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Kentucky Family Resources General: more detail | ||||||
21. United States Resources: Kentucky Other kentucky Genealogical and Historical resources on the Net general resources.kentucky Mailing Lists GenConnect kentucky Visitor Center http://www.rootsweb.com/roots-l/USA/ky.html | |
23. Kentucky.gov: - Genealogy Resources Genealogy resources. Learn about your own family history with these links. Quick links to kentucky genealogical resources; Genealogical Society http://kentucky.gov/Portal/Category/fac_resources-genealogy | |
24. Kentucky.gov: - Resources By Profession Access the resources of the kentucky Board of Medical Licensure. Mental HealthProfessionals Marriage and family Therapists resources http://kentucky.gov/Portal/Category/bus_pro | |
25. Kentucky Family Resource And Youth Services Centers The kentucky general Assembly created family Resource and Youth Services Centersas an integral part of the kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) of 1990, http://www.communityschools.org/Kentucky.html | |
26. World-Wide Web Resources - Kentucky Lexington, kentucky. Harkins family Papers,18601954, Finding Guide, for materials kentucky Resource Directory, containing a wide variety of services http://www.uky.edu/Subject/kentuckyall.html | |
27. World-Wide Web Resources - Social Sciences Children, Youth family Clearinghouse, Collection of resources related to thehealth, general Social Survey resources, developed at Queens College. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/social-sciences.html | |
28. 98RS SB185 The State/Executive Branch Budget appropriate from the general Fund, Road Fund, kentucky Education Technology System; Learning Support Services, family http://www.lrc.state.ky.us/recarch/98rs/SB185.htm | |
29. Hopkinsville KY Region General Practice Law Firm Family Law Personal Injury Busi of combined experience providing quality legal services including family, State of kentucky. State of kentucky Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals http://www.hopkinsvillelawyers.com/WebResources.shtml | |
30. Hopkinsville KY Region General Practice Law Firm Family Law Personal Injury Busi The general practice law firm of Hicks Demps has provided this website for kentucky region legal needs in family law, personal injury, business and http://www.hopkinsvillelawyers.com/ | |
31. The Kentucky Resources Council, Inc. kentucky resources Council, PO Box 1070, Frankfort, KY 40602 Phone 502 In a letter to the Cochairs of the kentucky general AssemblyÂs Government http://www.kyrc.org/index.shtml | |
32. Quality Of Life | The Kentucky Cabinet For Economic Development kentuckyÂs spectacular landscape, recreation and historic resources, kentucky Facts. general Information on kentucky. Leadership Programs http://www.thinkkentucky.com/kyedc/qualityoflife.asp | |
33. Disabillity Information Links/ Kentucky Protection And Advocacy Disability resources in kentucky (InterdisciplinaryHuman Development Institute) family Village kentucky resources family Village kentucky resources http://www.kypa.net/links/dis_info_links.html | |
34. Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky Prevent Child Abuse kentucky. Natalie Kelly Cabinet for Health family Services Office of family Resource Youth Service Centers. Kellie Kozee Warren http://alpha.pcaky.org/event/general.asp | |
35. Sociology Internet Resources VC TM Tinney, Sr. s family History, Genealogy resources and Tinney family Case general resources. M. Kearl s A Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/socialsci/socres.html | |
36. Breckinridge County Kentucky Genealogy, Hardinsburg: Resources For Family Histor general Resource Links. Breckinridge County kentucky Genealogy Ancestry.com;Genealogies of kentucky Families Genealogical.com http://www.kindredtrails.com/KY_Breckinridge.html | |
37. Lexington Public Library - Lexington, Kentucky resources for Genealogists in the kentucky Room general Index to a Census ofPensioners for Revolutionary or Military Service; George Rogers Clark and http://www.lexpublib.org/reference/g_resources.cfm |
38. FCC: Internet Resources For Adoption Adoption HQ resources Directory is a large collection of general adoption linksincluding family Helper. resources dealing with infertility, adoption, http://www.fwcc.org/internetsources.html | |
39. Kentuckiana Resources - Pat McClendon's Clinical Social Work, Louisville, KY Kentuckiana resources for Louisville, KY, kentucky, and southern Indiana. kentucky Office of the Attorney general, Victims Advocacy Division Also see http://www.clinicalsocialwork.com/kentuckiana.html | |
40. Kentucky Domestic Violence Resources - An Abuse, Rape And Domestic Violence Aid kentucky Domestic Violence Crisis And Support resources. For assistance, contact Floyd County, Big Sandy family Abuse Center, 800649-6605 http://www.aardvarc.org/dv/states/kydv.shtml | |
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