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61. Violence Against Women Online Resources department of justice Online Resources http://www.vaw.umn.edu/Vawnet/welfare.htm | |
62. Iowa Attorney General state capitol, Welcome to the department of justice On behalf of everyonewho works in our office, thank you for visiting us. http://www.state.ia.us/government/ag/ | |
63. Identity Theft - California Dept. Of Justice - Office Of The Attorney General Features state lwas, tips for victims, and ID theft registry for the state. http://caag.state.ca.us/idtheft/ | |
64. Proof, Negative - The Justice Department's Triumphant Victory Over The Constitut To reassure us, the justice department responds with the assurance that no onethere trusts what happens in the bright light of a constitutional democracy. http://slate.msn.com/id/2101632/ | |
65. Government Resources us department of justice. Attorney General Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearmsand Explosives Bureau of justice Statistics Civil Rights Division, http://library.louisville.edu/government/federal/agencies/justice/justice.html | |
66. CNN - Justice Department Plans To Sue Tobacco Companies - September 21, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/US/9909/22/tobacco.suit.01/index.html | |
67. CNN.com - US - Justice Department: Elian's Miami Relatives Not In Compliance Wit CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/03/27/cuba.boy.03/index.html | |
68. Office On Violence Against Women - Megan's Law: Senate Approval Notice of the passage of Megan's Law through the us Senate, provided by the Violence against Women Office of the department of justice. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/vawo/laws/megan.htm | |
69. Department Of Justice - U.S. Virgin Islands Government Charlotte Amalie, us Virgin Islands 00802 / justice@usvi.org The departmentof justice was created as an Executive department of the Government of the http://www.usvi.org/justice/ | |
70. United States Department Of Justice - DKosopedia The United States department of justice (DOJ) is a Cabinet department in the At one time the Attorney General gave legal advice to us Congress as well http://www.dkosopedia.com/index.php/Justice_Department | |
71. Justice Department Announces New Initiatives At ADA 15th Anniversary Celebration Contact justice department, 202514-2008. WASHINGTON, July 25 /us Newswire/ The justice department today announced the signing of 22 agreements with http://press.arrivenet.com/pol/article.php/673905.html | |
72. Environmental Justice - FHWA General information, case studies, and training resources on applicable requirementsand on addressing environmental justice in the planning process for http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/ej2.htm | |
73. U.S.: Justice Department Report Confirms 9-11 Detainee Abuses (Human Rights Watc Charges in Connection with the Investigation of the September 11 Attacks USDepartment of justice, Office of the Inspector General, Report, June 2003 http://www.hrw.org/press/2003/06/us060203.htm | |
74. Nude Cover-up Ends At US Justice Department. 25/06/2005. ABC News Online After more than three years of being blocked by large blue drapes two Art Decoaluminium statues of seminude figures in the us justice Departments Great http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200506/s1400387.htm | |
75. What The Justice Department Inspector General S Report Doesn T Tell Us What the justice department Inspector General s Report Doesn t Tell us Choose to file a complaint with the justice department rather than through the http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0204-11.htm | |
76. Salon.com News | Justice: Propaganda Is A-OK Must the us government reveal when it has produced news broadcasts? In a stunningrebuke of the GAO, the justice department says no. http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2005/03/16/propaganda_ruling/ | |
77. VPC - Press Release - (11/17/2003) - U.S. Justice Department's Bureau Of Alcohol Washington, DCÂThe us justice department s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearmsand Explosives (ATF) is continuing to place the general public at risk by http://www.vpc.org/press/0311pengun.htm | |
78. American Civil Liberties Union : In First-Ever Ruling, Secret Appeals Court Allo to a justice department bid to broadly expand its powers to spy on us After the justice department appealed, the ACLU was granted permission to file http://www.aclu.org/Cyber-Liberties/Cyber-Liberties.cfm?ID=11332&c=58 |
79. CNN.com - US - Justice Department Delays Filing Suit Against LAPD - May 9, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/05/09/lapd.probe.02/index.html | |
80. DOJ To Swappers: Law's Not On Your Side | CNET News.com The us department of justice is prepared to begin prosecuting peerto-peer pirates,a top government official said on Tuesday. http://news.com.com/2100-1023-954591.html | |
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