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21. Lightbearers Ministries - Create A Permanent Endowment For Global Missions Throu Nuna 145,000; Kuruma 196,000, Lyele 130,000; kassena 111,000; Ko become a success story of indigenous missions vision to reach the unreached peoples among them http://www.lightbearersministries.org/pages.asp?pageid=7371 |
22. Re: NATURALTRIM THE DIET Indiana Indianists Indians (Asian) indigenous peoples Indirect rule Intonation Intuition Inuit Arctic peoples of Canada Kaska Kasm see Kasem kassena see Kasem http://www.sweepersonline.com/forum/posts/2392.html | |
23. Project MUSE - Information to a vague notion of indigenous culture as an houses traditional among the Dagomba, kassenaNankanni, Dagarti site of the All-African peoples Conference of http://worldshakesbib.com/journals/africa_today/v047/47.2hess.html | |
24. FGC Education And Networking Project Coverage includes any aspect of africa, its peoples, their homes, cities, Female genital cutting among the kassenaNankana of Northern Ghana the http://www.fgmnetwork.org/reference/biblio.html | |
25. David Lacina - Adventure Trip To Ghana, Lobi, Talensi & Kassena Tribe Ghana woman again on my way.. last time I had chance to visit indigenous tribe of I liked especially lobi tribes round city wa and kassena people round http://poutnik.lacina.net/trip/ | |
26. Black History Most of these Central African peoples construct granaries, With the Westernizing of African cities, much indigenous architecture has been lost, http://www.britannica.com/Blackhistory/article.do?nKeyValue=384737 |
27. African Masks African peoples often symbolize death by the colour white rather than Having conquered the indigenous peoples, the Lunda gradually assimilated with them http://www.vub.ac.be/BIBLIO/nieuwenhuysen/african-art/african-art-collection-mas | |
28. African Statues, Sculptures, Figures, Fetishes Lineages and clans of the indigenous tengabisi inhabitants own the masks, and only the large group of Baule people/tribe from Ivory Coast in Westafrica http://www.vub.ac.be/BIBLIO/nieuwenhuysen/african-art/african-art-collection-sta | |
29. AIO Keywords List Mali The African country, for Mali of India, use Mali (Indian people); Mali empire Tribal peoples see Adivasi (India), Ethnic groups, indigenous peoples http://aio.anthropology.org.uk/aio/keywords.html | |
30. Chapter 22. NAVRONGO DSS, GHANA: Centro Internacional De Investigaciones Para El The Navrongo DSS site is in the kassenaNankana District of the Upper people are Christian, 5% are Muslim, and the rest profess the indigenous religion. http://web.idrc.ca/es/ev-43032-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html | |
31. DatelineHealth-Africa.net Abstract Background The kassenaNankana District (KND) of northern Ghana lies Do people have enough control over Full Details. africa Potential http://www.datelinehealth-africa.net/betav1.0/researchreports/researchreports.as | |
32. WWSF - Women's Section Of the world s 1,3 billion poor people, it is estimated that nearly 70% are women. africa. 2001. Laureate from Burkina Faso, kassena Femmes Batisseurs http://www.woman.ch/women/1-introduction.asp | |
33. Hubert Von Goisern - Iwasig 2003 melancholic touch Bil Aka Kora gives a view into the music of these people. As well as in the south of Burkina Faso, the kassena are also indigenous to the http://www.hubertvongoisern.com/iwasig2003/concert3.html | |
34. Art fully costumed performers in their indigenous context. before a circumcision look nervous; kassena mothers gaze about a unique and colorful peoplethe Wodaabe http://www.griotwoman.com/customer/art/art.html |
35. Ethnologue: Ghana It is an indigenous deaf sign language, also used by many hearing people. KASEM (KASENA, kassena, KASENE) KAS 100000 in Ghana (1995 SIL); http://www.christusrex.org/www1/pater/ethno/Ghan.html | |
36. Banned And Locked Down! Mali The African country, for Mali of India, use Mali (Indian people) Mali empire Tribal peoples see Adivasi (India), Ethnic groups, indigenous peoples http://p208.ezboard.com/fthefed86933frm1.showMessage?topicID=737.topic |
37. Paradoxia In Africa In africa, the concept of traditional sexual socialisation is voiced in various Among the Yorubaspeaking peoples, girls of better class were almost http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/sexology/GESUND/ARCHIV/GUS/AFRICAOLD.HTM | |
38. Universität Bayreuth Local Action in africa in the Context of Global Influences Its technology is indigenousautarchic. Its legal organizational form was already http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/forschungsberichte/03/8/3/06/00/engl.html | |
39. Chapter 22. NAVRONGO DSS, GHANA: Centro Internacional De Investigaciones Para El two distinct ethnolinguistic groups the kassena (49%) and Currently, about 33% of the people are Christian, 5% are and the rest profess the indigenous religion http://reseau.crdi.ca/es/ev-43032-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html | |
40. 1991 International Development Research Centre for evaluating the potential of indigenous research; a will participate, through established people committees, in Trials in the kassenaNankana District. http://reseau.crdi.ca/en/ev-30262-201_2-1-DO_TOPIC.html |
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