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41. AIBS: Scientific Community Unites Against Kansas Board Of Education Evolution De Scientific Community Unites Against kansas Board of education Evolution Decision.On 10 August 1999, the kansas State Board of education (KSBE) voted 6 to http://www.aibs.org/announcements/000327_scientific_community_unites_against.htm | |
42. AIBS: AIBS News November 1999 The State of kansas Board of education has decided not to require the teachingof evolution in the stateapproved science curriculum. http://www.aibs.org/aibs-news/aibs_news_1999_11.html | |
43. CNN - Kansas School Board's Evolution Ruling Angers Science Community - August 1 The kansas State School Board voted Wednesday to remove the teaching of TOPEKA, kansas (CNN) A decision this week by the kansas Board of education to http://www.cnn.com/US/9908/12/kansas.evolution.flap/ | |
44. Kansas Board Advances A Draft Critical Of Evolution - New York Times The State Board of education has approved the latest draft of science In 1999the kansas board drew international attention when it deleted most http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/10/education/10kansas.html |
45. National Center For Science Education As expected, on August 9, 2005, the kansas State Board of education voted South Central On July 7, 2005, the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Park Board voted 31 to http://www.natcenscied.org/ | |
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46. National Center For Science Education kansas science committee denounces changes, kansas South Central On July 7,2005, the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Park Board voted 31 to reverse its June 7 http://www.ncseweb.org/default.asp | |
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47. NCSE Resource The kansas Board of education hearings on proposed revisions to the state sciencestandards, which were widely condemned as a kangaroo court or show trial, http://www.ncseweb.org/resources/news/2005/KS/893_all_over_but_the_shouting_in_k | |
The Kansas Board of Education hearings on proposed revisions to the state science standards, which were widely condemned as a kangaroo court or show trial, commenced on May 5, 2005 in Topeka, Kansas. Testifying before three antievolutionist members of the board, a parade of witnesses expressed their support for the so-called minority report version of the standards (written with the aid of a local "intelligent design" organization), complained of repression by a dogmatic evolutionary establishment, and claimed to have detected atheism lurking "between the lines" of the draft science standards. Conspicuously absent from the hearings were representatives of the scientific community, who honored the call of the grassroots pro-science organization Kansas Citizens for Science. Kansas scientists, educators, and concerned citizens were not idle during the hearings, however, holding a separate event outside the hearings to provide informed commentary to the media and the public at large. In the hearings, Topeka civil rights attorney Pedro Irigonegaray provided the only critical voice, asking pointed questions with the aim of documenting dubious motivations and lack of relevant expertise. The first major media story to appear after the first day of the hearings highlighted instances in which witnesses admitted under his probing that they rejected, or were ignorant about, such basic scientific facts as the age of the earth (approximately 4.5 billion years) and the common ancestry of humans and apes. According to a later story, although most of the witnesses accepted the correct age of the earth, most rejected common ancestry. A further embarrassment came when, after a witness admitted that he had not read the full draft standards, board member Kathy Martin consoled him by saying, according to the | |
48. Intelligent Design Network The Standards adopted by the kansas State Board of education last year allowscience educators to take an evidence based approach to the issue of origins, http://www.intelligentdesignnetwork.org/Press Rel 6-8-00.htm | |
49. Kansas The other kansas State Board of education control is QPA Quality PerformanceAccreditation. This has been quite controversial. http://www.youth.org/loco/PERSONProject/Handbook/States/kansas.html | |
50. Blogcritics.org: Kansas Board Of Education Much Less Evolved Than Previously Tho Blogcritics ÂIn fact, some of these people have actually devolved during the 80years since the Scopes ÂMonkey trial, says Bill Thornton, http://blogcritics.org/archives/2005/05/05/213638.php | |
51. KANSAS DE-EVOLVES ON SCIENCE TEACHING: SCHOOLS MAY TEACH CREATIONISM, NEW AGE AC Ina 64 vote Wednesday, the kansas Board of education adopted new guidelineswhich set the most anti-evolution science education standards in the country, http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/evol3.htm | |
52. KANSAS IS NEXT BATTLEGROUND IN EVOLUTION DEBATE On Wednesday, the kansas Board of education meets for a showdown over a newstatewide curriculum covering all primary and high schools that wipes out http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/evol2.htm | |
53. KNEA - Quality Teaching - State Board News KNEA, kansas National education Association The State Board is expected todiscuss these issues further at their September meeting. http://www.knea.org/teachers/state_board_news.htm | |
54. KNEA - Kansas National Education Association - FAQs The kansas National education Association s mission is to empower its members A teacher shall give written notice to the board of education of a school http://www.knea.org/faqs.htm | |
55. 2003-003 | 2/18/2003 | Kansas Attorney General Opinion Re SchoolsBoards of education in Cities of First and Second 728205 whendetermining in part the authority of the kansas State Board of education to http://www.kscourts.org/ksag/opinions/2003/2003-003.htm | |
56. Educational Literature | Professional Education Associations | World Book kansas kansas State Department of education http//www.ksbe.state.ks.us/.kansas State Board of education http//www.ksbe.state.ks.us/commiss/board.html http://www.worldbook.com/wc/browse?id=ed/prl/boe/pro_links_us_03.htm |
57. State Regulation Of Private Schools - Kansas The policy must be filed with the kansas Board of education and provide a minimumschedule of evaluations. Every employee must be evaluated at least one http://www.ed.gov/pubs/RegPrivSchl/kansas.html | |
58. Brown V. Board Of Education 50th Anniversary Commission Home Page Home page of the Brown v Board of education 50th Anniversary Commission. US Department of education PO Box 8617 kansas City, MO 641145802 http://www.ed.gov/about/bdscomm/list/brownvboard50th/ | |
59. Kansas Fine Arts Requirements The kansas Board of education is working toward eliminating the Carnegie Unit (seattime) requirements for high school graduation. | |
60. Kansas Education Curriculum Evolves Away From Creationism Sue Gamble is one of the kansas State Board of education who voted to reinstatecurriculum about evolution. Two years ago, the kansas State Board of http://speakout.com/activism/news/5643-1.html | |
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