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         Kenya History:     more books (100)
  1. Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire by David Anderson, 2005-10-03
  2. Women of Fire and Spirit: History, Faith, and Gender in Roho Religion in Western Kenya by Cynthia Hoehler-Fatton, 1996-04-11
  3. Mau Mau and Kenya: An Analysis of a Peasant Revolt (Blacks in the Diaspora) by Wunyabari O. Maloba, 1998-02
  4. Black Poachers, White Hunters: A Social History of Hunting in Colonial Kenya (Eastern African Studies) by Edward I. Steinhart, 2006-01-10
  5. East Africa: An Introductory History by Robert M. Maxon, 1994-10-01
  6. Facing Kirinyaga: A Social History of Forest Commons in Southern Mount Kenya by Alfonso Peter Castro, 1995-10
  7. Kenya from Within: A Short Political History (Cass Library of African Studies: General Studies) by Ross W McGregor, 1968-01-01
  8. When We Began, There Were Witchmen: An Oral History from Mount Kenya (Los Alamos Series in Basic and Applied Sciences, 13) by Jeffrey A. Fadiman, 1994-02-15
  9. Drums of Rebellion: Kenya in Chaos by J. Gordon Mumford, 2005-06-15
  10. A history of the Abaluyia of western Kenya: c. 1500-1930 (Peoples of East Africa) by Gideon S Were, 1967
  11. Land, Freedom and Fiction: History and Ideology in Kenya (Third World Books) by David Maughan-Brown, 1986-08
  12. "Girl Cases": Marriage and Colonialism in Gusiiland, Kenya, 1890-1970 (Social History of Africa) by Brett L. Shadle, 2006-08-30
  13. The Rough Guide to Kenya by Richard Trillo, 2002-07-01
  14. An Oral History of Tribal Warfare: The Meru of Mt. Kenya by Jeffrey A. Fadiman, 1982-08

161. Kenya Safaris,Tours And Travel
Specialists in custom tours and safaris in kenya and Tanzania. Choose from standard safari programs or simply customise your own.
Sun Trek Safaris is one of Kenya's finest tours, safaris and travel companies, specializing in short excursions, extended safaris, specialist and tailor-made travel and safaris, car hire, hotel and safari lodge bookings and much much more...
We cover the whole of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Botswana with our centrally based headquarters in Nairobi - Kenya and affiliate offices in Arusha, Dar-e-salaam, Kampala and Maun.
Other safari destinations we offer:
member of:
Sun Trek Safaris Kenya. Safari Centre, Waiyaki Way
P.O. Box 48146, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (254-2) 4442982,4 442486, 4443829
Fax: (254-2) 4448351

Last updated: Jan 9th 2004

162. CIA - Chiefs Of State And Cabinet Members Of Foreign Governments Kenya
List of names with titles, with date last updated.
Kenya - 5/23/2005
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments Last Updated: 5/23/2005 Kenya
President Mwai KIBAKI Vice President Moody AWORI Min. for Agriculture Kipruto arap KIRWA Peter Njeru NDWIGA John KOECH George SAITOTI Min. for Energy Simeon NYACHAE Stephen Kalonzo MUSYOKA Min. for Finance David MWIRARIA Min. for Foreign Affairs Chirau Ali MWAKWERE George Ochilo AYACKO Min. for Health Charity Kaluki NGILU Min. for Home Affairs Moody AWORI Raphael TUJU Kiraitu MURUNGI Newton KULUNDU, Dr. Amos KIMUNYA Joseph Konzolo MUNYAO Min. for Local Government Musikari Nazi KOMBO Anyang NYONGO Min. for Regional Development Authorities Abdi Mohamed MOHAMED Raila Amolo ODINGA Morris DZORO Mukhisa KITUYI Min. for Transport Christopher MURUNGARU Min. for Water Resources Martha KARUA John Njoroge MICHUKI Min. of State in the Office of the President for Public Service William ole NTIMAMA MIn. of State in the Office of the President for Special Programs Njenga KARUME Min. of State in the Office of the Vice President for Home Affairs Linah Jebii KILIMO Attorney General Amos WAKO Governor, Central Bank of Kenya

