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61. World-Wide Web Resources - Journalism journalism Resources, from the WWW Virtual Library. journalism LibraryInformation Center, from the Columbia University Library. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/journalism.html | |
62. Library Of American Broadcasting, UM Libraries University of Maryland Broadcasting Pioneers museum. Located at College Park, MD.Free to visit. http://www.lib.umd.edu/LAB/ | |
63. School Of Journalism And Mass Communication: University Of Minnesota Engaged journalism Library ResourcesEngaged journalism (COMM 439)  Lawrence Pintak  Library Resources Amy Robb,Communication Studies Librarian amyrobb@umich.edu  1122G Lane Hall http://journal.lib.umn.edu/ | |
64. Catalogues Offered To Students Of The Faculty Communication And Journalism, Libr may become member or request books via our libraries without payment. and almost 500000 periodicals in more than 400 libraries in the Netherlands http://virtmed.fcj.hvu.nl/engels/catalogi/ | |
65. Catalogues Offered To Students Of The Faculty Communication And Journalism, Libr and almost 500000 periodicals in more than 400 libraries in the Netherlands which includes collections of more dan 14.000 libraries in 45 countries) http://virtmed.fcj.hvu.nl/engels/catalogi/catalogi.html | |
66. Barnard Library Research Guide - American Urban Disasters For scholarly journals, select InterdisciplinaryResearch Library from the Subject Guides and Internet Resources from the journalism Library http://www.barnard.edu/library/courses/Spring2004/BC4584Lobel.htm | |
67. Journalism Library Reference Sources New York Public Library. journalism a bibliography. 1967. Price, Warren C.An annotated journalism bibliography, 19581968. 1970. http://www.mountsaintvincent.edu/library2/jour.htm | |
68. APALA Jobs Minimum of six years professional experience in a library, journalism, journalism Library and add 1.5 FTE to the current library staff. http://www.apalaweb.org/jobs/2004/1022MI.htm | |
69. Library Invites Folks To Sit Awhile journalism Library, MU 27 Neff Annex 8827502 884-4963 (fax). Math SciencesLibrary, MU 206 Math Sciences Building 882-7286 884-0058 (fax) http://www.showmenews.com/2005/OurTown/20050626OurTown011.asp | |
70. Subject Guides: Journalism: Current Events And News journalism Library From Columbia University s journalism Library. Several journalsto choose from on a variety of topics, including journalism and related http://www.lib.utk.edu/refs/journalism/newspapers.html | |
71. Journalism QuickLinks , Library Catalogs, ALICE Online Catalog, OhioLINK Central Catalog,WorldCat (OU only), Databases journalism Library Holdings Lists http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/byform:holdings/communications/journalism/ | |
72. The Haworth Press Online Catalog: Table Of Contents In most developing countries, the effectiveness of a special library is stillmeasured Keywords Special library, management, journalism, eservices, http://www.haworthpress.com/store/Toc_views.asp?TOCName=J122v23n02_TOC&desc=Volu |
73. FLA | Bibliotheca Universalis - How To Organize Chaos? College, Facultu of journalism, Library and Inf.Science. Munkebyaune. Anne.Norway. Advisor. Bibsys. Salvesen. Gunhild. Norway. Assistant Professor http://www.fla.fi/frbr05/particip.htm | |
74. Newspaper, Journalism, And Media Resources: The British Library Newspaper Librar A listing of Internet resources for newspapers, journalism, and media studies inthe UK and worldwide, including links to online newspapers and news http://www.bl.uk/collections/sources.html | |
75. Journalism Resources On The Web UA Library Library journalism page. For further research assistance contactMary Feeney Librarian for journalism The University of Arizona Library http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/sst/jour/web/resources.html | |
76. Research By Subject: Journalism The University of Arizona Library. Research by SUBJECT The following is aselected list of resources in journalism. For further assistance, make an http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/sst/jour/guide/path.html | |
77. About The Site Oslo CollegeÂFaculty of journalism, Library and Information Sciences; NationalLibrary, Oslo Division; National Library, Rana Division; Norwegian Emigrant http://www.nb.no/emigrasjon/emigration/about.html | |
78. Jli Oslo College, Faculty of journalism, Library and Information Science, Pilestredet52, N 0167 Oslo. Telephone +47 22 45 26 18. Tone.Gjerding@jbi.hio.no http://www.studie.hio.no/eng/ects/jli/jli-01.htm | |
79. UIowa Libraries Web InfoHawk is the library gateway to information, providing access to librarycatalogs, periodical indexes and abstracts, electronic journals and books, http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/ | |
80. Oslo University College Oslo University College faculty of journalism, Library and Information Science.The figures are for the library education. Number of staff 25 http://nuk.uni-lj.si/elag2000/reports/Oslo_College_FJLIS.html | |
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