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         Journal Writing:     more books (100)
  1. Life Path Journal: Personal and Spiritual Growth through Journal Writing by Luci Shaw, 1992-12-17
  2. Writings: A Woman's Personal Journal (Parchment Journal)
  3. Family Message Journals: Teaching Writing Through Family Involvement by Julie Wollman-Bonilla, 2000-08
  4. Moleskine Large Sketch Book Writing Journals Book (Moleskine Notebooks and Calendars)
  5. A Walk Between Heaven and Earth: A Personal Journal on Writing and the Creative Process by Burghild Nina Holzer, 1994-05-31
  6. Writing from the Source by Allison Price, 1999-05
  7. Moleskine Small Info Book Travel Writing Journals Book (Moleskine Notebooks and Calendars)
  8. Writing Tides: Finding Grace and Growth Through Writing by Kent Ira Groff, 2007-06
  9. The Way of the Journal: A Journal Therapy Workbook for Healing by Kathleen Adams, 1998-04-12
  10. Me Writing Journal Do Unto Others
  11. Open Your Heart with Writing: Mastering Life through Love of Words (Open Your Heart) by Neil M. Rosen, 2007-08-01
  12. Praxis, Journal of Writing and Building, Issue 4: Landscape by Amanda Reeser, Ashley Schafer, 2002-10-01
  13. Courage: Every Day (Every Day Journals)
  14. Bliss: Writing to Find Your True Self by Katherine M. Ramsland, 2000-10

121. Journal Of Second Language Writing Online
An international quarterly journal focusing on second language or foreign language writing theory, research and pedagogy. Includes comprehensive table of contents, complete abstracts of articles, information for authors, and awards.
Ilona Leki and Tony Silva
Subscription Information

Join JSLW Mailing List

Symposium on L2 Writing
The Journal of Second Language Writing, a refereed journal appearing four times a year, features theoretically grounded reports of research and discussion of central issues in second language and foreign language writing and writing instruction. Areas of interest include:
  • personal characteristics and attitudes of L2 writers L2 writers' composing processes features of L2 writers' texts readers' responses to L2 writing assessment/evaluation of L2 writing contexts (cultural, social, political, situational) for L2 writing any other topic clearly relevant to L2 writing and/or writing instruction
In addition to feature articles and dialogues, each issue of the JSLW includes an annotated bibliography of recent scholarship in second language writing.

122. FINDING AMERICA By James Q. Jacobs
A three month journey from Oregon to Panama and back. A realtime-written mixture of history, anthropology, politics, war and all the things I didn't know were going to happen next.
© 1997 by James Q. Jacobs
"...the skins of animals were there only dress.
They were poor, they possessed nothing,
but they had the nature of extraordinary men. "...their hearts were troubled; they were suffering greatly;
they did not have food; they did not have sustenance;
they only smelled the ends of their staffs and thus they imagined they were eating;
but they did not eat when they came. "It is not quite clear, however, how they crossed the sea;
they crossed to this side, as if there were no sea;
they crossed on stones." Popul Vuh, Ancient Histories of the Quiche Maya. Finding America is a book-lenght journal of my travels from Oregon to Panama and back. It was written in the moment, and that writing characteristic has been preserved during editing. While traveling, not even I knew what would happen next, and my percecptions of events, no matter how much altered later, are preserved in the writing. If you would like to travel for three months, hitchhiking, exploring, discovering, all from the comfort of your armchair, put on your backpack and join me.
You may print one copy of this book for your reading pleasure.

123. You Already Love This Site. Admit It.
The interactive home of the Michael Lee Cook writing empire, with short stories, merchandise, and his fascinating online journal.

124. West Coast LINE
A journal of art, writing and cultural critique, from Western Canada. Samples from current issues, a call for submissions, subscription information, and backissues.

