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101. CNN - Justice Department Sues Tobacco Industry - September 22, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/US/9909/22/tobacco.suit.02/index.html | |
102. AMBER Alert A site by the department of justice that provides information on AMBER alerts, Public Service Announcements, a child safety guide, news, and a toolkit for raising awareness about missing children. http://www.amberalert.gov/ | |
103. Office Of Justice Programs Home Page department of justice research into all aspects of crime. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov./ | |
104. Defense Task Force For Domestic Violence Public information about the Defense Domestic Violence Task Force that was established by The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000, Public Law 10665.ÃÂ The Task Force is comprised of 24 members all of whom were appointed by the Secretary of Defense.ÃÂ Half of the members are senior military and civilian personnel from the department of Defense and half represent subject matter experts from the private sector, department of justice and the department of Health and Human Services. http://www.dtic.mil/domesticviolence/index.htm |
105. United States Department Of Justice department of justice site defending the legislation. http://www.lifeandliberty.gov/ | |
106. Identity Theft And Identity Fraud Features programs, prevention, and remedial steps after the crime. http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/fraud/idtheft.html | |
107. USAJOBS - department of justice Agency Search Career Opportunities. The department ofjustice Is An Equal Opportunity Employer http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/a9dj.asp | |
108. Consolidated Statutes And Regulations From the department of justice. (Aussi en fran§ais). http://canada.justice.gc.ca/Loireg/index_en.html | |
109. Department Of Justice ADA Mediation Program In 1994, the department of justice established the ADA Mediation Program. The mediators in the department of justice program are professional mediators http://www.ada.gov/mediate.htm | |
110. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Home Page Statistics regarding crimes and victims, drugs, criminal offenders, the justice system, enforcement, and prosecution. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ | |
111. First Response To Victims Of Crime 2001 From the U.S. department of justice, guidelines for law enforcement officers responding to elderly victims of crime. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/publications/infores/firstrep/2001/eldvic.html | |
112. United States Department Of Justice - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia For other meanings of the term, see justice department (disambiguation). The UnitedStates department of justice (DOJ) is a Cabinet department in the United http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Justice | |
113. Ministry Of Law And Justice : India Information on the judiciary of the central courts. http://lawmin.nic.in/Just.htm | |
114. Justice Dept. Lists Use Of New Power To Fight Terror In the most detailed public accounting of how it had used its expanded powers to fight terrorism, the justice department released information today showing that federal agents had conducted hundreds of bugging and surveillance operations and visited numerous libraries and mosques using new law enforcement tools. New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/21/politics/21PATR.html |
115. Justice Department Plans New Regulations For Handling Informants CNN http://cnn.com/2001/LAW/01/09/informants.guidelines.ap/index.html |
116. Scottish Centre For Research On Social Justice (SCRSJ) - Home Page The Scottish Centre for Research on Social justice SCRSJ is based jointly at the University of Glasgow's Urban Studies department and the Arkleton Centre for Rural Development Research at the University of Aberdeen. The SCRSJ seeks to integrate research and develop new research capacity in the field of social justice. http://www.scrsj.ac.uk/ | |
117. Industrial Hemp Regulations Full text of Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Industrial Hemp Regulations (SOR/98156). http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/C-38.8/SOR-98-156/index.html | |
118. NH Department Of Justice (NHDOJ) Welcome to the NH department of justice. The mission of the department is.to serve the people of New Hampshire with diligence, independence and http://doj.nh.gov/ | |
119. ADA Home Page - Ada.gov - Information And Technical Assistance On The Americans The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, programs and services provided by state and local governments, goods and services provided by private companies, and in commercial facilities. http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/adahom1.htm | |
120. Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn't, What's Promising An analysis of several different prevention programs. http://cjcentral.com/sherman/sherman.htm | |
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