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21. NCEF Resource List: Special Education Accommodation Access for disabled People to School Buildings Management and Design Guide Designing for Pupils with special Education needs special schools. http://www.edfacilities.org/rl/special_ed.cfm | |
22. EVS-Accountability than ever on helping minority, limitedEnglish, and special-needs students . After all, why should nearly nine in 10 kansas schools meet the federal http://www.asbj.com/evs/04/accountability.html | |
23. American Association Of School Administrators - The School 6 Charter schools don t adequately serve disabled children. Admittedly, somecharter schools do not adequately serve children with special needs today. http://www.aasa.org/publications/sa/2001_05/2001_manno.htm |
24. LJWorld.com : Districts Scramble To Fill Special-education Posts tasks in public schools educating children with special needs. As a newschool year begins, school districts across kansas are having an http://6news.ljworld.com/section/schoolfinance/story/178808 | |
25. AAPD- He has also been a counselor at a camp for children with special needs, also a member of the Derby (kansas) Free Spirits physically disabled track team. http://www.aapd-dc.org/News/aapd/congressIT05release.html |
26. Kansas City RideShare: Getting Around Kansas City Buses; Carpooling Bicycling; special needs (Elderly/disabled) Locate routeand fare information through the kansas City Area Transportation Authority. http://www.marc.org/rideshare/getaround.htm | |
27. Neuropsychological Assessment In Schools. Merz, William R., Sr., And Others trained to use it as a regular part of assessing children with special needs . Identifying learning disabled students has never been an easy task. http://pareonline.net/getvn.asp?v=2&n=4 |
29. Jewish Heritage Foundation Of Greater Kansas City Jewish Education for special needs Children. Central Agency for Jewish Education YMCA Greater kansas City, Support Seniors for schools program http://www.jhf-kc.org/pastgrantawards2000.htm | |
30. Children's TLC, Therapeutic Learning Center In Kansas City The children enrolled in Children s TLC preschool have special needs that are This includes working with infant/toddler services, public schools, http://www.childrenstlc.org/pages/pages/programs.html | |
31. Manhattan-Ogden Public Schools kansas law does not permit special arrangements or testing to allow younger schools will accommodate the needs of individual learners while being guided http://www.nationjob.com/company/maog | |
32. Miscellaneous Links ADA Computer Center serves the disabled community in and around Manhattan,kansas. Works with families and caregivers of those with special needs to http://www.fapeonline.org/misc.htm | |
33. Proceedings, Conference On D&H, DBDCDDH - NCBDDD, CDC Methods Major representative programs serving the disabled in kansas were Of students with special needs, 29% participated in school activities in a http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dh/Publications/abstract2.htm | |
34. Education, General And Special kansas State School for the Blind kansas City, kansas 66102 USA; Landmark College Boarding School for special ed/needs and learning disabilities (K12) http://disability-resource.com/education.html | |
35. Special Needs Links KidPower Family Support Resource, Inc. special needs Links provides links todisability kansas Jaycee s Cerebral Palsy Ranch Kids Campsspecial needs http://www.kid-power.org/links.html | |
36. World Reach innovation and dedication in serving children with special needs through Her students are profoundly mentally retarded, physically disabled, http://www.heartspringworldreach.org/1999Winners.html | |
37. Special Needs News & Views (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) special needs News. Very special Ed Far beyond the boundaries of this scrubby, In each class of 18, 6 children are classified as disabled, most with http://susanohanian.org/show_special_news.html?id=12 |
38. Education World® : Curriculum : Special Education Inclusion: (Part 2) projects between the University of kansas and local school districts. specialneeds children have the opportunity to see other children with skills http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr320a.shtml | |
39. And Inclusion For All Remus has been spreading the message of inclusion for specialneeds and aspecial education director for kansas and for several school districts. http://www.bridges4kids.org/articles/2-04/Oreg2-17-04.html | |
40. National Down Syndrome Society: News And Events: Advocacy News But some program supporters say parents with severely disabled children who to offer state aid to specialneeds children whose parents don t qualify for http://www.ndss.org/content.cfm?fuseaction=NwsEvt.Article&article=1112 |
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