125. City Journal Winter 2000 | Why The Boy Scouts Work By Heather Mac Donald
Heather Mac Donald, writing for City journal, provides a detailed history of innercity scouting and then argues that the position of activists trying to change the BSA is that furthering the gay-rights crusade takes precedence over helping inner-city children.
Winter 2000 F_menu(new Array('NavigationBar21', '../html/cj_editors.html','../assets/images/autogen/CJ_editors_Ncj1.gif','../assets/images/autogen/CJ_editors_NRcj1.gif')); F_menu(new Array('NavigationBar22', '../html/cj_archives.html','../assets/images/autogen/CJ_print_Ncj1.gif','../assets/images/autogen/CJ_print_NRcj1.gif','../html/new_and_newsworthy_archive.html','../assets/images/autogen/CJ_online_Ncj1.gif','../assets/images/autogen/CJ_online_NRcj1.gif')); Why the Boy Scouts Work
Heather Mac Donald EMAIL RESPOND PRINT F eeling dispirited about today's youth? Try attending a Boy Scout meeting. You will find a parallel universe to today's vulgar, sexualized youth culture, filled with gestures of sometimes unbelievable delicacy and a code of conduct as anachronistic as sixteenth-century courtiership. Take Harlem's Troop 759. Six boys, from tall to small, sit expectantly around a card table in the basement of a red brick church on Morningside Avenue. The gangly senior patrol leader, Osmond Ollennu, a tenth-grade son of Ghanaians, calls the troop to opening ceremonies ("C'mon, men, form a straight line!"), and Osmond's little brother leads it in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by four full-throated repetitions of the scout motto ("Be Prepared!") and one scout slogan ("Do a Good Turn Daily"). Then Osmond, who is the troop's second-in-command, announces inspection. While the boys stand quietly in line, he gently reties a neckerchief here, straightens a collar there, occasionally whispering a reminder in a boy's ear. The troop's leader, a dignified 18-year-old named Henry Lawson, inspects Ollennu in turn.

126. Home
Covers topics such as current events and daily life through journal entries, writing and photographs.
After several years with a usurious web hosting company I've moved. I guess as one ages change comes harder. (But saving over 50% per year is well worth the effort!)
For the moment there's no substantive content except for the new ability to purchase A Receding Peace via PayPal.
Check out my blog: Pulse '05 : musings and observations.

127. SoYouWanna Get A Short Story Published?
Article on the process of getting short stories published, from picking a journal to writing a cover letter.
An Intermix Network Property SYW be a sitcom writer? SYW publish a book?
SYW write a children's book?

Short stories are much better than novels for one reason: they're short. Bad stories end quicker, and good stories get right to the point. In fact, writing a short story is a great way to get your foot in the door of the writing industry; you can experiment with different narrative styles and play with characters, situations, and tone. A short story can be as short as a paragraph or as long as 50 pages, so you have tons of freedom with which to work. So you've written a story and your mom says that it's super. But you want more than motherly compliments, right? You'd rather break into the pages of The New Yorker and get offered a cushy teaching job at a liberal arts school in Maine. Slow down, bucko. Let's get that first story published, shall we? Despite the fact that assistant editors and interns at literary magazines are regularly drowned in mailbags full of submissions (commonly referred to as a "slushpile"), getting your short story published is easier than you think.

128. War, Literature, & The Arts
Published by the English Department of the U.S. Air Force Academy, this journal includes warrelated writing, art, and scholarly essays. Sample issues, subscriptions, and submissions.

