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161. SpringHills - Business English Offers customized, industryspecific language, communications and intercultural training programs for executives and professionals in English, japanese, French, Spanish and other languages. Based in Toronto, Canada. http://www.springhillsgroup.com | |
162. Penton Overseas Audio Books, Learn In Yor Car, Foreign Language & Children's Pro Selfpaced foreign language study in Spanish, French, German, Italian, japanese, Russian, and Chinese. Audio book and games for children and travellers. Based in Carlsbad, California. http://www.pentonoverseas.com/ | |
163. AJALTÂ@ASSOCIATION FOR JAPANESE-LANGUAGE TEACHING Association for japaneselanguage Teaching - English language page of a group devoted to improving the formal instruction of japanese. http://www.ajalt.org/e/index_e.htm | |
164. Language Portraits, Words And Images, Elly Sherman Ainu version of the poem Full Circle by Elly Sherman. The text is in the japanese katakana syllabic script. The sound file is also available. http://www.languageportraits.net/panels/ainu.html | |
165. House; Flat And Apartment Sharing BBS for English speakers to experience cultural and language exchanges by rooming with japanese in Tokyo. http://members.tripod.com/houseshare | |
166. Online Dictionary English to/from French, German, Spanish, Italian, japanese, Chinese, Russian. With definitions and translations. From the European language sections it will translate one word into six languages at one time. http://www.online-dictionary.biz | |
167. Welcome To Your Web Site Localisation, globalisation, web site translation, editing, and proofing in English, Spanish, French, German, and japanese. Company probably located in United States. http://www.reyes-language.com | |
168. Say It In Japanese - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan What kind of language is japanese? In this section you can take japanese lessons and try speaking the language. You can also learn the characters used to http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/say.html | |
169. Home japaneselanguage trade publication with news, products and services from U.S. food and agriculture. Published in cooperation with the U.S. Agricultural Trade Office, Tokyo. http://american-taste.bcentralhost.com/ | |
170. SUCCESS STORIES: JAPAN NEWSLETTER & JAPAN GOLF COURSE GUIDE English language newsletter for non japanese executives doing business in Japan http://www.successstories.com/ | |
171. Microsoft Global Input Method Editors (IMEs) Learn how you can enter complex characters and symbols, such as japanese characters, After you install Global IME for any language, Windows displays the http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/recommended/ime/default.mspx | |
172. WEBSITE LIST - Toyo Keizi Web Lists the Englishlanguage web sites of 715 japanese companies listed on 8 stock exchanges across Japan. http://www.toyokeizai.co.jp/english/e_link/ | |
173. Japanese Director, japanese School, 2005. Students in a field. language Schools Admissions Applications Financial Aid Dates and Fees LS Calendar The language http://www.middlebury.edu/~ls/japanese | |
174. Choice Language Service - Gateway To Aisa Translation in English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, japanese and Korean. Agency based in Taiwan. http://www.clslink.net/en/ | |
175. GEOS Ottawa English, French, japanese. Mission statement, information about programs, photo album, list of fees, and enrollment details. http://www.geosottawa.com/ | |
176. Languages For Business Communication - London - England Foreign language training/translation for business people, includes French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, japanese and Russian. Lists classes, introduction and contact details. http://www.lfbc.freeserve.co.uk/ | |
177. French                                   Eng Provider of translation services. language specialties include English and Canadian French, plus German, Spanish, japanese, Italian, Danish, and Swedish. http://www.rtgprotech.com/ | |
178. Japanese The Spoken Language This threevolume textbook series and accompanying interactive CD-ROM program stresses japanese as it is spoken today in Japan. http://www.yale.edu/yup/jsl.htm |
179. Language - Explore Japan - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan Although japanese is a completely different language from Chinese, the characters used to write japanese originally came from China, where they are said to http://web-jpn.org/kidsweb/japan/language.html | |
180. FREE Language Course Reviews Of BEST Recognized Language Schools Worldwide ** Pr Information about many language schools worldwide for English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, japanese, and Chinese. http://www.languagecourse.net/ | |
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