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41. DDN Headline: Kansas Schools Get High Tech Marks PEABODY Whether by grant, by gift or by golly, kansas school districts money and whatever it can scrape together from its general fund budget to help http://www.digitaldivide.net/news/view.php?HeadlineID=689 |
42. BusinessSchools.com - The Business School & Program Directory - Business Schools Areas of Study Sampling* Accounting, Finance, general Business Mgmt., InformationSystems, University of kansas, School of Business, Master s Programs http://www.businessschools.com/cgi-bin/schools/search.cgi?data_file=data&match_l |
43. Kansas Wesleyan University :: News :: The Gallery :: 6th District General Federa art show sponsored by the 6th District general Federation of Women s Club . Thirteen schools from central and northwest kansas are participating in http://www.kwu.edu/publicrelations/newsarchives/gfwcartshow05.html | |
44. KSD General Calendar kansas State School for the Deaf. kansas School for the Deaf a Resource onDeafness Since 1861. cupola, curve. KSD Home About KSD schools http://ksdeaf.org/calendar.shtml | |
45. Activist Alert; KANSAS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION RETIRE INDIAN MASCOTS IN SCHOOLS kansas schools. kansas State Board of Education Commissioners The May meetingwill probably be scheduled by the board for general public comments on http://www.iwchildren.org/ksbe/push2.htm | |
46. Media Misinformation Campaign Continues Over Evolution In Kansas Schools! Media misinformation campaign continues over evolution in kansas schools! A general critique of the most upto-date arguments for evolution to challenge http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs2001/0227letter.asp | |
47. RateMyTeachers.com - Kansas Schools - Teacher Ratings Here are the schools that meet your search criteria (kansas). general OMARNELSON BRADLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FORT LEAVENWORTH, KS http://www.ratemyteachers.com/ShowSchools.php?state=KS&letter_starts=&letter=G |
48. The University Of Kansas Center For Research On Learning Students with mild disabilities must be served as close to general education Staff development, because of the belief that schools should be inclusive http://www.ku-crl.org/archives/pd/staff_dev.shtml | |
49. Kansas Schools Battle Could Be Prescient After a long court battle, the kansas legislature responded this spring, This spring, the general Assembly passed a new plan for funding public schools, http://www.showmenews.com/2005/Jul/20050706News020.asp | |
50. AACSB International schools Accredited in Business ordered by country, state, name University ofMissouri-kansas City (United States - Missouri) http://www.aacsb.edu/General/InstLists.asp?lid=3 |
51. AACSB International The Association to Advance Collegiate schools of Business AACSB International University of Missourikansas City (United States - Missouri) http://www.aacsb.edu/General/InstLists.asp?lid=2 |
52. Kansas Schools OK Scrutiny Of Evolution The kansas school system was ridiculed around the country in 1999 when the boarddeleted most Management Looking for a general Manager w/ exp of H.. http://www.reflector.com/news/content/shared-gen/ap/National/Evolution_Debate.ht |
53. AP Wire 06/03/2005 Chronology Of Events In Kansas School State Board of Education having general supervision over public schools, 2, 1994 A unanimous kansas Supreme Court upholds the entire 1992 school http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/local/11807667.htm |
54. Please Log In, Or Sign Up For Access Attorney general Phill Kline s office on Wednesday urged the kansas Supreme Court to Some schools were flooded with phone calls from concerned parents. http://legislature.cjonline.com/stories/051304/leg_appeal.shtml | |
55. KCTV5 - Kansas Schools In Crisis Governor Fairly Confident schools Will Be Open in Fall Attorney general AsksKansas Supreme Court to Block Judge s School Order http://www.kctv.com/Global/category.asp?C=53782 |
56. Report From The Migrant Ed Conference Of 2004, Wichita, Kansas kansas TESOL of Emporia State University, on Islam and Muslim Students inkansas schools. delivered at the general membership meeting, click here. http://www.fhsu.edu/katesol/migrantreport2004.htm | |
57. KBSD 6 | Kansas Schools Best Buys kansas schools best buys. Kevin King. KWCH 12 Eyewitness News. Wednesday, June22, 2005 2005, Media general, Inc. http://www.kbsd6.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=KBSD/MGArticle/BSD_BasicArticle& |
58. Labor, General (Entry Level) Jobs In Kansas Labor, general (Entry Level) jobs in kansas. Bus Monitor ManhattanOgdenPublic schools Manhattan, KS Cook - Wamego City Hospital / Support http://www.nationjob.com/jobs/labor_general/kansas/ | |
59. Kansas City Art School & Art Colleges Directory. Art Schools In Kansas City kansas City Art schools and Art Colleges Degree Programs Graphic Design,Photography, Web Design, Courses and/or Programs Sample* Artgeneral (B) http://www.artschools.com/cities/kansas-city-art-schools-colleges.html | |
60. Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline ATTORNEY general KLINE SEEKS TO RETURN CONTROL OF SCHOOL FUNDING TO LOCAL DISTRICTS.kansas Attorney general Phill Kline today asked the kansas Supreme http://www.ksag.org/ | |
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