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41. Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forum - Homepage The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's witnesses and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society or just make new friends! http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/default.ashx | |
42. Lawsuits Allege Cover-up Of Sexual Abuse By Jehovah's Witnesses CNN http://cnn.com/2003/LAW/07/29/jehovahs.witnesses.lawsuit.ap/index.html |
43. Lawsuit Alleges Sexual Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses CNN http://cnn.com/2002/LAW/07/02/jehovahs.witness.lawsuit.ap/index.html |
44. Jehovah's Witnesses Expel Parents Of Alleged Abuse Victim CNN http://cnn.com/2002/US/05/11/jehovahs.witnesses.ap/index.html |
45. Court Agrees To Hear Appeal Over Restrictions On Jehovah's Witnesses CNN http://cnn.com/2001/LAW/10/15/scotus.jehovahs.witnesses.ap/index.html |
46. WeBelievers Religious Discussion Forum. Free Forum Offering Differing Views From Jehovah's witnesses discussion forum on various topics. http://www.webelievers.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=10 |
47. Jehovah's Witnesses Online - Censorship Free Discussion Board :: Index Support message board forum for exiting Jehovah's witnesses. http://www.jehovahswitnessonline.com/ | |
48. Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forum - Topic Link Facts About Link Facts about Jehovah s witnesses A site aimed to make it as simple aspossible to determine if Jehovah s witnesses are the only true religion. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/28/93960/1.ashx | |
49. VirusHead » Oh Those Jehovah's Witnesses ItÂs Assembly Season for the JehovahÂs witnesses they are gathering all You are currently browsing the archives for the Jehovah s witnesses category. http://www.virushead.net/vhrandom/category/jehovahs-witnesses/ | |
50. Jehovah's Witnesses And The Name Jehovah JW s make an issue about knowing God s name, even to the point of calling themselvesa Jehovah s Witness. This will help Christians answer them. http://www.evangelicaloutreach.org/jehovahs.htm | |
51. Who Are The Jehovah's Witnesses And What Do They Believe? Who are the Jehovah s witnesses and what do they believe? Are the Jehovah switnesses Christian or a cult? http://www.gotquestions.org/Jehovahs-Witnesses.html | |
52. Education | Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah s witnesses endured intense persecution under the Nazi regime. http://www.ushmm.org/education/resource/jehovahs/jehovahsw.php?menu=/export/home |
53. Jehovah's Witnesses Several articles on Jehovah s witnesses. A source of information for deeperunderstanding of religious subjects. http://mb-soft.com/believe/text/jehovahs.htm | |
54. RISU / English / Major Religions / Jehovah's Witnesses: The history of the Jehovah s witnesses in Ukraine began in the 1890s. The Jehovah s witnesses Religious Organization was officially registered in http://www.risu.org.ua/eng/major.religions/jehovahs.witnesses/ | |
55. Metroactive News & Issues | Jehovah's Witnesses Are Jehovah s witnesses covering up child molestation? By Joy Lanzendorfer.As Michael Jacksonraised as a Jehovah s Witnessstands trial for child http://www.metroactive.com/papers/sonoma/04.06.05/jehovahs-0514.html | |
56. Jehovah's Witnesses At ATRI Resource Center Former Jehovah s witnesses relate their experiences in the Watchtower Why do Jehovah s witnesses hold to the false belief that Jesus is a...... http://www.johnankerberg.org/catalog/jehovahs-witnesses.html | |
57. Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah s witnesses, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel of John. UnderstandingJehovah s witnesses Why They Read the Bible the Way They Do. http://www.apologeticsinfo.org/bibliographies/jehovahs.html | |
58. Secrets Of The Watchtower Bible And Tract Society Aka Jehovahs Witnesses Before the name of Jehovah s witnesses was established the followers of Russell s 1816 Jehovah s witnesses trace their origins to the nineteenth century http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/dirtywatchtowersecrets.htm | |
59. The Official St Helena Government Webpage - Lifestyle - Religions - Jehovah's Wi The JehovahÂs witnesses of St. Helena Island The work of the Jehovah switnesses began on St Helena in 1933. Currently the active membership of http://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/lifestyle/jehovahs witness.htm | |
60. Jehovah's Witnesses: Watchtower Society Official Web Site Official web site of Watchtower Society, the legal organization in use by Jehovah sWitnesses. Authoritative source about beliefs, teachings, activities. http://www.watchtower.org/ | |
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