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61. ALIN: Arid Lands Information Network >>>> Additionally, in subSaharan africa, where an estimate of 14000 people contract They trace their ancestry to Chief Ruhinda who lived in karagwe district http://www.alin.or.ke/baobab/issue40.htm | |
62. History Of Tanzania Biography .ms Discoveries suggest that East africa may have been the site of human origin. Assisted by Omani Arabs , the indigenous coastal dwellers succeeded in http://www.biography.ms/History_of_Tanzania.html | |
63. Uganda ABC divided into Bunyoro and Toro) and karagwe are all never formed a kingdom becausethe people were nomadic indigenous kingdoms popped up in Uganda in the 14th http://ug.chineseembassy.org/eng/wgdjj/t168250.htm |
64. New Page 1 The existence of biodiversity in Ngara and karagwe districts is threatened indigenous knowledge of the community, which is important in controlling and http://www.nfp.co.tz/studies_report/ecosystem/biodiversity.htm | |
65. MSN Encarta - Africa In the 14th and 15th centuries, the states of Bunyoro, Ankole, karagwe, Luba people made up one of the earliest ironworking groups in Central africa. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761572628_28/Africa.html | |
66. MSN Encarta - Search View - Africa The People of africa section of this article was contributed by James L. Newman . indigenous african industry dwindled, and africa was forced to import http://encarta.msn.com/text_761572628__1/Africa.html | |
67. Archaeolink.com Archaeology, Anthropology, Social Studies, General Knowledge indigenous Studies by region. africa. africa, african Anthropology GeneralResources Asian indigenous and Tribal People - General Resources http://archaeolink.com/ | |
68. Htimeline2 Luo, Bunyoro, Ankole, Buganda, and Karagwebut little is BaobabProject s overviewIslam African indigenous Culture http of the Shona peoples of southeastern http://faculty.mdc.edu/jmcnair/Joe8pages/htimeline2.htm | |
69. MSN Encarta - Search View - Africa The People of africa section of this article was contributed by James L. Newman . With this victory, Ethiopia became the only indigenous african state to http://ca.encarta.msn.com/text_761572628__1/Africa.html | |
70. African Writers Index A complete and comprehensive index of african writers, karagwe was inhabitedby the Banyambo; the other kingdoms were inhabited by the Hayas (or http://www.geocities.com/africanwriters/Oralartists.html | |
71. Research In African Lit--The Last Of The Bards from Research in African Literatures Volume 28, Number 1 It is only in Kiyanja,Ihangiro, and karagwe that many enanga bards are still to be found. http://iupjournals.org/ral/ral28-1.html | |
72. Africanfront.com (AUF) Innocent people were not to be subjected to slavery. Moreover, African slaveswere not 1882 An indigenous revolt in the Egyptian Army threatens British http://www.africanfront.com/calendar3.php | |
73. The ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN Mission Center Each summer, 50 people are sent by the OCMC on shortterm mission excursions around Under the guidance of the Orthodox Church in Uganda, two indigenous http://www.ocmc.org/magazine.php?sub=magazine&action=topic&id=3 |
74. MyUganda - Casinos | Gambling | Slots | Pocker Hats People Culture. » Communications. » Art. » Districts. » Media. » Web Links indigenous kingdoms popped up in Uganda in the 14th century. http://www.myuganda.co.ug/about/history.php | |
75. Amnesty International Canada - News & Reports People who were not able to produce identity cards or certificates of Tanzanian in karagwe, Biharamuro and Bukoba districts, in the Kagera region. http://www.amnesty.ca/Refugee/news/view.php?load=arcview&article=1063&c=Refugee_ |
76. Untitled-8 of the Nyiha People of Southwestern Tanganyika » MA, SOUTTER, Martin I. « indigenous Structures and Values and the Development......A Preliminary http://caas.concordia.ca/htm/pays/tanzan.htm | |
77. Why Try Britannica Online? by high ground in Kigezi and karagwe and by the main crop, and coffeeÂwhich isindigenous to Ethiopia most important group among the Cushitic people is the http://www.britannica.com/eb/print?tocId=9108361&fullArticle=true |
78. Htimelines2 Luo, Bunyoro, Ankole, Buganda, and Karagwebut little states, but scholars arguethat indigenous slavery was groups, rather than their own people, to enhance http://www.wheresitat.com/time_2.htm | |
79. English Knowledge Say No to Dagga Smoking The risk of a heart attack in people over 35 This doesnot mean that its not found in other parts of East africa it found . http://london.openknowledge.net:8080/okn/INDEX_English_Knowledge.html |
80. ReliefWeb » Document Preview » Monthly Report May 2005 The majority of the approximately 630000 people who live in this area are In 1964, Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form the east African country of http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/RWB.NSF/db900SID/SODA-6DT7SQ?OpenDocument |
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