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Japanese Language: more books (100) |
141. ENGLISH LANGUAGE WEB SITES OF LISTED JAPANESE COMPANIES Links to English language websites of japanese listed companies and related reports. http://www.mizuho-sc.com/english/ebond/companies/list.html | |
142. Japanese Software And Information Includes a free japanese word processor for nonjapanese Windows, language training software, and info on reading japanese on a western OS. http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~grosenth/j_main.html | |
143. §ÂÂÂê¤ÂÂÂÂÂgÂbÂvÂyÂ[ÂW Translate this page The summary for this japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.kokken.go.jp/ | |
144. Linguistics Web Sites In Japan Linguistics and languageRelated Web Sites in Japan. To the japanese Version (much more extensive and largely annotated). This page is maintained by GOTOO http://www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/~gothit/kanren-en.html | |
145. Translation, Localization, Research, Multilingual Website Design, Editing, And P Translation, research, editing, web site design and cultural assistance in English, japanese and Chinese. http://www.e-multiweb.com/langlink/eng/eng.htm | |
147. RLI Professional And Home Language Tuition Offers language tuition at home, one to one, language courses and professional work related tuition. Includes languages from japanese to French. http://www.language-tuition.co.uk/ | |
148. Language Resources Wide variety of crosscultural consultancy, translation and training services for companies entering or dealing with Japan. Leading supplier to japanese multinationals with high professional reputation. Based in Japan. http://www.languageresources.net/ | |
149. Development Of Computer Assisted Language Learning System For Japanese Writing U Development of computer assisted language learning system for japanese writing using natural language processing techniques. http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~plb/AIED97_workshop/Yang/Yang.html | |
150. Language Calendars Foreign language calendars in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian and japanese. http://www.languagecalendars.com | |
151. D Language Laboratory s, downloads. English, japanese. Open Source, LGPL......Professional game programmer makes 2D/3D games for Windows in D; has yaneSDK4D Game Development Library, runs on Linux and Windows, coded in D, uses SDL and openGL. http://www.sun-inet.or.jp/~yaneurao/dlang/english.html | |
152. Welcome To Engrish.com! Documenting some of the more amusing misuses of the English language. http://www.engrish.com/ | |
153. Japanese Garden Journal A bimonthly English-language print publication dedicated to the world of japanese gardening and architecture. http://www.rothteien.com/ | |
154. International Music And Languages Courses Two week residential or day course in music and languages in Frensham Heights, Surrey, United Kingdom. Course information, registration, and contacts in English, Fran§ais Deutsch, Italiano, Castellano, Russian, japanese, and Cesky. http://www.lmfl.com/ | |
155. Engrish Language Song Lyrics The Engrish song lyrics are composed of PseudoEngrish. They have been generated by a process of translating the original English song lyrics to japanese and then back again. http://thompson.indianapolis.in.us/jeff/engrish/ | |
156. :: Welcome To YBM/Si-sa :: National franchise offers classes in English, japanese, and Korean. Also markets curriculum. http://www.ybm.co.kr/eng/ybm_eng01_1.asp | |
157. FASHION JAPAN Englishlanguage site exploring street trends and interviews with designers and artists. Includes an online community. http://www.japanesestreets.com | |
158. Basic Japanese Lessons Archives (1) Lessons in basic japanese, plus links at the bottom of the page to sites with more language and writing lessons. http://japanese.about.com/blbasic.htm | |
159. African, Asian And European Language Translation, Multilingual Website Design, S Translation, localization, multilingual website design and crosscultural consultation services. Chinese, japanese, and European languages available. http://www.e-multiweb.com/ | |
160. About JSL Article on JSL by Karen Nakamura of Yale University. http://www.deaflibrary.org/jsl.html | |
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