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Kentucky Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
61. Taylorsville.Net - The Official Website Of Taylorsville And Spencer County, Kent Spencer County kentucky Family Resource and Youth Service PACE (parent andchild education) Coordination of all community services available to families http://www.taylorsville.net/familyresourcecenter.htm | |
62. National Coalition For Parent Involvement In Education (NCPIE): Resources Resource Title A Study of the parent Involvement and parenting Program Activities Resource Title Ensuring the education Rights of All Children, 2001 http://www.ncpie.org/Resources/Administrators.cfm | |
63. State Resources For Gifted Education kentucky Association for Gifted education (KAGE) PO Box 9610 Bowling Green, KY421019610 Gifted Association for Students and Parents (GASP) http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html | |
64. United Partners In Kentucky - Education (www.ihdi.uky.edu/859) 2572769. kentucky Department of education parent ResourceCenters (502) 564-4970 www.kde.state.ky.us. kentucky Special parent http://www.up-in-ky.com/pages/education.html | |
65. United Partners In Kentucky Parents, advocates, educators, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate,upto-date information about education resources Information Center (ERIC) http://www.up-in-ky.com/pages/links.html | |
66. Education/ KY Protection And Advocacy Federal resources. US Dept. of education Office of Special education Programs (OSEP) kentucky resources. Exceptional Children ServicesÂKy. http://www.kypa.net/education/index_edu.html | |
67. Energy_Ed_Resource_List resources for Teachers, Students and Parents. Special Projects and Other Internet Energy education for K12, kentucky Department of Natural resources http://www.iogcc.oklaosf.state.ok.us/COMMPGS/Energy_Ed_Resources.htm | |
68. Family Village -- Parent Training & Information Centers kentucky Special parent Involvement Network (KYSPIN). Louisiana COPE -Coalition in Oregon for parent education. Pennsylvania http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/education/pti.html | |
69. Parent And Community Involvement In Rural Schools parent enrollment in adult education and parenting education programs; statesthe kentucky education Reform Act, for exampleincorporate parent and http://acclaim.coe.ohiou.edu/rc/rc_sub/vlibrary/2_e_digs/Parent and Community.ht | |
70. Pathways Mapping Initiative - KIDS NOW (Kentucky Invests In Developing Success) parent education and outreach on healthy birth outcomes. Agencies shareresources to engage in collaborative planning, support program networks, http://www.pathwaystooutcomes.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Page.viewPage&pageId=526 |
71. Kentucky USA Education? All Showcase America | Kentucky Education Information, L List of kentucky America information, links and web resources. of kentuckyparents and citizens working to improve education in the Commonwealth at all http://www.allshowcase.com/North_America/Kentucky/Education/ | |
73. Government Innovators Network: Parent And Child Education Program, 2005-05-17 13 parent and Child education Program. 1988 Winner Commonwealth of kentucky.Award Sponsor Innovations in American Government Awards http://www.innovations.harvard.edu/awards.html?id=3492 |
74. Other Resources - School-Family-Community Partnerships Team The kentucky education Reform Act of 1990 (KERA) was a sweeping effort to reform parentsparticularly those with the least available resourcesto get http://www.nwrel.org/partnerships/links/ | |
75. Kentucky to receive free lunches must offer Family Resource and Youth ServiceCenters (FRYSC), APPENDIX kentucky. The parent and Child education for Family http://www.famlit.org/PolicyandAdvocacy/LiteracyLegislation/ky.cfm | |
76. KENTUCKY DRIVER EDUCATION - KY DMV Department Of Motor Vehicles Guide - DMV.ORG DMV.ORG has been developed to ease the search for kentucky DRIVER educationinformation. Recommended parent Taught Driver education Program http://www.dmv.org/ky-kentucky/driver-education.php | |
77. Internet Resource Guide - Education KERA Internet resources of Information on the kentucky education Reform Act Elementary Early Childhood education. Early Childhood and Parenting http://www.murraystate.edu/msml/edlinks.html | |
78. Educational Resources This web site is offered to the net as a resource in astronomy education. Western kentucky University Physics and Astronomy Department Home page for http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/yp_education.html | |
79. World-Wide Web Resources - Family Studies All About Kids Online, family and parenting resource site based on the Home education Family Services, organization offering help to parents and http://www.uky.edu/Subject/family.html | |
80. KET's Internet Resources For Teachers The debate still rages among educators, parents, and experts. The KentuckyDepartment of education s new Commonwealth Diploma Home Page gives http://www.ket.org/Education/IN/resources.html | |
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