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61. If You Want To Study In The US - Technical And Vocational Studies Technical and vocational schools, and community and junior colleges award kansas Coffeyville Community College, Coffeyville, KS 67337 Dodge City http://usinfo.org/facts/edu1/techvoca.htm | |
62. KU School Of Medicine-Wichita: The Campus - Employer Profile Located just east of downtown Wichita, The University of kansas School of and technical/vocational schools educate thousands of students per year. http://wichita.kumc.edu/campus/profile.html | |
63. Consumer Action -DonÂt Get Ripped Off By A Bad Private Vocational School [Engli The law says that private vocational schools canÂt falsely state or imply in anyway that graduates will kansas (785) 2964917 Kentucky (502) 564-3296 http://www.consumer-action.org/English/library/frauds_scams/2002_VocationalSchoo | |
64. Education & Schools Special School Programs High schools Higher Education vocational schools 1125 kansas Avenue MODESTO small white button 5231333. Computer Tutor http://www.cityofripon.org/Community/school.htm | |
65. Please Log In, Or Sign Up For Access 1911 The Topeka Industrial Institute (later the kansas vocational School) received Twentytwo schools participated. Â 1919 The kansas unit of the 42nd http://cjonline.com/stories/051103/our_history.shtml | |
66. STI: ERsys - Memphis, TN (High Schools) Hamilton High School Hillcrest High School kansas vocational Kingsbury High SchoolKingsbury vocational Center Kirby High Lanier Junior High School http://www.ersys.com/usa/47/4748000/sch_hs.htm | |
67. Kansas City Missouri Yellow Pages. SCHOOLS, VOCATIONAL, TRADE Listings schools, vocational, TRADE Yellow Page information for kansas City Missouri. http://www.hellokansascity.com/YP/c_SCHOOLSVOCATIONALTRADE.Cfm | |
68. Kansas City Missouri Yellow Pages. SCHOOLS, VOCATIONAL, BUSINESS Listings schools, vocational, BUSINESS Yellow Page information for kansas City Missouri. http://www.hellokansascity.com/YP/c_SCHOOLSVOCATIONALBUSINESS.Cfm | |
69. Health Careers Directory Directory Search Educational Requirements Training for LPN s is available through vocationaltechnical schools and Johnson County Community College - Area vocational School kansas City kansas http://www.healthresource.org/HRP/careerview2.asp?careerid=136 |
70. Career Advantage: Vocational And Trade Schools CareerAdvantage.org offers professional, trade, and vocational schools locatedthroughout the United States and Canada in many career fields including http://www.careeradvantage.org/united-states-schools.html | |
71. Links To Vocational Schools: Career Training In US And Canada U101 is collecting links for vocational schools in the United States and Canada,organized by region. U101 College Search. http://u101.com/vocational-schools/ | |
72. Business & Vocational In Kansas City, MO On Kansas City Citysearch Yellow Pages Universitykansas School-Nrsng; Business vocational, Colleges Universities.3.44 miles 3901 Rainbow Blvd Ste Go20 kansas City KS Map http://kansascity.citysearch.com/find/directory/kansascity/80/213/page1.html | |
73. Top US Colleges, US Universities, Online Schools - SHG Resources including career, technical, trade and vocational schools, and junior colleges . Find other State Colleges and Career schools located in the US. http://www.shgresources.com/resources/colleges/ | |
74. Top US State Colleges, Career Schools, Technical Schools, Vocational Schools - S State Colleges, Career schools, Technical schools, vocational schools. Welcome tothe SHG s US State Colleges and Career schools, a network of top colleges http://www.shgresources.com/resources/colleges/community/ | |
75. December 04 If you are planning to attend vocational school or college after high Any student graduating from a kansas High School and having a cumulative GPA of http://www.usd435.k12.ks.us/AHS2/counselors/December_news/December_04.htm | |
76. Skill Training Programs - Kansas City Kansas Area Technical School Scholarships kansas vocational Scholarships are based on a test given twice each The kansas City Area Technical School offers over 20 technical skill http://www.kckats.com/skilltraining/skills.htm | |
77. KASFAA Oz-Sociated Press A letter regarding this change was recently sent to all participating Kansaseducational institutions which include area vocational schools, http://www.kasfaa.org/docs/archives/newsletters/2002/Summer/KBORUpdate.HTML | |
78. 92032 -- Montoy V. State -- Per Curiam -- Kansas Supreme Court Patricia E. Baker, of kansas Association of School Boards, of Topeka, educational, vocational and scientific improvement by establishing and maintaining http://www.kscourts.org/kscases/supct/2005/20050103/92032.htm | |
79. 1994-155 | 11/17/1994 | Kansas Attorney General Opinion Wichita, kansas 67213. Re. SchoolsOrganization, Powers and Finances of Boards of an area vocational school operated under the board of education. http://www.kscourts.org/ksag/opinions/1994/1994-155.htm | |
80. Kansas Schools - Distribution List kansas. Dean School of Nursing Baker University Hutchinson Comm Coll and AreaVocational School 1300 North Plum Street Hutchinson, KS 675015894 http://www.minoritynurse.com/about/schools_ks.html | |
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