An International Journal of the Humanities
"From time out of mind, and in all cultures, war and art have reflected one another. It is this intersection of war and art that WLA seeks to illuminate. We publish short fiction, poetry, personal essay/memoir, visuals, and scholarly essays for a general audience." Donald Anderson, Editor About Us (in pdf or as html Who We Are Current Issue Back Issues ... From the Webmaster

129. Scraps & Scribbles: A Writer's Journal And Resource
Writer, Holly jahangiri's journal and weblog. Resources to help with the writing process.
Resources for Writers

Freelance Writing


Keyword Title Author Detoured down the gentle curve of a narrow shady lane, you hit a pothole in front of a quaint, old-fashioned roadside coffee house. You smell the dark, earthy aroma of rich, freshly ground Sumatra coffee and hear the din of poets, writers, and a rather odd assortment of folks who, like you, hit that same pothole in the road. The Welcome mat is comfortably worn and the crackling fireplace looks inviting. Make yourself at home.
- just click the link and register (it's FREE)! If you know of a site you think merits inclusion here, please write to me with the URL and I'll check it out. Books Now Available on Lulu!
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130. SpringerLink - Publication
An interdisciplinary journal focusing on the interaction among various fields, such as linguistics, information processing, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, speech and hearing science and education. Includes subscription information, aims and scope, indexing and abstracting. Online version available.
Articles Publications Publishers

Publication Reading and Writing Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. ISSN: 0922-4777 (Paper) 1573-0905 (Online) Subject: Humanities, Social Sciences and Law Issues in bold contain content you are entitled to view. Volume 18 Number 4 / June 2005 Number 3 / April 2005 Number 2 / March 2005 Number 1 / February 2005 ... Request a sample Volume 17 Number 9 / December 2004 Numbers 7-8 / November 2004 Number 6 / August 2004 Number 5 / July 2004 ... Numbers 1-2 / February 2004 Volume 16 Number 8 / December 2003 Number 7 / October 2003 Number 6 / September 2003 Number 5 / July 2003 ... Numbers 1-2 / February 2003 Volume 15 Numbers 7-8 / December 2002 Numbers 5-6 / September 2002 Numbers 3-4 / June 2002 Numbers 1-2 / February 2002 Volume 14 Numbers 7-8 / December 2001 Numbers 5-6 / September 2001 Numbers 3-4 / June 2001 Numbers 1-2 / March 2001 Volume 13 Numbers 3-4 / December 2000 Numbers 1-2 / September 2000 Volume 12 Number 3 / June 2000 Numbers 1-2 / March 2000 Volume 11 Numbers 5-6 / December 1999 Number 4 / August 1999 Number 3 / June 1999 Number 2 / April 1999 ... Number 1 / February 1999 Volume 10 Number 6 / December 1998 Numbers 3-5 / October 1998 Number 2 / April 1998 Number 1 / February 1998 Volume 9 Numbers 5-6 / December 1997 Number 4 / August 1997 Number 3 / June 1997 Number 2 / April 1997 ... Number 1 / February 1997 First page
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131. The Writer Ring
To connect writers across the net and around the world, not just as a webring, but in discussion. Members are invited to participate in an online writing journal.
The Ring




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Welcome to writer, the ring for writers of all kinds.
The purpose of this ring is to connect writers across the net and around the world, not just as a webring, but also in discussion. So in addition to the webring, members are invited to participate in an online writing journal. A lot of rings require that a writer be published. Or be in a specific genre. This ring doesn't. While we don't accept journaling or blogging (you must be a fiction/nonfiction author who writes storiesshort or longor articles separate from your personal online site), you don't have to be published, seeking publication, or write in a specific genre. To reflect the diversity of our membership, the ring code is customizable to reflect you: whether you write fiction, nonfiction or both; genre; and whether or not you have been published. Writer is for those with an addiction: writing. However, we don't provide critiques. Instead we have a list of member recommended places where members can find workshops and critique circles. If you are interested in joining writer, please go to the

132. Kalamalka Institute For Working Writers
Based at Okanagan University College in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, the KIWW offers courses in commercial creative writing, operates the Kalamalka Press and the Kalamalka Review ejournal, maintains a digital archive, and sponsors events such as contests, conferences and workshops.
A signature program of the Kalamalka Campus of Okanagan College KIWW News KIWW Home Kalamalka Press ... Contact KIWW According to the you are visitor number to this site. This page was last updated on June 30, 2005 by the KIWW Webmaster

133. Health - The Joy Of Journals
Here, some ways to find the passion to keep on writing your journal In reality, one of the best facets of journalwriting is that you can abandon it.
Home Health Features Feel good now! Secrets of happy people. ...
See how one woman's journal-writing changed her life.

