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Home - Basic_K - Kids Links Economics |
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21. Home Economics Links Home economics links. Pratt s Educational Resources Free CrossStitch andPlastic Canvas Patterns For kids by Cherie Marie Leck FreePatterns.com http://www.fastq.com/~jbpratt/education/links/homeeconomics.html | |
22. Kids.net.au - Encyclopedia Economics - kids.net.au kids search engine 3 Development of economic thought. 4 Economicsand political economy. 5 See also. 1 External links http://www.kids.net.au/encyclopedia-wiki/ec/Economics | |
23. Kids.net.au Careers links to all major educational establishments also available. kids.net.au Search engine for kids, children, educators and teachers - Searching sites http://www.kids.net.au/kidscategories/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Social_Studies/ | |
24. ESR Metro kids Meeting kids brings together young people across racial, ethnic, economics links. American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning http://www.esrmetro.org/links.html | |
26. Economics Curriculum Links Econ and Data links Economic Statistics Briefing Room from the White HouseEconDash.com The Learning Vault Department of the Treasury for kids. http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/socialstd/Economics_Bookmarks.html | |
27. Economics Resources And Student Links economics Resources and Student links. The Stock Market Game is an educationprogram for school kids, college students, and continuing education. http://lessonplancentral.com/lessons/Economics/Resource_Links/ | |
28. Home Economics, Grades 6-8 Cyberdiet Smart kids modules for adopting a healthy lifestyle Educationalassociation links takes you to economics education web sites, etc. http://www.howard.k12.md.us/connections/middle/homeec68.html | |
29. Home Economics, Grades 9-12 Chow Club kids Nutrition - Young children s food and nutrition page. Educational association links takes you to economics education web sites, etc. http://www.howard.k12.md.us/connections/highschool/homeec912.html | |
30. Mr. Brown's Cyber School *** Economics, Finance, & Stocks *** Economic links For Students Fleet kids Fantastic Interactive site for bothMath and economics. Free interactive games for kids from 3rd 9th grades. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/tbrown117735MI/Stock_Market.html | |
31. Economics economics. Chokky Bikkies Looking at Fair Trade Cool Bank for kids links,the dog, and his friends explain banking in terms suitable for grades 3-5. http://www.funsocialstudies.learninghaven.com/links/economics.htm | |
32. Money: Kids And Cash--Economics Lesson Plan (grades K-5)--DiscoverySchool.com Grade level 35, Subject economics, Duration One class period links toinformation on its history, the production of a coin, and circulating coins http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/kidsandcash/ | |
33. ThinkQuest : Library : Money & Economics There are fun facts that you may not know about US currency, links to This project is to increase kids understanding of money, economics, goods, http://www.thinkquest.org/library/cat_show.html?cat_id=130 |
34. ICEE CD Meeting: WWW Resources For Economics The economics page contains links to over 50 economics courses with significant Includes and teacher s courner and some interactive quizzes for kids. http://www.edci.purdue.edu/vanfossen/219Eresourcelinks.html | |
35. U.S.History Lesson Plans (Page Two) America s Story Library of Congress for kids (great site!) Progressive Era1890-1913. Labor Day economics (great links!) For Younger Students http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/2American.html | |
36. Invest In Kids Working Group -- CED -- Committee For Economic Development -- Ind In the first Invest in kids working paper, Jagadeesh Gokhale, links.National Association for Business economics Washington Policy Seminar, March 2005. http://www.ced.org/projects/kids.shtml | |
37. CyberSleuthKids: Economic Resources economics Data and Information links Federal Budget information and links toInternational About Cybersleuthkids Contact Us Report broken links http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Business_/Economics/ | |
38. Home Economics Links, Articles And Topics At Suite101.com Getting kids ready for school each day is so much easier and less stre.......links, topics and articles at Suite101 related to Home economics. http://www.suite101.com/subjectheadings/contents.cfm/120 | |
39. NIEonline -- Chicago The Mint is an economics and finance site for youth, their teachers and parents . kids learn about creating a sound financial future for themselves by http://nieonline.com/chicago/links.cfm?category=ECONOMICS AND FINANCE |
40. NIE Online The Mint is an economics and finance site for youth, their teachers and parents . This is a quality site that kids and adults will enjoy. http://nieonline.com/fortworth/links.cfm?category=ECONOMICS AND FINANCE |
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