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81. WU Libraries: Resources For American Literature Selective list of AmLit journals available through WU libraries Selectedjournals (electronic and print) related to American Literature held at Olin Library http://library.wustl.edu/subjects/amlit/ | |
82. Journalism - SLCC Library Services journalism web links. journalism Resources University of Missouri School ofjournalism Library. journalismJobs.com Resource for media job listings and http://www.stlcc.cc.mo.us/lsdocs/journalism.html | |
83. Library Of America: Home The Library of America. America s best and most significant writing in durable and The reporters and journalism of the American Civil Rights Movement. http://www.loa.org/ | |
84. Journalism journalism books and more. Search the Library Catalogue to find books, videos,CDs, DVDs. If you know the exact title http://www-library.uow.edu.au/eresources/subjects/crea/creajournalism.html | |
85. Education, Library Science & Mass Communication : Databases & E-Resources (Libra Browse an alphabetical subject list of electronic journals in Folklore, History,journalism, Library Science, Linguistics, Literature and Publishing. http://www.loc.gov/rr/ElectronicResources/subjects.php?subjectID=7 |
86. Mass Communication And Journalism Portal - Subject Portals - Library - Universit Global Books in Print Current Contents Current Awareness Resources. In theLibrary. Recently received journals Currently received newspapers http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/coms/ | |
87. UniSA Library - Internet Resources For Journalism Guide to online resources in journalism. The Internet extends the reach ofyour Library to include a multitude of resources from all over the world, http://www.library.unisa.edu.au/resources/subject/journal.asp | |
88. Library System - Howard University: Assist: Guides: Journalism journalism Library resource guide (Columbia University); journalism and MassCommunication Resources - Library resource guide (University of Iowa) http://www.howard.edu/library/Assist/Guides/Journalism.htm | |
89. University Of Oregon Libraries Library hours change beginning 8/13 until 9/26. (8/10/05). Science Direct Available.Online journal subscriptions and payper-view access are part of new http://libweb.uoregon.edu/ | |
90. Journalism & Mass Communication Resources On The Web Library Catalog Indexes Abstracts eJournals e-Books e-Reference Sources Guide to Newspapers held in the Microforms Center, Parks Library, http://www.lib.iastate.edu/collections/eresourc/journalism.html | |
91. BUBL LINK: Journalism Author British Library Newspaper Library Subjects journalism, newspapersDeweyClass 070 Resource type news index; Power Reporting Collection of US and http://bubl.ac.uk/link/j/journalism.htm | |
92. Library Of Faculty Of Journalism At Kabul University Takes Shape: UNESCO Home Library of Faculty of journalism at Kabul University Takes Shape Updated28-06-2002 1150 am. 07-04-2002 1000 pm After one month overseas on a http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=1395&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.h | |
93. UNM General Library - Communication Studies - Guide To Resources of scholarly journals subscribed to by the UNM General Library from FirstSearch . Financial Aid for Minorities in journalism/Mass Communications. http://www.unm.edu/~emmons/communications.html | |
94. Directory Of Open Access Journals Keywords library and information science, journalism, informing science StartYear 1997. The International Journal of Digital Contents ISSN 1696313x http://www.doaj.org/ljbs?cpid=129 |
95. Journalism The journalism Library Liaison maintains a web page that organizes and promotesa wide range of electronic resources for including locally licensed http://www.lib.uconn.edu/about/policies/collections/journalism.htm | |
96. NYPL Journalism Award This annual award, now in its 18th year, honors journalists and their unique role List of all New York Public Library Helen Bernstein Book Award winners http://www.nypl.org/pr/awardspage.cfm | |
97. All.info Society And Social Sciences / Communications And Arts and Humanities Literature libraries and Archives Recreation andEntertainment Music libraries and Archives More Categories http://allinfo.com/directory/Society_and_Social_Sciences/Communications_and_Jour | |
98. University Of Missouri-Columbia Journalism Library - Home The MU journalism Library is a branch of the University of MissouriColumbiaLibraries. It has a collection of more than 50000 books, 170 periodicals, http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/Journalism/ | |
99. This Page Has Moved http://www.missouri.edu/~jourss/ | |
100. Specker Memorial Library - CCSJ Journals Journals Shelved in Specker Library Full Text Online Journal Articles OnlineJournals Current paper or hard copy journals shelved in the library. http://www.ccsj.edu/library/journals.html | |
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