The Joy of Journals
by Sara Eckel
Dan Price is constantly meeting people who wish they kept a journal. Although they understand that having a personal log of their experiences would help them feel more in touch with themselves and capable of facing life's challenges, most have a difficult time sticking with their writing. Price, the author of "How to Make a Journal of Your Life," says that the biggest mistake people make is approaching "journaling" as a job and not a joy. "You have to connect with the passion of why you're doing it," he says. "Once you do that, you don't have to worry that you didn't write in it yesterday or all last week." Here, some ways to find the passion to keep on writing your journal: Don't force it. Record the good stuff too! Rose Offner, author of "Journal to the Soul," believes most people tend to write in their journal during difficult, trying times. Take note of the world around you. Go to the heart of the matter.

134. Flash Test
Online excerpts and submission guidelines for a journal of poetry attempting to publish writers under 40 alongside the older poets who influenced them.
Checking for Flash...

135. Writer's Edge Blog On English Words, Books, And Writing
A writer's journal about English words, books and writing. San Diego freelancer Georganna Hancock also offers coaching, editing and writing services.
@import url(""); @import url(""); "I love your site/blog." Liz Dubelman, VidLit
Writer's Edge
A writer's journal about English words, books and writing it's better than talking to the television. Home Services Resume Blog ... Biography
About Me
Name: Georganna Hancock Location: San Diego, California, United States
I was born with a pencil in my mouth; printers' ink runs in my veins; can't think without a keyboard; can't wait to wireless thoughts into a computer. View my complete profile
WWW Writer's Edge
Websites for Writers! ebook is ... Only $7.95
Views Choose Below Book Reviews Author Interviews

American Life in Poetry

Reciprocity Psybertron

Against the Flow

Down the Writers Path
Listings Google Directory Cyberjournalist ... Free Counters var site="s19HANCOCKWRITING" Who Else Links Here
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Google Suit
The Authors Guild has issued legal proceedings in a New York court claiming damages and demanding the search engine stops uploading the contents of library books.

136. WPA Journal
journal of the Council of writing Program Administrators. WPA writing Program Administration publishes articles and essays concerning the organization,
Welcome About WPA Policy WPA Journal ... Sitemap Menu WPA: Writing Program Administration
Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators WPA: Writing Program Administration publishes articles and essays concerning the organization, administration, practices, and aims of college and university writing programs. Possible topics include the education and support of writing teachers; the intellectual and administrative work of WPAs; the situation of writing programs, within both academic institutions and broader contexts; the programmatic implications of current theories, technologies, and research; relationships between WPAs and other administrators, between writing and other academic programs, and among high school, two-year, and four-year college writing programs; placement; assessment; and the professional status of WPAs. The journal is published twice a year: fall/winter and spring. To subscribe, join WPA.

137. TESL-EJ Issue 9.1
Introduction, information on submission and subscription, index of articles by author and titles, access and editorial board.

Search all issues

June 2005
A word from the editors . . .
Feature Articles
Editor: Maggie Sokolik
Beliefs about Language Learning: Current Knowledge, Pedagogical Implications, and New Research Directions

Language, Education, and Success: A View of Emerging Beliefs and Strategies in the Southeastern United States
, Miguel Mantero (15 Pgs)
Classroom Focus: The U.S. Midwest Teaching Culture in Adult ESL: Pedagogical and Ethical Considerations , David Johnson (12 Pgs)
Forum The Shared Responsibility for Professional Development , Maggie Sokolik On the Internet
Editor: Vance Stevens An Open Source Portal for Educators , Su Cheng-chao Media Reviews Editor: Thomas Delaney Title Reviewer Concorder Pro 1.0: A Text-analysis Tool for Mac OS X Pierfranca Forchini HyperStudio 4.5: The Multimedia Authoring Tool for Interactive Learning Abdelmajid Bouziane WordClassifier Reviews Editor: Sorel Friedman Classroom Texts Reviewer Siebert, A. (2000) Celebrating American Heroes: Plays for Students of English (Student Text and Teacher's Guide) Giannotti, J. (2004). Crafting Compositions: Tools for Today's Writers.

