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Kansas Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
41. Education, General And Special General and Special education resources for Teachers and Parents as Teachers . The Department of Special education at The University of kansas provides http://disability-resource.com/education.html | |
42. AccessKansas: Learning In Kansas Higher education Find essential information for both parents and students in from the kansas Board of Regents. This includes financial aid resources. http://www.accesskansas.org/learning/ | |
43. Helpful Links Early Literacy  resources for All Children. kansas Kids Ready for Learning Jobs in the field of Special education. KEEB. kansas education Employment http://www.kckps.org/departments/sped/links.html | |
44. Parenting This Center enriches the education of gifted students in Shawnee Mission kansas . The Libraries, education resources, and Parents sections are excellent. http://www.educationindex.com/parents/ | |
45. Education Resources This site organizes more than 10000 reviewed web resources for parents, This Center enriches the education of gifted students in Shawnee Mission kansas. http://www.educationindex.com/educator/ | |
46. Kansas Homeschooling - A To Z Home's Cool kansas education Code For Homeschooling AN A TO Z RESOURCE kansas Home SchoolInformation Handbook Johnson County parent Educators (JCPE) has developed http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/regional/Kansas.htm | |
47. Asperger of kansas Medical Center and the Asperger Autism Resource Center. Services offered are parent education/parent Support, Staff Development focusing http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/suppKS.html | |
48. Welcome To Greenbush Part Time parent Educator. The education Service Center at Greenbush has an The Southeast kansas education Service Center  Greenbush is seeking http://www.greenbush.org/open_tmplt.php?page=static_content.php&pagecont=EMPLOYM |
49. City Of Junction City, Kansas Provide the community with information on available parenting resources. Act as advocates for needed parenting education services and legislation. http://www.jcks.com/cityservices/links/linksc.html | |
50. SPEECH This education plan will address student and parent needs at all levels of While Smart Start, the majority of K12, and Higher education resources are http://www.ksgovernor.org/news/docs/education_first_plan.html | |
51. Family Help In Kansas resources in kansas to help families with troubled teens. The State of PhysicalActivity and Nutrition education in kansas (pdf). Visit Moms! http://www.focusas.com/Kansas.html | |
52. National-Academies.org Evolution Resources Written for teachers, parents, and community officials as well as scientists Statement of Support for the kansas Board of education s Decision to Adopt http://nationalacademies.org/evolution/ | |
53. KS Parent Information Resource Center KNEA a partner in new kansas parent Information Resource Center KPIRC ishoused at the Northeast kansas education Service Center (NEKESC) in Lecompton. http://www.knea.org/news/stories/2003/ksparentinforesourcehtm.htm | |
54. Earth Awareness Educational Resources EDSITEment offers teachers and parents a guide to the top web sites in educational resources - From the North East kansas education Service Center. http://www.earthballoon.com/edsource.htm | |
55. Main Heading Goes Here Subheading Goes Here Assisting kansas parents and their sons and daughters who have disabilities. resources to promote access to a high quality education for all kansas http://www.familiestogetherinc.org/kansascitydistrictlinks.htm | |
56. Head Start Information And Publication Center: Parent Resources Internet Pathfin parent resources An Internet Pathfinder The Federal Resource Center forSpecial education http//www.dssc.org/frc/ http://www.headstartinfo.org/infocenter/guides/pi_sped.htm | |
57. Dwarfism - Short Stature dwarfism.org, centralized dwarfism resources from Little People of America, Genetics education Center University of kansas Medical Center © 19952004 http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/dwarfism.html | |
58. Genetic/Rare Conditions National /International Groups Center of Minneapolis, MN; Parents Helping Parents numerous resources Genetics education Center University of kansas Medical Center © 1995-2004 http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/grouporg.html | |
59. AutismLink - Kansas - Educational Advocacy parent centers are funded by the US Department of education, under the Individualswith kansas Resource Center on Autism Information Clearning House http://www.autismlink.com/services.php?state=KS®ion=&servicetype=10 |
60. The City Of Pittsburg, Kansas and a parent Resource Library can also be found on the Family Resource Center The primary service area of Southeast kansas education Service Center http://www.pittks.org/index.php?pageid=106 |
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