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21. Staff Development School staff education Technology Needs Assessment This 15 minute online PaperlessClassroom.org- A middle school in kentucky uses PDA s for homework, http://members.tripod.com/exworthy/staff.htm | |
22. NSDC - Connect With NSDC: About NSDC - Affiliates kentucky staff development Council Terry Crawley 1935 Lewiston Dr. Curriculum staff dev. Grand Rapids Christian Schools 1812 Sylvan SE http://www.nsdc.org/connect/about/affiliates.cfm | |
23. Max Kentucky's Education Data Warehouse District School staff. Districts Schools. Other staff Director of PupilPersonnel, Director of Special education, Dist Admin staff Supervisor http://apps.kde.state.ky.us/max_reports/mailinglabel/index.cfm?fuseaction=mailin |
24. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Richard, Robert, Asst. Specialist Program and staff dev, LSU Siewe, Youmasu,State Specialist for Health education/Family dev. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
25. Office Of Sponsored Programs FOURTH QUARTER Report, FY 96 The OSP worked with 109 pre and post-award faculty and staff members, kentucky Higher education 240000 7 1 Assistance Authority-State 5. http://www.wku.edu/Dept/Support/SponsPrg/grants/reports/96qu4.htm | |
26. University Of Louisville - Job Hiearchy Grades 000515, Dir kentucky Cancer Program, I. 000161, Dir Major Gifts, I 000575,Mgr Phys Plant staff dev, E. 000125, Mgr Postal Services, E http://www.louisville.edu/benchmark/hierarchy.htm | |
27. Michael Johnson Books - Keynotes And Engagements Aug 11, staff development, Quapaw, OK. Aug 3031, kentucky Rural Water Conf.Louisville, KY October 13th, Professional staff dev. Notre Dame High School http://www.michaeljohnsonbooks.com/engagements.html | |
28. Internet Strategies For Education Markets: The Heller Report: Class.com Secures Both kentucky and Kansas approached Class.com as they sought online learningsolutions. Teachers on the staff of ISHS will serve as backup support. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0BTY/is_7_5/ai_58926475 | |
29. Job Search - Higher Education Job Opportunity Listings In Kentucky The kentucky Higher education Job Listings in our Job Bank are updated daily . Student Life Intern for Greek Affairs and Leadership dev http://www.findajob.com/search/html/higher_education_job_search_in_Kentucky.htm | |
30. Page Redirection kentucky Higher education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) Frankfort, KY 40602 staff Associate Southern Regional education Board 592 Tenth St., NW http://acm.ua.edu/ |
31. The Mentoring Leadership And Resource Network Home Page Renae Rebechini, UniServ Directory, Illinois education Association NEA, Violet Mitchell, staff dev. Resource Teacher, 925 Arlington Ave-North Bldg, http://www.mentors.net/03memberdir.html | |
32. Staff Members kentucky Opera 2003/2004 staff Members. Ms. Deborah Sandler General Director 5617940 Manager of education Programs 561-7938 eric_mckeever@kyopera.org http://www.kyopera.org/kyostaff.htm |
33. Contact Us Shorebird Migration in Western KY, Small Business dev. Graduate education Research Jones 414, Coates CPO 5A Eastern kentucky University http://www.web.eku.edu/contact/ | |
34. Trelease Lectures, States I-M Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland bullet Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002 FergusonFlorissant Schools staff dev. Center, 1 pm http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/calendar_states_i_m.html | |
35. UCL Hydrogeology Group Back to staff Tim s Front Page. education At UEA I sat on most SchoolCommittees including Admissions (in dev), Teaching, Research, Finance General http://www.es.ucl.ac.uk/research/hydro/staff/Atkinson_CV.htm | |
36. Associate State Director-Advocacy - AARP Job Type Regular Work Primary Skill Community Organization. Critical Skills education TrainingOrganization (dev/Mgmt) Research staff Team Supervision Volunteer dev/Mgmt http://www.nonprofitjobs.org/jdetail.cfm?jid=16274 |
37. Market Dev Staff Engineer - Livonia (United States) DESCRIPTION: Market dev staff Engineer. Location Livonia, Country United States, Job Ref. 049452 education Level Required Bachelor s Level Degree, Years of Work http://jobs.st.com/HROnline/HROnlineJobReq.nsf/0/1e4b9150b24ef9d0c1256fc8000dfe1 |
38. IUB Campus Writing Program: Articles On Portfolios And Assessment Portfolio Assessment A Catalyst for staff and Curricular Reform. experiencessince the passage of the kentucky education Reform Act (KERA) in 1990. http://www.indiana.edu/~cwp/lib/apbib.shtml | |
39. Commonwealth Health Corporation Continuing education Requirements for Relicensure in kentucky are requiredto complete a minimum of twelve (12) staff development hours annually. http://www.chc.net/EDU/continuingeducation.htm | |
40. LVD State Contact List kentucky Dr. Martha Nall Program and staff dev. Specialist Extension EducationMethods Spec. Department of Family Relations and Child dev. http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/lvd/contacts.htm | |
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