postionList = "compscreen,hedthick,admedia,tower,nuiad,interstitial"; OAS_RICH("interstitial"); OAS_RICH("admedia"); Grades K-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Astronomy/Space ... Health History Ancient History U.S. History World History Life Science Animals Ecology Human Body The Microscopic World ... Weather 6-8 > Animals Grade level: 6-8 Subject: Animals Duration: Two class periods Objectives Materials Procedures Adaptations ... Credit Objectives Find a video description, video clip, and discussion questions. Coral Reefs Use our free online Teaching Tools to create custom worksheets, puzzles and quizzes on this topic! Students will understand the following: The animals that live in a coral reef are uniquely suited to their environment. Materials For this lesson, you will need: Computer with Internet access Illustrated books and articles about the plants and animals that inhabit coral reefs Paper, stapler, and art materials for creating books Published nonfiction and fiction books on science topics for young children Procedures Let students know that they are going to work individually or in groups to write and illustrate short books that explain to younger children how the animals that inhabit coral reefs are uniquely suited to their environment. Before beginning work on their books, have students conduct research on the types of organisms that live in the reefs. They may use the materials you have provided, encyclopedias, books and periodicals from the library, or the Internet. Students should focus on finding out how specific animals that live in the reefs are adapted to their environments. (Adaptations may include camouflage, symbiosis, defenses, hunting strategies, and so on.) | |