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Kansas Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
21. Online Resources For Parent Involvement In Schools - Kansas - GreatSchools.net Online resources for parent Involvement in Schools kansas - GreatSchools.net . Connect for Kids offers a section on parent Involvement in education. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ks/264/parent | |
22. Online Resources For Special Education - Kansas - GreatSchools.net Online resources for Special education kansas - GreatSchools.net. Check outthese useful online resources for parents of special education students. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ks/94/parent | |
23. State Resources For Gifted Education kansas State Board of education 120 SE 10th St. Topeka, KS 66612 785.296.3867 (phone)785.296.1413 (fax) parent Advocates for Gifted education http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html | |
24. Text Version Main Page parent Centers are funded by the US Department of education, a wealth ofinformation concerning resources and services available to kansas families and http://www.familiestogetherinc.org/textversion1r.htm | |
25. Resources, Family Literacy And Fun Sites kansas parent Information Resource Center. Title V of the reauthorization of the kansas Association for the education of Young Children. Diane Purcell http://www.readyforlearning.net/html/resources.html | |
26. ADHD Resources By State parent education AND RESOURCE CENTER 4696 OVERLAND ROAD 478 BOISE, kansas StateDepartment of education Student Support Services HomePage http://www.adhdnews.com/states.htm | |
27. KANSAS DRIVER EDUCATION - KS DMV Department Of Motor Vehicles Guide - DMV.ORG Recommended parent Taught Driver education Program Some of the informationand resources include. kansas drivers education courses; Steps on obtaining http://www.dmv.org/ks-kansas/driver-education.php | |
28. Exceptional Family Member Internet Resources Exceptional parent Magazine EP s online resource. System (K-STARS) andfunded by the kansas State Department of education Student Support Services. http://www.riley.army.mil/view/article.asp?id=521-2005-02-09-36165-12 |
29. NCSE Resource It is clear that the hybrid standards had a creationist parent. What doesthis mean for science education in kansas? What does it mean for science http://www.ncseweb.org/resources/rncse_content/vol19/4976_bleeding_kansas_what_h | |
NCSE Executive Director Originally published in RNCSE 19 (7): 7-9. The version on the web might differ slightly from the print publication. During August and September of 1999, NCSE members and other citizens read in their newspapers, and heard on radio and television, that the Kansas State Board of Education had removed evolution from the state science education standards. Here is the story. History After a year of work, a committee of Kansas scientists and master teachers (including several NCSE members) submitted a draft version of the Kansas Science Education Standards, first to public hearings and later to the State Board of Education (SBE). The Committee had followed guidelines developed by the National Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science for preparation of such standards, and included evolution as an organizing principle ("Unifying Concepts and Processes") of science. Showing sensitivity to the fact that evolution might conflict with religious beliefs of some students and parents, the proposed standards reminded teachers: Compelling student belief is inconsistent with the goal of education. Nothing in science or any other field of knowledge shall be taught dogmatically. | |
30. Links For Educators This page contains great tips, resources and links for parent educators, of a parent education model developed by Charles A. Smith from kansas State http://www.parenting-ed.org/educatrs.htm |
31. Families ACT - Kansas (CPRC) with disabilities to community resources that address their needs. parent centersare funded by the US Department of education under the Individuals http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/pti/ks2.htm |
32. The Northeast Kansas Education Service Center kansas State Department of education kansas parent Information Resource Center kansas Families and Schools Together, Inc. Student Improvement Team http://nekesc.org/ | |
33. The Northeast Kansas Education Service Center kansas State Department of education kansas parent Information Resource Center kansas Families and Schools Together, Inc. Carl Perkins http://nekesc.org/index1.html | |
34. North Kansas City Schools 10 Reasons parents Choose North kansas City Schools Click here! parent resources SAGE (Gifted) Program Career and Educational Planning Guide http://www.nkcsd.k12.mo.us/ | |
35. Education, Student & Teacher--Reference Resources Library in the Sky contains over 1600 links to educational resources. TERRITORIAL kansas ONLINE This site is a joint project of the kansas State http://skyways.lib.ks.us/library/reference/education.html | |
36. Kansas PTA - Educational Resources For Kansas Parent Teacher Associations, PTO, A central resource for parent Teacher Organizations Welcome to the Kansaseducational resource page. The goal of this page is to provide a central http://www.ptacentral.org/kansas.htm | |
37. Preface: Critical Parenting Practices The National Extension parent education Model (NEPEM) is a dynamic approach toparent education kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service http://www.cyfernet.org/parenting_practices/preface.html | |
38. Kansas ATTACh · Providing Education, Advocacy, Resources And Support. Other Parenting resources Family education Focus on the Family In 2002, ofthe 6190 kansas children in foster care, 2082 were waiting to be adopted. http://www.ksattach.us/parenting.htm | |
39. IJive.com Search Engine: Kansas: Education: School Districts Includes Board of education members and goals, school pages, Includes missionstatement, programs, policies, buildings, parent logon, community and http://ijive.com/Kansas/Education/School_Districts/ | |
40. IJive.com Search Engine: Kansas: Education: School Districts: Page 2 administration contact information and resources for parents, students, Includes Board of education, administration, buildings, resources, http://ijive.com/Kansas/Education/School_Districts/more2.html | |
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