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41. News Reporting And Writing A monthly report for news editorial journalism educators that includes news notes, exercises and assignments by the author of the textbook 'news Reporting and writing'. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072564970/ | |
42. The Lantern Online journalism more than news writing, , The Lantern, a newspaper of Ohio State. http://www.thelantern.com/news/2003/12/08/Opinion/Journalism.More.Than.News.Writ | |
43. Web Writing In Journalism Classes usability research at useit.com with the news writing styles in a journalismtextbook. A lot of online news is repurposed newspaper writing, http://radio.weblogs.com/0106327/stories/2004/12/30/webWritingInJournalismClas.h | |
44. Boston University - Summer Term 2005 - Journalism Courses - News Reporting And W Boston University summer writing classes in the College of Communication. Fundamentals of news gathering, newswriting and editing, and the evaluation of http://www.bu.edu/summer/courses/journalism.html | |
45. Research Haven - Your Resource To Style Guides, Free Research Papers, Essay Writ A students guide to writing essays and offering free research papers. Our writinghowto s journalism / Model news Articles send me this paper http://categories.paperstore.net/researchhaven/049-000.html | |
46. Miami University: Documents And Policies: General Bulletin Refines media news writing skills acquired in JRN 201, with an emphasis on 418 Critical writing in journalism (3). Theory and practice in reviewing http://www.miami.muohio.edu/documents_and_policies/bulletin06/courses/jrn/ | |
47. Journalism Perhaps you ll learn about broadcast journalism by writing and reporting for news writing and Editing. provides intensive training in researching and http://www.southernct.edu/undergrad/schcomm/JRN/ | |
48. Humboldt: Journalism Courses course descriptions in journalism. Learn broadcast news writing skills whileproducing public affairs radio programming. http://www.humboldt.edu/~catalog/courses/jn_crs.html | |
49. Online Journalism Degree | News And Media Bachelor of Applied Science/ Bachelor of Arts (journalism) University ofOklahoma. Professional writing Magazine writing Basic news writing http://www.study2u.com/browse.php?L1=14&L2=110 |
50. University Of Richmond - Arts & Sciences journalism 201 will be renamed news writing and Reporting. Revised catalogdescriptions. The journalism Major. Twentyeight semester hours in journalism, http://as.richmond.edu/facstaff/Jour_curriculum_revision.htm | |
51. Newsday.com: Newsday Long Island School Journalism Awards Congratulations School journalism Award Winners! Local news/History.Third Place news writing. Chaminade High School First Place Commentary http://www.newsday.com/other/education/ny-journalism,0,5444299.htmlstory?coll=ny |
52. The Journalism And Films Of John Pilger writing in the New Statesman, John Pilger contrasts two related global BRINGING YOU THE news COURTESY OF THE LAW OF OPPOSITES AND THE LAW OF SILENCE http://pilger.carlton.com/ | |
53. Journalism journalism majors learn to report, write, and edit articles for Get ready tohit the ground running with a course in news writing and reporting. http://www.collegeboard.com/csearch/majors_careers/profiles/majors/100548.html | |
54. Programs Template of journalism and intensive training in the fundamentals of news writing and Other courses include radio news writing, advanced news writing (ENGL http://www.english.udel.edu/program files/journalism.htm | |
55. School Of Journalism She teaches news writing and reporting, law of the press, and magazine writing to journalism, as well as news writing and Interpreting the Day s news. http://www.journalism.neu.edu/faculty.html | |
56. Knight Ridder::Career Center::Awards::Journalism & Other Awards journalism. 1999. South Dakota newspaper Association. Spot news and color Florida Press Club Excellence in journalism. Opinion writing, first place, http://www.knightridder.com/career/journawards/journawards_a.html | |
57. Broadcast Journalism-Television News - Fanshawe College news gathering equipment, audio and visual, news writing, newscasting news writers. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED ACADEMIC PREPARATION journalism http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/programs/tvn1.asp | |
58. Saheli*: Musings And Observations news, commentary and original writing by an IndianAmerican journalism student. http://ssrdatta.blogspot.com/ | |
59. Journalism - Boston College In news writing and Feature writing courses, students will learn how to write In addition to writing classes, students interested in journalism might http://www.bc.edu/schools/cas/communication/undergrad/conc/journal/ | |
60. NYU > CAS > Bulletin > Journalism > Program Of Study Reporting I and Broadcast news writing may not be taken by students with fewerthan 60 points who have not Radio journalism Radio news, V54.0171 http://cas.nyu.edu/object/journalism.0406.ug.req.html | |
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