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81. The Japanese Language Explains usage of some particles, grammar and vocabulary. http://www.math.toronto.edu/jjchew/japanese/ | |
82. Japanese - Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji, Romaji (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). Longer text sample (Tower of Babel). books japanese language courses, dictionaries, etc. http://www.omniglot.com/writing/japanese.htm | |
83. AISEI Japanese Language Services, Inc. Translation and interpretation in Japanese and English. Based in San Francisco, California. http://www.aisei.com/ |
84. IPL Kidspace: Say Hello To The World Say Hello in the japanese language. Nihongo. Japanese Click to hear how to say hello in Japanese! An Overview of the History of the japanese language http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/hello/japanese.html | |
85. Japanese Room LANGUAGE ROOM. Japanese is spoken by over 120000000 people, The material in different sections of the japanese language Room is updated on different http://www.kids-japan.com/jproom.htm | |
86. Japanese Electronic Dictionary And Language Translators. Japanese - Other Langua Handheld japanese language translators and japanese electronic dictionaries. http://japanese.dictionaries.ectaco.com/ | |
87. Anminternational.com Home Page (ÂúÂ{Âê) Translation, rewriting and various Englishjapanese language support services. http://www2.gol.com/users/chipper/anminternational/ | |
88. New Zealand Association Of Japanese Language Teachers - NZAJLT A web site for the promotion of japanese language, and revision, extension and enrichment for New Zealand students provided by the New Zealand Association http://www.japanese.ac.nz/ | |
89. The Japan Foundation, Sydney We organise a diverse range of cultural activities introducing Japanese art, supporting Japanese studies and japanese language education overseas. http://www.jpf.org.au/ | |
90. ÂÃ¥ÂãÂúÂ{Âê³ÂçÂZÂÂÂ^Â[ -JASSO Provides language training for foreign students to prepare them for attending a Japanese university. With information on scholarships and financial aid. Tennojiku, Osaka City. http://www.jasso.go.jp/ojlec/ | |
91. Untitled Document The Language Section works to support japanese language education in schools throughout Australia and New Zealand. Working in conjunction with local http://www.jpf.org.au/ls/ |
92. Bisqwit's Japanese Language Related Tools - List Bisqwit s japanese language related tools list. Recently I ve been playing a lot with Japanese. Here are some tools I ve made. http://kanjidict.stc.cx/ | |
93. Genki Japanese And Culture School: Learn With The Best: Study Abroad In Fukuoka School located in Fukuoka City, teaching courses in japanese language for foreigners, with a focus on learning about Japanese culture. http://www.genkijacs.com/ | |
94. Japanese Language Although Japanese is the sixth most spoken language in the world in terms of population, it is a language that is hardly used elsewhere. http://web-japan.org/factsheet/language/ | |
95. Japanese Language General japanese language. 2. Written Japanese. 3. Spoken Japanese japanese language Related Links, Resources Shopping http://www.japan-101.com/language/ | |
96. East Asia Center | Friends World Program | LIU School for experiential based studies in japanese language, arts, and culture. Affiliated with Long Island University. Based in Kitaku, Kyoto. http://www.southampton.liu.edu/fw/east_asia/ | |
97. Japanese Language Resources - Learn Japanese - Academic Info A directory of Internet resources on japanese language Study. http://www.academicinfo.net/japanlang.html | |
98. Japanese Program Index USC Language Center provides the Japanese audio tapes online, Practice your Japanese with native speakers at japanese language Table and with a Japanese http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/ealc/jlp/ | |
99. The Monash Nihongo Ftp Archive Extensive and frequently updated archive of japanese language related software. Most freely available Japaneserelated software for major operating systems. http://ftp.cc.monash.edu.au/pub/nihongo/00INDEX.html | |
100. Welcome To IPAL The IPA Lexicon of the japanese language for computers contains basic nouns, verbs and adjectives. http://www.ipa.go.jp/STC/NIHONGO/IPAL/ipal.html | |
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