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101. Swissmusic - Jazz HOME POP ROCK CLASSIC jazz SWISS FOLK music VARIOUS. jazz. The richworld of Swiss jazz. A crosssection of new CD s under Best New Releases, http://swissmusic.swissinfo.org/eng/swissmusic.html?siteSect=120 |
102. Jazz Instrumental Music Stores Online - Compare Prices, Reviews And Store Rating BizRate has the lowest prices and best customer reviews for jazz Instrumental music.Compare prices, find store ratings and read jazz Instrumental music http://www.bizrate.com/buy/browse__cat_id--5209.html | |
103. Jazz Vocal Music Stores Online - Compare Prices, Reviews And Store Ratings At Bi BizRate has the lowest prices and best customer reviews for jazz Vocal music.Compare prices, find store ratings and read jazz Vocal music reviews before http://www.bizrate.com/buy/browse__cat_id--5229.html | |
104. The Juilliard School - College Division - Music Division - Jazz Studies Established in 1991 at the noted conservatory at Lincoln Center in New York City,a tuitionfree two-year diploma program open by selective audition. http://www.juilliard.edu/college/music/jazz.html | |
105. Music - Find, Compare, And Buy At Shopping.com You found over 42000 products in music jazz Instrument Listen to jazzmusicCD Quality, Huge Legal Selection, Free Trial! www.Real.com/Rhapsody http://www.shopping.com/xPP-Music-Jazz_Instrument | |
106. Harlem.org: Itunes Versus Jazz Preservation The digital music era should offer listeners more information about jazz, Having this information sold with the music enables jazz fans to educate http://www.harlem.org/itunes/ | |
107. Jazz Almanach - Musik - Geschichte - Wissenschaft Umfassende Darstellung des jazz mit Details zur Geschichte und den verschiedenen Stilen sowie H¶rbeispielen. http://www.jazzalmanach.de/ | |
108. Jazz Valley Offre informazioni su concerti ed eventi in genere che riguardano tutto il mondo. Inoltre presentazione e vendita di CD. http://www.jazzvalley.com/site/home?lang=it&geo_r_flat=2 |
109. Jazz Poetry Poems by Peter LaBarbera and others about legends such as Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, and Stan Getz. http://members.aol.com/plabjazz/jazzpoet.html |
110. International Association For Jazz Education Association with thousands of members in more than thirty countries. Current and past issues of newsletter, annual conference, membership application, bulletin board, teacher training institute, links directory, sponsorship and patron recognition. http://www.iaje.org/ | |
111. Jazz Blues Events Arizona Upcoming events, location tickets, and live archive for this Arizona group. http://www.pjazz.org | |
112. Chicago Metropolitan Jazz Orchestra Twentypiece big band performing the original arrangements of the Stan Kenton Orchestra. History, gigs, sound samples and a biography of director Lenny King. http://cmjo.com/ |
113. Criss Cross Jazz - New Releases Fully indexed catalog of CD albums issued on the label. http://www.crisscrossjazz.com/ | |
114. Red Hot Musicians A history of jazz before 1930. This site contains over 1000 songs from this erain Real Audio 3 format, as well as hundreds of biographies and discographies http://www.redhotjazz.com/musicians.html | |
115. Traditional Jazz (Dixieland) Hundreds of links to bands, webrings, mailservs, clubs and organizations, photos, and publications of interest to fans. http://kquick.best.vwh.net/dixie.html | |
116. Welcome To The BigBands Database Plus Worldwide directory of working and historic big bands maintained by Murray Pfeffer. Includes swing, jazz, territory and society bands, with links to singers, Dixieland jazz, Western swing, wartime songs, sales of arrangements, and songwriter lookup. http://nfo.net/ | |
117. Jazz Break - Webzine Consacré Au Jazz Et Aux Musiques Improvisées Informations sur le jazz, guide internet et fanzine. http://www.jazzbreak.com | |
118. Jazz Bastards ® Rhode Island area jam band blending rock, blues, jazz, funk, folk. Highly improvisational, lots of fun. Features schedule, booking information, and merchandise. http://www.jazzbastards.org/ | |
119. Jazz At The Fleece, Boxford, Suffolk A comprehensive, informative site about a respected jazz club in Suffolk. Contains full programme details. http://cswww.essex.ac.uk/staff/lyons/Fleece/ | |
120. WNUR-FM JazzWeb Large collection of annotated links covering jazz radio, performance, education, labels and retailers, with jazz styles chart and search engine. A cooperative, non-profit site accepting submissions, from Chicago station WNUR-FM at Northwestern University. http://www.wnur.org/jazz/ | |
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