138. Publish! Kids - Where You Can Publish Your Work
Allows users to submit writing or view work by others. Features stories, poems, journal entries, and essays. Includes a search engine of the submission database.
Read a Random Entry ... Send Us an Email He Sings His Song People stared out at their fields sweating from the days work,
Hot sun still shining its rays of poison down upon us,
Villagers gathering together in the central square,
Sun setting slowly as the fire starts,
Signs of stress and tiredness showing,
But then one shines out,
He sings his song,
The most astounding velvety voice soars from his lips,
Speaking of life in a language that seems so pure and real, In chorus everyone joins in, voices seeming to be one, Their lives seem to flow in and out of the verses, Not in words but in individual expression, Into the night their thoughts and voices float to the high heavens. Some one is listening, taking it all, off to the side, Remembering it forever in all its simple complexity, And then a feeling so overwhelming comes and sends their soul flying. By sidonie From B.C Age 14 Send This To A Friend! Random Entry Terms of Service 243 Entries and counting!

139. Gary Earl Ross And The Writer's Den
Writers' resume with contributed articles about writing at the bottom.
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Angelfire Dukes of Hazzard Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next
Gary Earl Ross and The Writer's Den
The Writer's Den
A site for writers, teachers, and lovers of good writing. . .
Fiction, poetry, and commentary by established and emerging authors. . .
Professor in the Writing Program, State University of New York, Educational Opportunity Center at Buffalo.
Member of Just Buffalo Literary Center: Board of Directors and Writers in Education program. Member of the Board of Directors, the Association of Teaching Artists. Member of the Board of Directors, the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association.
Adult workshops: What If ...Introduction to Writing the Short Story; The Face of Fiction; Desire By DesignWriting Erotica; Strategies for the Writing Life.
Lecture topics: creative writing, classic murder cases, adult education, urban education, film history, writing strategies for teachers and parents, workplace writing strategies.
Award-winning author of 140+ short stories, poems, articles, and public radio essays, as well as

140. Waveflux
An online journal with entries touching on politics, culture, relationships, writing, and everyday life
Hurricane Katrina Relief: Links to all American Red Cross chapters that have websites available here.
A death by drowning, pared to its essentials
The word is out that the emotional story of an elderly woman's death during Hurricane Katrina, told by Jefferson Parish president Aaron Broussard to Tim Russert of Meet the Press , is inaccurate in several details . Let's review: New details and interviews with the son whose mother died in the flood show that the tragedy unfolded from Saturday through Monday, Aug. 29 — not Monday through Friday, Sept. 2 as recounted by Broussard. The owners of the nursing home were indicted Tuesday for the deaths of more than 30 residents, which officials say occurred on Aug. 29. The son of the deceased woman, parish emergency services director Thomas Rodrigue, has said that the sequence of phone calls described by Broussard doesn't match up with what actually happened. "I contacted the nursing home two days before the storm [on Aug. 27th] and again on the 28th of August," Rodrigue said. "At the same time I talked to the nursing home I also talked to the emergency manager for St. Bernard Parish," Rodrigue said, "to encourage that nursing home to evacuate like they were supposed to and they didn’t until it was too late." Broussard must have been confused "because I was calling, not my mother calling me, I was calling her," Rodrigue said. Further, Rodrigue says he never made any calls after Monday, the day he figures his mother died, based on conversations he's had with another person who had a family member perish inside St. Rita's. Officials believe that the residents of St. Rita's died on Monday, Aug. 29, not on Friday, Sept. 2, as Broussard had suggested.

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