163. Kenya News.Net
Provides news headlines, links to local sports, weather, and a map of kenya.
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World News Hundreds of thousands flee Texas, Louisiana Big News Hurricane Rita downgraded to Category 4 CNN Senate panel approves Roberts nomination Big News Europe backs away from Iran UN threat Big News Three U.S. soldiers die in Iraq

164. - Kenya Missile Attack Sparks New Urgency - Dec. 4, 2002
CNN Europe CNN Asia Languages Spanish Portuguese German Italian Korean Arabic Japanese On CNN TV Transcripts Headline News CNN International ... Special Reports SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters CNNtoGO SEARCH Web
Kenya missile attack sparks new urgency
The Russian-made SA-7 missile launchers used in the Kenya attack Story Tools
VIDEO CNN's Jerrold Kessel has a look at developments in Israel to counteract the vulnerability of commercial jets to missile attacks. (December 3)
RELATED Interactive: A backgrounder on the SA-7 missile How to protect airliners from missiles
Al Qaeda claims credit for Kenya attack
Sen. Clinton asks for shoulder-fired missile defense QUICKVOTE Is protection against missiles on airliners worth paying higher air fares for?
Yes No VIEW RESULTS SPECIAL REPORT The hunt for al Qaeda Bin Laden's audio message, 2/03 Terror warning system Terror on tape ... War against terror JERUSALEM (CNN) Last week's attempted downing of an Israeli charter jet in Kenya is prompting the United States and Israel to seek ways to protect airliners against shoulder-fired missile attacks. Patrick Bar-Avi of Rafael, an Israeli military research and development firm, is developing "Britening" a missile-warning system for commercial airlines that automatically senses missiles and sends a light beam to deflect them from the plane.

165. Kenya - Geography And Climate
Includes geographic features, climatic conditions and a map.
Kenya - Geography and Climate
Kenya lies across the equator on the east of the African continent. Neighboring countries are Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to east, Tanzania to south, Uganda to west and Sudan to north-west. Geographic features
Climatic conditions
North to South Longest Distance
: 1,025 kms
Flying Time to Nairobi
  • From Europe: 8-10 hours From N. America: 16 hours From The Gulf: 4 hours From Far East, Australia: 16 hours
  • 166. Global Geografia - Africa, Kenya
    Scheda con informazioni generali.
    STATI E DIPENDENZE » KENYA Repubblica del Kenya
    Jamhuri ya Kenya

    Superficie: 582.800 Km²
    Abitanti: 30.766.000 (stime 2001)
    Densità: 53 ab/Km²
    Forma di governo: Repubblica presidenziale
    Capitale: Nairobi (2.000.000 ab.)
    Altre città: Mombasa 600.000 ab., Kisumu 170.000 ab.
    Gruppi etnici: Kikuyu 21%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kamba 11%, Kelenjin 11%, altri 30%
    Paesi confinanti: Etiopia a NORD, Sudan a NORD-OVEST, Uganda ad OVEST, Tanzania a SUD, Somalia ad EST Monti principali: Mount Kenya 5199 m Fiumi principali: Tana 710 Km Laghi principali: Lago Turkana (o Rodolfo) 6405 Km² (totale, compresa parte etiope), Lago Vittoria 3100 Km² (parte kenyana, totale 68.100 Km²) Isole principali: Isola Manda, Isola Pate, Isola Mfanganu, Isola Rusinga (queste due sul Lago Vittoria) Clima: Equatoriale Lingua: Swahili e Inglese (entrambe ufficiali), dialetti etnici Religione: Protestante 38%, Cattolica 26%, Musulmana 6% Moneta: Scellino del Kenya Ricette Cucina del Kenya , a cura di Cookaround ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES: Volo a/r per Nairobi Da Bologna, Milano, Roma, Venezia A partire da

