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81. Oracle Wins Antitrust Case | CNET News.com Oracle wins antitrust case Judge rejects justice department charges, us District Court Judge Vaughn Walker sided with Oracle against the department of http://news.com.com/Oracle wins antitrust case/2100-1012_3-5315088.html | |
82. CorpWatch : US: Microsoft And Justice Department Near Deal us Microsoft and justice department Near Deal The justice department hasreached a tentative settlement to end its 3year-old antitrust lawsuit against http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=752 |
83. Division Of Child Support, Oregon Department Of Justice Enforces child financial assistance from the noncustodial parent by helping to establish paternity through genetic tests, issuing support orders, and garnishing wages, if needed. Page includes FAQ's and family law links. http://dcs.state.or.us/ | |
84. Justice Department Seeks Dismissal Of Case Brought By Canadian The us justice department has said that Syria promised that Arar would be treatedhumanely and that shipping him there was in the best interest of the http://news.findlaw.com/ap/o/51/08-10-2005/0a7a0014944de7de.html |
85. Consumer Protection Nebraska Consumer Bulletins, Nebraska department of justice, Office of the Attorney General. Also links to consumer complaint form. http://www.ago.state.ne.us/content/consumer.html | |
86. Welcome To The Department Of Criminal Justice Training The department of Criminal justice Training, EKU Campus, Richmond Kentucky. http://docjt.jus.state.ky.us/ | |
87. JURIST - Justice Department (US) JURIST Citing national security concerns, the us justice department has JURIST The us department of justice official website said Friday that it http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/hottopics/doj.php | |
88. How Does The US Justice Department Do Legal IP Analysis?: Corante > Copyfight > How Does the us justice department Do Legal IP Analysis? The Criminal Divisionof the justice department is relatively new to the IP game, http://www.corante.com/copyfight/archives/2005/03/22/how_does_the_us_justice_dep | |
89. US Department Of Justice us department of justice actively participated in the following events People and organizations involved Dale Watson, us department of justice, http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/entity.jsp?id=1521846767-2409 |
90. King Family Rejects Justice Department Finding Of No Conspiracy CNN http://cnn.com/2000/US/06/10/king.reax.01.ap/index.html |
91. Waste Industries Settles Dispute With Justice Department - 2005-08-09 contracting practices in the area, according to the us justice department . The department s antitrust division filed a civil lawsuit Monday in us http://triangle.bizjournals.com/triangle/stories/2005/08/08/daily9.html?jst=t3_l |
92. Welcome To JUSTNET: Justice Technology Information Network justice Technology Information Network, National Law Enforcement and Corrections is the research and development agency of the us department of justice. http://www.nlectc.org/ | |
93. Minnesota Department Of Corrections Thank you for visiting the new Minnesota department of Corrections home page . while restoring justice for victims and contributing to a safer Minnesota. http://www.doc.state.mn.us/ | |
94. Office Of The Attorney General - Delaware Dept. Of Justice The Delaware department of justice is committed to providing successful prosecutionof violations of criminal law; to provide legal services to state http://www.state.de.us/attgen/ | |
95. South Carolina DJJ The South Carolina department of Juvenile justice DJJ Upcoming Events Divisions and Offices Purchasing department Contact Information http://www.state.sc.us/djj/ | |
96. Justice2.usdoj.gov/ National Institute of justiceResearch and development branch of the us department of justice. http://justice2.usdoj.gov/ |
97. CNN.com - US - Justice Department Denies Claims It Staged Elian Raid Without A W CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/04/24/cuba.boy/index.html | |
98. U.S. Newswire : Releases : "Fact Sheet: Justice Department And EPA Efforts To Re National news release wire service distributing upto-the-minute news issueddirectly from The White House, government agencies,Congressional offices, NGOs, http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=50860 |
99. Channelnewsasia.com us justice department investigates Mercedes corruption. WASHINGTON The usjustice department is investigating corruption allegations against senior http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_world_business/view/161775/1/.html | |
100. Criminal Justice Statistics Center - California Dept. Of Justice - Office Of The Crime and arrest statistics, publication lists, and special requests. http://caag.state.ca.us/cjsc/ | |
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