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61. :: SAALCK: Kentucky Library Consortia :: StateAssisted Academic Library Council of kentucky ( SAALCK ) kentucky Department for libraries and Archives ( KDLA ) http://saalck.nku.edu/consortia/2000-07.html | |
62. SEAALL Homepage An official regional chapter of the American Association of Law libraries. Covers the Southeastern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/seaall/ | |
63. Redirect To New Home Page Provides access to information, resources, and services available through its statewide library, archives, and records management programs. Includes a directory of links to county libraries in the state. http://www.kdla.net/ | |
64. Kentucky.gov: - Geography & History Collecting kentucky, the kentucky Library and Museum serves as a time capsule for kentucky history. libraries and Archives, Department for http://kentucky.gov/Portal/Category/fac_history | |
65. Kentucky Public Library kentucky Public libraries Directory. Allen County Public Library Anderson County Public Library Bath County Public Library Bell County Public Library http://www.publiclibraries.com/kentucky.htm | |
66. Government Resources Directory of kentucky Public libraries (kentucky Department for libraries and Archives) kentucky Department for libraries and Archives (KDLA) http://library.louisville.edu/government/states/kentucky/kylibraries.html | |
67. Kurt Metzmeier organizations including the American Association of Law libraries, kentucky Library Association, American Bar Association, kentucky Bar Association, http://library.louisville.edu/law/faculty/Metzmeier.htm | |
68. New Page 1 Kids + libraries = Learning. Terri Kirk , kentucky Library Association President Comparison of CATS Scores and Library Media Report. kentucky Council of http://www.kysma.org/White Papers/Kids Libraries.htm |
69. Bulletin, Volume 28, No. 3, October 2003: Kentucky SLA Minutes for kentucky Chapter of Special libraries Association Spring Social Meeting May 16 Special libraries Association/kentucky Chapter October 2003 http://www.sla.org/chapter/cky/bulletin/vol28n3.html | |
70. Bulletin, Volume 27, No. 2, July 2002: Kentucky SLA Laura Whayne, kentucky Transportation Center Library at the University of kentucky, Special libraries Association/kentucky Chapter July 2002 http://www.sla.org/chapter/cky/bulletin/vol27n2.html | |
71. 142nd ARL Membership Meeting Evening Events The libraries of the University of kentucky and the University The University of kentucky Library will host on Wednesday evening with a http://www.arl.org/arl/meetings/142/ | |
72. EKU Libraries Welcome to EKU libraries, EKU libraries, Student studying in the Library Cafe Welcome to Eastern kentucky University libraries, Friday, August 12, http://www.library.eku.edu/ | |
73. Libweb - Directory Of USA Public Libraries, Kentucky The original directory of library home pages. This page is a directory of Public libraries in kentucky. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Libweb/Public_KY.html | |
74. Libweb - Directory Of USA Academic Libraries, Kentucky The original directory of library home pages. This page is a directory of Academic libraries in kentucky. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Libweb/Academic_KY.html | |
75. UW Libraries - Database Search Subject, kentucky Library Association Periodicals libraries kentucky Periodicals. Keywords, association (2909), company (4222), hw (113), http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=record&ID=60396 |
76. Govinfo.uky.edu/ MedlinePlus libraries in kentuckylibraries in kentucky. WESTERN BAPTIST HOSPITAL HEALTH SCIENCE LIBRARY 2501 kentucky AVENUE PADUCAH, KY 420033200 270-575-2108 http://govinfo.uky.edu/ |
77. Ancestors: Resource Guide- Kentucky kentucky Department for libraries and Archives 300 Coffee Tree Rd. PO Box 537 Frankfort, KY 406020537 Western kentucky University kentucky Library http://www.pbs.org/kbyu/ancestors/resourceguide/kentucky.shtml | |
78. Kentucky Virtual Library - KYVL Online catalogs and databases, online tutorial and help with internetbased research, a virtual reference desk, and access to Kentuckiana digitized http://www.kyvl.org/ | |
79. Home History, conference details, information on membership, and affiliate stores of the kentucky Library Association. http://www.kylibasn.org/ | |
80. Officers Copyright © 19982005, kentucky Library Association. This document may be reproduced or reprinted for educational, non-commercial use, in whole or part, http://www.kylibasn.org/bod.cfm | |
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