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41. Health Care Bibliographic Database Contraceptive Use for Birth Spacing in SubSaharan africa; Fertility, Gender and War The of Family Planning among the kassena-Nankana of Northern Ghana http://csa.tsinghua.edu.cn/csa/e_products/bacontent/SOC000526.html |
42. GRi Newsreel 06 Â 06 - 2002 a cream of people with the requisite professional and indigenous knowledge 2004 under the second phase, seven dams for the kassena Nankana district http://www.mclglobal.com/History/Jun2002/06f2002/06f2n.html | |
43. Travel Photo Gallery - Indigenous Cultures, Fine Art Prints, Stock Photo, Postca ghana kassena tribe. released 2004-03-13 people of the lobi tribe live very close to the Black Volta river which is for them a special spiritual http://photo.lacina.net/index.php?in_page_num=4 |
44. Ghana Association Of Travel & Tourist Agents - Welcome The crocodiles are said to be totems for the people of kassena, who reside village of Tafi Atome.Tafi Atome is surrounded by an indigenous tropical forest http://gattagh.com/ghana/reserves.php?catid=1 |
45. Black Star But the urban hubs of africa possess IT capacity, in the form of people and At independence Ghana was relatively wealthy, with an indigenous business http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue9_3/zachary/ |
46. Behavioral And Social Sciences, College Of, of Zaragoza 49 Is the indigenous Population Disadvantaged in Girls Confronting Illness Among the kassenaNankana of of Different Groups of Young People in the http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/BSOS/PAA2000/FinalProgram.htm | |
47. Health Problems, Policies And Practices Syllabus 89108 (summary of 20000 poor peopleÂs perspectives on health and illness in a at the World Bank website on indigenous Knowledge in Sub-Saharan africa, http://www.sais-jhu.edu/programs/i-dev/Syllabi/HealthProb.html | |
48. Bibliographic Database A Demographic Profile of the People of Jammu and Women s Choice between indigenous and Western Contraception in of Family Planning among the kassenaNankana of http://content.csa.com/biblio/SOC000526.html | |
49. Goethe-Institut New Delhi - Willkommen Beim Goethe-Institut New Delhi People speak a different language in Burkina Faso explores three grandmothers kassena (Burkina Faso grass roots human rights organizations and indigenous groups. http://www.goethe.de/su/ned/ENPFILMSCH.htm | |
50. SurfWax -- Accumulating News And Reviews On 50,000 Topics to the high maternal mortality in the kassena Nankana District birth group were likely to be older, indigenous, have smoked We were seeing young people who were http://news.shopeasier.com/files/shopeasier_Antenatal_care.html | |
51. Project MUSE In short, he understood the value and dignity of the black african. In the name of the people of Ghana, of africa and the diaspora, and in the name of all http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/africa_today/v047/47.2hess.html | |
52. Genital Manifestations Of Tropical Diseases -- Richens 80 (1): 12 -- Sexually Tr The disease is believed to infect 193 million people in the tropics, Many women in africa develop cervical cancer under the age of 30 and Tanzanian http://sti.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/80/1/12 | |
53. Revista Panamericana De Salud Pública - There has been considerable effort in africa and Asia to conduct Also, the episodes of clinical malaria were fewer among people using treated versus http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?pid=S1020-49891997000700004&script=sci_arttex |
54. Malaria Projects as intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy in the kassenaNankana district New systems for prediction of malaria epidemics in the East African highlands. http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/malaria/projects.htm |
55. Critical Montages Surely, the American people want and deserve better answers about where we go Iran s present status in the field of nuclear energy is indigenous and it http://montages.blogspot.com/2005_06_01_montages_archive.html | |
56. Countries The Eritrean People s Liberation Front (EPLF), which led fight for independence, Ethnic groups known to practice FGM include Kussasi, Frafra, kassena, http://mappingfgm.com/countries.html | |
57. Current Opinion In Infectious Diseases - UserLogin An outbreak of typhoid fever, XingAn County, People s Republic of China, Dobson R. Sleeping sickness re-emerges in africa after years of civil war. http://www.co-infectiousdiseases.com/pt/re/coinfdis/fulltext.00001432-200210000- | |
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