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21. SocialGrid's Kentucky Library Guide: Find Libraries In Kentucky Kentucky Library Guide. kentucky libraries. Our Technology Node Directory Resources Our Services About Us. Â Public Library. Â Law Library http://www.socialgrid.com/libraries/kentucky-library.html | |
22. Libraries Directory Of Kentucky kentucky libraries Directory Internet Business Directory for the United States Link Your Business in the kentucky libraries Directory http://kentucky.uscity.net/Libraries/ |
23. Kentucky Periodicals, Magazines, And Journals kentucky libraries, kentucky libraries 1601 Twilight Trail Frankfort, KY 40601, quarterly library journal. $18/year. Phone (502) 2235322 http://www.pastracks.com/states/kentucky/kymag/ | |
24. E-LIS - Book Or Journal: Kentucky Libraries Book or Journal kentucky libraries. Number of records 1. kentucky libraries 68(2)pp. 3032. This list was generated on Sat Aug 13 050115 CEST 2005. http://eprints.rclis.org/view/journtitle/Kentucky_Libraries.html | |
25. Kentucky Virtual University - News Room - Resources Prior to the contract, some libraries had to set limits on the number of will have quick and easy access to collections housed in kentucky libraries, http://www.kyvu.org/news/2000-08-04.asp | |
26. The Genealogy Forum: Resource Center: Kentucky Libraries And Archives University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 405060039 Kentucky Library Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101 National Archives-Atlanta Branch http://www.genealogyforum.com/gfaol/resource/KY/LA.htm | |
27. Other Kentucky Libraries Search Databases and Kentucky Library Catalogs , Provides twentyfive Kentucky library catalogs Bowling Green Public Library, Brescia University, http://library.georgetowncollege.edu/Information/Other_Libraries.htm | |
28. ALA | Northern Kentucky Libraries On Alert For Flasher Police have warned other libraries in northern Kentucky to be on the alert for a possible serial flasher in their facilities. An email sent to Campbell http://www.ala.org/al_onlineTemplate.cfm?Section=february2004&Template=/ContentM |
29. ALA | Kentucky Libraries Get Morale-If Not Fiscal-Boost kentucky libraries Get Morale If Not FiscalÂBoost. The close of the 1999Â2000 legislative session in Kentucky brought public and school librarians two http://www.ala.org/al_onlineTemplate.cfm?Section=may2000&Template=/ContentManage |
30. Journals In Electronic Format-UNC-Chapel Hill Libraries: Kentucky Libraries kentucky libraries Library Literature Information Science Via Wilson Web. Access UNCCH campus. Students, faculty, and staff with a valid UNC-CH http://eresources.lib.unc.edu/ejournal/description.php?EJID=70432 |
31. Tutor.com Press Release kentucky libraries Implement Live Homework Help Demonstration Project Oneto-one online tutoring available in 11 counties. NEW YORKÂ January 10, http://www.tutor.com/press/PR_01102005.htm | |
32. SFX By Ex Libris (USA) Inc. Source, kentucky libraries 07325452. The Johns Hopkins Libraries provide the following services for the item above http://sfx.library.jhu.edu:8000/jhu_sfx?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=0732-5452&genr |
33. Hotspot Finder : University Of Kentucky Libraries : Lexington, Kentucky United S Maps, and directions for the University of kentucky libraries WiFi hotspot located in Lexington Kentucky, United States. http://usatoday.jiwire.com/wi-fi-wireless-hotspot-lexington-kentucky-ky-us-unive | |
34. Researching Your Orphan Brigade Ancestor M319) in several kentucky libraries, including the State Library and Archives, This index book is available in many kentucky libraries, often in the http://www.rootsweb.com/~orphanhm/research.htm | |
35. Fayette County KY Family/Other Personal Papers Held by Special Collections, University of kentucky libraries, Lexington, Kentucky. Call number 47M63. Lucy Chenault Anderson scrapbook, 18791962 http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyfayett/fampapers.htm | |
36. LCC Library Email Update Form, University Of Kentucky Libraries We will soon begin sending library notices by email. *The library barcode number is the number located above / below the barcode on the card you use to http://www.bluegrass.kctcs.edu/LCC/LIB/email.html | |
37. Kentucky Book Fair Kentucky Library Association for significant philanthropic contributions to kentucky libraries by an individual or organization. The Kentucky Book Fair, http://www.kybookfair.com/2004 Press_Releases/CarlWest04.html | |
38. Transylvania University Academics provides links to the University of kentucky libraries and the Lexington public library. Transylvania also participates in the Kentucky Virtual Library, http://www.transy.edu/academics/content/library.asp-folder-acad_resources-topic- | |
39. Kentucky Library Links kentucky libraries. US National Links. Select a SubCategory. Other Links Map Quest Public Libraries General Location Websites. Visit Our Sponsors http://www.thesnare.com/states/kentucky/community/libraries/library.htm | |
40. IMLS: Search Results University of kentucky libraries Lexington, KY - $210237. 2002 National Leadership Grants for Libraries - Preservation or Digitization http://www.imls.gov/results.asp?keyword=&inst=&city=&state=0&year=7&program=gt_1 |
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