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Java Programing: more detail | ||||
81. Requirements: ACC Catalog: Arapahoe Community College CSC 240, java Programming, 3 credits. CSC 241, Advanced java Programming, 3 credits Net Programming, 4 credits. CSC 160, Computer Science I (java) http://www.arapahoe.edu/deptprgrms/degreqs/cis.html | |
82. Resources :. GarageGames Learn java programming and how it works in game development. This book teaches game programming using java combining the code with 3D......Book http://www.garagegames.com/index.php?sec=mg&mod=resource&page=category&qid=44 |
83. Department Of Computer Science - Caldwell College Cs 240 Windows Programming * Cs 245 java Programming * Cs 260 Data Management Systems This course provides an approach to programming using the java http://www.caldwell.edu/academics/computer_science.html | |
84. Powell's Books - Computer Languages java revolutionized the programming world by providing a java ThinClient Programming for the Network Computing Environment with CDROM java Thin-Client http://www.powells.com/usedbooks/ComputerLanguages.25.html | |
85. Powell's Books - Computer Languages Multithreaded Programming with java Technology (Sun Microsystems Press java) Now there s a complete guide to multithreaded programming with the java 2 http://www.powells.com/usedbooks/ComputerLanguages.26.html | |
86. Java Tutorial And S/W From Jan Newmarch Tutorials on GUI Programming using java with the AWT and Swing; A tutorial on Jini; A Posix binding in java; The replayjava system; Emacs support http://pandonia.canberra.edu.au/java/ | |
87. Dynamic Metrics For Java A framework computing some of these metrics for java programs is presented along with specific results demonstrating how to use metric data to understand a http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=949320 |
88. Converting Java Classes To Use Generics 5 A. Donovan, A. Kiezun, and MD Ernst. Converting java programs to use generic libraries. In ACM Symposium on Object Oriented Programming Systems, http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1028978 |
89. JOOP 5/1/2001 - ADTmag.com In Part 2 of the article, a suite of java programs is collected for our benchmark Other java program behaviors our analyzer measures and analyzes are http://www.adtmag.com/joop/article.asp?id=3434 |
90. Open Source Testing Gretel is a test coverage monitoring tool for java programs.The current version provides statement coverage monitoring (identifying which lines of java have http://opensourcetesting.org/unit_java.php | |
91. Gilbert's Java Page avaScope is a test coverage checker for java programs, developed by the same people that produced java Compiler Compiler. javaScope currently offers 4 code http://www.issco.unige.ch/staff/robert/Java.html | |
92. Bill Brogden's Resume The book before that, SOAP programming with java, was published in early 2002. Technical editor for Foundations of java Programming for the World Wide http://www.wbrogden.com/resume.html | |
93. NYC.ACM:Java java programs run in Browser . Shipped accross net on demand . compiled to byte code ( like old Pascal Pcode ) . can communicate . http://www.cosy.com/language/acmjava.htm | |
94. MajorGeeks Support Forums - Help With Java Please. you can write java programs in notepad. You ll need to download a compiler to But most java programs will use graphics (in a Window), or simply have no http://forum.majorgeeks.com/archive/index.php/t-17907.html | |
95. Alibris: Computers Programming Languages Java Used, new outof-print books with subject Computers Programming Languages java. Offering over 50 million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Computers Programming Languages Java | |
96. IST 311 java elements and program development Downloading java Development Kit java Sun java tutorial, ÂObjectoriented programming concepts http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/p/a/pac20/ist311syllabus.html |
97. Pearson Education Australia - Page Not Found For CS1 (in java) and introductory java programming courses offered in Computer Science, For courses in computer science and programming in java. http://www.pearsoned.com.au/search/browseCourse.asp?DisciplineID=CS&DisciplineNa |
98. Pearson Education - Java 2 Unleashed Adding Lighting to Your java 3D Program. Texture Mapping in java 3D. Mike is a Sun Certified java Programmer with experience dating back to JDK 1.0.2. http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/Bookshop/detail.asp?item=100000000029620 |
99. Programming Ski Java java script coursejava script classjava programming coursejava programming classjava online coursejava foundation use of networks, the development of http://www.signal42.com/programming_ski_java.asp | |
100. CSU: Extended Education : Certificate Discipline Only java Application Developer Cal Poly Pomona java Programming - Fullerton java Programming (online) - East Bay java Programming Fast Track - Fullerton http://www.gateway.calstate.edu/extension/Certificates/discOnly.cfm?TypeID=08995 |
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