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81. The Constitution Of Kenya Review Commission Resolution Kenya Civic Education for People with Disability indigenous Information S. Ltd. indigenous Information Group Initiative on Disability and http://www.kenyaconstitution.org/docs/04ad008.htm | |
82. IKenya.com : Top > Society & Culture > People Supporting the rights of the indigenous people whose Mau Forest homeland is Hear and speak your first words in the African tribal language of Kikuyu. http://www.ikenya.com/browse.php3?cat=23 |
83. :: Mission & Vision - United States International University :: People 21% Kikuyu, 14% Lughya,13% Luo, 11% Kamba. 11%kalenjin, 6% Kisii, The African people of Kenya, who account for about 98 percent of the total http://www.usiu.ac.ke/about.usiu/nairobi.htm | |
84. AEGiS: Republic Of Kenya But people all over the world are fighting back. Kenya is a country locatedin africa the has a national disaster of AIDS and HIV. http://www.aegis.com/countries/kenya.html | |
85. Worldpress.org - Kenya Profile Luo 13%, kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6%, other African 15%, Until then, many innocent people may lose their lives for a cause that is http://www.worldpress.org/profiles/Kenya.cfm?startat2=13 |
86. CUSAFE Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6%, other African15%, HIV/AIDS people living with HIV/AIDS 2.1 million (1999 est.) http://www.srcf.ucam.org/cusafe/KENYA.htm | |
87. ArtMatters.info It is Friday evening and people are returning home from work. This problemis also encountered with ÂkalenjinÂ, ÂSwahili and ÂMijikenda communities http://www.artmatters.info/crawls.htm | |
88. Kenya: Land And People People of African descent make up about 97% of the population; they are divided Kenya)(related article THE MAASAIA BRIEF HISTORY) (African Business) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/world/A0859113.html | |
89. REDIRECT Kenya is a beautiful east African country named for Mount Kenya, People inMarsabit and Moyale are slowly improving their lives through participation in http://www.fhi.net/countries/kenya.html |
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