    167. Kakamega Bird List
    Includes a checklist.
    Univ. of Kentucky Dept. of Entomology Insect Genetics Lab Udo Savalli ... Kakamega Forest CHECKLIST OF BIRDS OF THE KAKAMEGA FOREST AND NATIONAL RESERVE
    (C) 1989 Udo M. Savalli

    com. = common; = fairly common; etc.
    irreg. = irregular/irruptive; m. = migrant
    * = probable breeding; ** = confirmed breeding
    PELECANIDAE, Pelicans

    Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens vagrant R ARDEIDAE, Herons
    Grey Heron Ardea cinerea uncom. R Black-headed Heron A. melanocephala com. ** G Green-backed Heron Butorides striatus uncom. R SCOPIDAE, Hammerkop Hammerkop Scopus umbretta uncom. * R CICONIIDAE, Storks Abdim's Stork Ciconia abdimi uncom? ** G White Stork C. ciconia com. m W,G Marabou Leptoptilos cruminiferus uncom. V THRESKIORNITHIDAE, Ibises Hadada Bostrychia hagedash com. ** R ANATIDAE, Ducks African Black Duck Anas sparsa uncom. ** R ACCIPITRIDAE, Birds of Prey Hooded Vulture Neophron monachus uncom. V Eurasian Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus rare m G Pallid Harrier C. macrourus rare m G Harrier Hawk Polyboroides radiatus uncom. * W

    168. In The Shadow Of Death: HIV/AIDS And Children's Rights In Kenya
    A report from Human Rights Watch released on June 26, 2001.
    June 2001 Vol. 13, No. 4(A) KENYA
    HIV/AIDS and Children's Rights in Kenya
    Printable Version [pdf]

    169. Rescuers Recover Bodies At Kenya Crash Site

    170. Kenya Un Profil Culturel
    Informations sur le pays, sa culture et la vie quotidienne des Kenyans pr©sent©es par le Minist¨re canadien de la citoyennet© et de l'immigration.

    171. - UK Pledges Help To Kenya, Israel - Nov. 28, 2002
    CNN Europe CNN Asia Languages Spanish Portuguese German Italian Korean Arabic Japanese On CNN TV Transcripts Headline News CNN International ... Special Reports SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters CNNtoGO SEARCH Web
    UK pledges help to Kenya, Israel
    Straw: 'There is no justification for this kind of terrorism' Story Tools
    LONDON, England Britain has pledged to help Kenya and Israel in tracking down those responsible for the attacks in Kenya. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said Prime Minister Tony Blair was writing to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi to "emphasise the government's condemnation and our condolences to the relatives and friends. "There is no justification whatever in any circumstances for this kind of terrorism and of course we will be working with our colleagues in the law enforcement agencies concerned to do everything we can to offer assistance to them," he added. He said Britain was also reviewing its advice on traveling to Kenya following the terrorist attacks there. "I personally have seen no evidence which immediately links the al-Qaeda organisation to this outrage, but obviously we are assessing all the indications that there are and if there is a firm indication we will make a public announcement about that."

    172. Habib's Tours Homepage
    Offers camping, lodge, balloon safaris throughout kenya.

    173. CNN - Explosions Damage U.S. Embassies In Kenya, Tanzania - August 7, 1998

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    Explosions damage U.S. embassies in Kenya, Tanzania
    August 7, 1998
    Web posted at: 7:25 a.m. EDT (1125 GMT) NAIROBI, Kenya (CNN) A pair of major explosions, presumably targeted at U.S. embassies, rocked two African capitals early Friday, killing at least a dozen people and injuring hundreds. At least 10 people were confirmed dead in Nairobi, where an explosion ripped through the U.S. embassy and toppled a seven-story building next door in the city's crowded center about 10:30 a.m. Hospital officials said more than 400 people were injured in the blast and made an urgent appeal for blood donations. RELATED AUDIO
    Local journalists report from the scene:
    Navraz Ahmad from dar es Salaam, Tanzania
    352K/26 sec.

