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41. Adjunct Faculty & Part-Time Staff BS education, West Georgia College and State University 1971; M. Ed. education, BA English, Berea College; MA English, University of kentucky. http://www.pickens.tec.ga.us/about/ptime.htm | |
42. UNC Mathematics And Science Education Network: Professional Development Grants are awarded to institutions of higher education and to nonprofit In addition to her classroom successes in North Carolina, kentucky, http://www.unc.edu/depts/msen/dev/ | |
43. Mission Personnel: Deaconess Program Office kentucky SHALOM COMMUNITIES CHURCH COMMUNITY WORKER 2400 CONCORD DRIVE LOUISVILLE,KY 40217 CHRISTIAN education staff 1/29B DOUGLAS ROAD http://gbgm-umc.org/who_we_are/mp/drosters.cfm | |
44. Coming Together As A Community Professional dev.Use free teaching modules created by professional Our Centerwas made possible by the kentucky education Reform Act of 1990, http://www.edutopia.org/php/article.php?id=Art_300&key=189 |
45. Calloway County Schools: Calloway County Middle School Professional dev.Use free teaching modules created by professional working toimplement reforms required by the kentucky education Reform Act of 1990, http://www.edutopia.org/php/orgs.php?id=ORG_300728 |
46. Mentoring & Induction Programs By Each Of The United States The Illinois State Board of education (See Final Report for Initial Year of Teaching Yes, Yes, $33M staff dev/MT. Hawaii, N,, $?, BT mentor pilots http://www.teachermentors.com/MCenter Site/StateList.html | |
47. Kentucky State Resources Cooperative kentucky Research, education Extension Service Partners KY Cabinet for Economic dev. 500 Mero Street, Capital Plaza Tower http://www.agmrc.org/agmrc/directories/agmrcdir/kentuckystateresources.html | |
48. Cons_pln_final kentucky Department of education Capital Plaza Tower 500 Mero Street According to support staff, a plan should be developed to integrate and coordinate http://www.campbell.k12.ky.us/departments/instructionalservices/consolidatedplan | |
49. AACN Clinical Issues In Critical Care Nursing\AACN. Clin. Issues Journal of Nursing staff development\J. Nurs. staff. dev.\ Journal of Nutrition\J.Nutr. Journal of the kentucky Medical Association\J. Ky. Med. Assoc. http://www.researchsoftwaredesign.com/ftp/users/richards.jrn |
50. Harrison Jobs to 15 Years Manager Manager/Supervisor of staff education Level Bachelor s type of job Profile of kentucky Quick Service Pretzel and Popcorn shops http://www.workzoo.com/local-jobs/OH/Hamilton/Harrison.html | |
51. OB/GYN Our staff is concerned and compassionate and available to answer EducationUndergraduate degree Magna cum laude, Northern kentucky University 1979 http://obgyn.dev.isoc.net/practice.php | |
52. Leadership Kentucky - Alumni Directory staff Counsel kentucky Medical Association Louisville. Phillip R. Patton Project Manager New dev/Construction kentucky American Water Company http://www.leadershipky.org/alumni/list.php?year=2004 |
53. Hardin County Schools Teachers and staff kentucky Virtual Library. STIHome. STIHome Instructions Educational Links. Research Tools. Elementary Schools. Middle Schools http://www.hardin.k12.ky.us/ | |
54. Morehead State University - Learn More! dev. Army ROTC, - Auxiliary Services, - Board of Regents, - Career Services,- Center for Teaching kentucky Unbridled Spirit - External Site http://www.moreheadstate.edu/ | |
55. Journal The School of education recently led You ve Got the Write One, a summer U of L is the only school in kentucky or Indiana to receive one of the grants. http://www.louisville.edu/ur/ucomm/mags/winter99/journal.html | |
56. Morehead State University - Faculty & Staff Faculty staff Morehead State University Collage Faculty, staff, Student,and Organization Web Pages kentucky Unbridled Spirit External Site. http://www.morehead-st.edu/fsportal/ | |
57. Education World ® - Curriculum: One Character Education Program That Works! There he observed the results of a character education program developed by In addition, teachers, administrators, and other staff members emphasize the http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr114.shtml | |
58. Education World ® Administrators Center: ThereÂs No Sub For A Good Sub Plan! education WorldÂs ÂPrincipal Files principals responded to those questions. In Franklin County, kentucky, qualified substitute teachers are scarce. http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin282.shtml | |
59. National EXtension Initiative : Positions In The Content Area Manage and coordinate national eXtension IT staff, content staff or commercial Preferred education/Experience MS degree in Agriculture, education or http://intranet.extension.org/index.php?module=articles&func=display&ptid=1&aid= |
60. Brainconnection.com - The Brain Connection To Education Fall Conference 2000 Conference on Brain Research and Practices for Visionary Educators, Nov 911, With the help of the Scientific Learning staff, Rita was able to easily http://www.brainconnection.com/gen/?main=conf/nov00/bios |
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