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81. Do2Learn: Educational Resources For Special Needs Goes to School http//funrsc.fairfield.edu/~jfleitas/contents.html Individuals and parents of children with special needs can learn to advocate for http://www.do2learn.com/disabilities/advocacy.htm | |
82. Special Education Resource Site special Education Department University of KansasDisability and special special needs Education Network (SNE) Home Page special Education Links http://www.wcape.school.za/subject/speced/spechome.htm | |
83. Terms And Definitions Appropriate able to meet a need; suitable or fitting; in special education, (kansas State Regulations for special Education). School Social Work means http://www.mcpherson.com/418/special_ed/terms_definitions.html | |
84. Special Ed, Therapy, Magazines University of kansas Department of special Education information about thepeople, places, Winchelsea School - a small special school with 150 pupils, http://www.behinderung.org/disablts.htm | |
86. Kansas City Star 05/26/2005 Blunt Enacts School Funding Law In a ceremony at Dobbs Elementary School in kansas City on Wednesday, Gov. higher and in districts that have more students who need special education, http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/local/11738990.htm |
87. UWWY Partner Agencies Sponsoring organization of the special Olympics adult team in kansas City, Emergency Assistance Family Services; Day Care Center; school age Latch Key http://www.kumc.edu/uwwy/agencies.html | |
88. Technical Assistance ALLIANCE For Parent Centers Newsline For children with special needs, the many and complex situations that can cause School staff, along with the rest of the team, needs to examine the http://www.taalliance.org/apcn/archives/archive_jan2000.html | |
89. Funding For Hearing Aids State Vocational Rehabilitation Programs If you need a hearing aid or similar use but the Office of special Education has ruled that schools need to http://www.atk.ku.edu/hearingaidfunding.htm | |
90. Providing Disability Information, Advocacy And Services For People Disability information for people with disabilities, disabled veterans and Neither movie theatres nor audience members need special equipment to enjoy http://www.halftheplanet.org/departments/newsletter/dec_2001.html |
91. President’s Commission On Excellence In Special Education Grasmick serves on numerous boards and commissions addressing the needs of She has served as an elementary school and special education teacher, http://www.tash.org/govaffairs/spedcommission.htm | |
92. Ask The Experts: Job Hunting When You're Disabled Sometimes they have special programs for the disabled. If you need to get myattention, just wave or give me a tap on the arm. http://career.clemson.edu/students/experts_disability.htm | |
93. Little Red School House As your child reaches middle and high school years, you need to encourage themto learn to Apple special needs Worldwide Disability Solutions http://www.headinjury.com/school.htm | |
94. Review Of Science Education Could Spur Evolution Debate - Billingsgazette.com While the debate rages in kansas over how to teach evolution in public schools, And although some school districts in the country, and even Montana, http://www.billingsgazette.com/index.php?id=1&display=rednews/2005/06/22/build/s |
95. Special Ed Gender Gap Stirs Worry Article of Interest special Education Of the Commonwealth s roughly 160000disabled public school students, 66 percent are boys, according to 2000-01 http://www.bridges4kids.org/articles/7-02/BostonGlobe7-8-02.html | |
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