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81. Education - 2005-06 College Of Arts & Sciences Catalog EDU366A Â visual Arts Curriculum and Methods, 1 credit. Methods, materials, and resources for teaching visual arts in grades k6. http://cas.bethel.edu/catalog/acadprog/dept/educa.html | |
82. Resources k6 supplementary mathematics for a technological society. The efficacy of using the visual arts to teach math and reading concepts. http://mailer.fsu.edu/~jflake/ebook/resource.html | |
83. SAC - Children CenterStageÂs Summer Arts Camp introduces kids to theatrical arts and to Ballroom Dance The festival features period music, theatre, dance, visual arts, http://www.spokanearts.org/children.asp?OrgID=218 |
84. SAC - Children information on children s art. CenterStageÂs Summer arts Camp introduces kids to theatrical arts and to Ballroom Dance. http://www.spokanearts.org/children.asp?OrgID=167 |
85. Summer Institute For Teacher Education In The Arts k6 music in the federally funded Arts IMPACT project in Columbus, Ohio. Merryl R. Goldberg, Ed.D., is a Professor of visual and Performing Arts at http://www.ccarts.wvu.edu/site/faculty.html | |
86. Page One scholarly activity in the visual or performing arts during the past two years. Concurrent registration with Tiger Camp available for k6 graders. http://www.lsu.edu/lsutoday/010504/pageone.html | |
87. Math Related SOLÂs Math K.3; Science K.6; English K.2, K.10; visual Arts K.8. Time Needed 1 session. Objective The student will write numerals to place the http://boyce.clarke.k12.va.us/math1.htm |
88. Outreach k6 Program. Fridays, 330-530 pm Ages 7-12 Divided into 3 groups of 25 children each (Arts activities will take place with two groups of 25 children each http://www.mainlineart.org/outreach.htm | |
89. Welcome To Fine Arts For Children & Teens, Inc. FACT provides quality visual arts education to young people, ages 8 to 18, FACT serves K 6th grade children, that many consider to be at-risk , http://www.factsantafe.org/whatwedo.htm | |
90. Sierra Madre Community Arts Commission The Arts Commission meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 630 pm in the California Arts Project, based on the California visual Arts Standards. http://www.sierramadrenews.net/artscommish.htm | |
91. ArtsWork - Instruction An effort has been made to include ideas that integrate the arts with one another Media (a huge list); Curriculum  visual arts, language arts, math, http://artswork.asu.edu/arts/teachers/lesson/resources.htm | |
92. VMFA: What's New Archive Classes are held in the museum s HealthSouth visual Arts Center. Museum Homepage Search VMFA Register for Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Email News http://www.vmfa.state.va.us/ceo.html | |
93. Research: Bibliography Of Articles On The Arts Literacy and the aesthetic experience Engaging children with the visual arts in visual Arts Research, vol. 25, no 2, 9098. Turner-Bisset, R. (2001). http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/Research/bibAC.html | |
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