. Related Links, Other: NYS Kids' Well-being Indicators Clearinghouse KWIC provides links to public and private organizations that aim to promote the The Urban Institute The Institute investigates social and economic http://www.nyskwic.org/related_links/other.cfm | |
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