    174. Kenyun Tours Company Ltd.
    Provides safaris through kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe visiting lakes, national parks, beaches and mountains. Includes information about the company, travel facts, itinerary, terms and conditions.
    Kenya Tanzania Zimbabwe Nairobi ... Zimbabwe
    Welcome!! You're the Visitor! The best exploring resolution is

    175. ICPAK
    Coordinates the activities and oversees the interests of all qualified and registered Certified Public Accountants. Includes news, calendar, related links and contact information.
    Web Site Published by Raytom Information Services Ltd

    176. - U.S. Agriculture Secretary Learns Firsthand The Effects Of Drought In
    world africa Editions myCNN ... Feedback
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    Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising

    Israelis, Palestinians make final push before Israeli election

    Gates pledges $100 million for AIDS

    Davos protesters face tear gas
    TOP STORIES Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising Israelis, Palestinians make final push before Israeli election Davos protesters face tear gas MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
    U.S. agriculture secretary learns firsthand the effects of drought in Kenya

    177. Ud I Verden - Kenya
    Artikel fra Danida om landets udvikling, med case, b¸ger og film.
    Start her Lærer start her Sidste nyt Billedbank ... Hvad er et u-land?
    Danidas hjemmeside
    for børn og unge om u-lande.
    Forsiden Ordforklaring Værktøjskassen Om Udenrigsministeriet ... Kolofon Kenya - savanne, korruption og forandringer Kenya ligger i det østlige Afrika og har kystlinie ud mod Det Indiske Ocean. Landet er med sine 582.000 km² 13 gange større end Danmark. Indbyggertallet er tæt på 31 mio. og er hastigt stigende. I 1948 havde Danmark og Kenya stort set samme folketal. Siden 1948 er Kenyas befolkning syv-doblet. Godt halvdelen af befolkningen er under 15 år. Klimaet er tropisk med sommerregn. Landet er dækket af savanne græs- og buskstepper og på bjerge over 2000 m er stedsegrøn skov. Landet er ofte ramt af tørkeperioder, hvilket forringer savanne og steppeområdernes egnethed som landbrugsområder. Kenyas landbrugsareal udgør godt 7% af landets areal. I Danmark er landbrugsarealet over halvdelen af arealet. Kenya var tidligere engelsk koloni men er i dag en selvstændig republik. Landet var tidligere europæernes vigtigste koloniområde i tropisk Afrika, hvor man havde store plantager med kaffe, te, sukker og bomuld. Råstofferne guld, sølv, tin og soda var ligeledes attraktive for europæerne.

    178. Bill And Jen's Millennium Adventure - Main Page
    Our millennium trip to Tanzania, South Africa and kenya. It includes a photo library and details about what we saw, what we did and some tips on places to stay and eat.



    179. W4E: Kenya - Cuisine & Recipes
    Small collection of Kenyan recipes.
    © Steven Underwood:
    Books Recommended by Chef Brad
    Typical Kenyan Dishes
    Recipes Added Appetizers
    • Samosas (Deep-fried potato pastries)
    • Kuku na Nazi (Chicken with coconut milk) Roast Chicken with Peanut Sauce
    • Kariokor Nyama Ya Kuchoma (Barbequed meat) Kima (Ground beef stew) Mutura and Mahu (Kenyan sausage) Nyama Choma (Fire-roasted beef) Nyama na Irio (Steak with potato-pea puree) Safari Steaks Mtuzi wa Samaki (Fish in coconut milk curry) Omena Stew Samaki wa Kukaanga (Lime-marinated fish steaks) Githeri (Corn and beans) Kunde Irio (Potato-pea puree) Matoke (Simmered plantains) M'Baazi (Black-eyed peas with coconut milk) Sukuma Wiki Greens recipe notes) Yam stew Chapati (Pan-baked flatbread) Ugali (Cornmeal mush) Wali na Nazi (Coconut rice)
    • Maandazi (Fried pastries)

    180. Planet - 404 Pagina
    Provide a residential and training program for street children in Nairobi.
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