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181. Â|ÂóÂÃÂxÂe Translation in English lt; gt;japanese. Company based in Japan. http://home.interlink.or.jp/~bethel2/ | |
182. 財å£æ³Â人 京é½æÂ¥æ¬èªÂæÂÂè²ãÂȋ³à Translate this page The summary for this japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.kjls.or.jp/ |
183. University Of Arizona Computer Aided Language Instruction Group Interactive demonstration lessons for Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, japanese, Korean, Lummi, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. Includes Sun audio (.au) files. http://cali.arizona.edu/ | |
184. Foreign Language Department: Japanese Program Francisco State University Student Association of Teachers of japanese as a Foreign language (SATJ); Go to japanese Students Alumni Network home page http://www.sfsu.edu/~japanese/ | |
185. Ainu Language Basic sentences and numerals in Ainu, with corresponding downloadable sound files and English equivalents. Bilingual site (japanese and English). Also, some sociolinguistic information on the language. http://ramat.ram.ne.jp/ainu/ | |
ÂpÂïÂbµÂæ¤!! Find Japanese Hous Offers BBS for japanese house sharing and language exchanges. http://www.sharese.com/ | |
187. POPjisyo.com - Dictionary Translation Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Kanji/Hanzi Popup translation system, which helps you read Web pages in a foreign language and learn new words as you go along. Study games. For japanese, Chinese, Korean, and other languages. http://www.popjisyo.com/WebHint/Portal_e.aspx | |
188. Avantpage Translation & Localization language translation, web sites and prepress output. Specializes in nonlatin scripts like Chinese, japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, Thai and Vietnamese. http://www.avantpage.com/ | |
189. Hualian-Yatong Network Information Technology Co., Ltd Translation (EnglishChinese, English-japanese, English-German, English-Korean ), web design, software development, multi-languages database design, website(software)localization. http://www.icansoido.com/ |
190. Dialect⢠| Communicate · Align · Motivate · Sell Dialect Speak Their language Communicate · Align · Motivate · Sell, DIALECT 225 South Meramec, Suite 1132 St. Louis, Missouri 63105 T 314 863 4400 http://www.dialect.com/ | |
191. Japanese (The Languages Of The World By Computers And The Internet) Explains differences between eastern and western japanese. http://www.threeweb.ad.jp/logos/japanese.html | |
192. JHELP.COMÂÃÂCÂO·ÂsÂAÂCÂO¯ÂwÂAÂCÂO¶ÂÂÂÃÂgÂÂÂuÂÂÂà The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.jhelp.com/ | |
193. Adobe Reader - Asian And Central European Font Packs For Adobe Reader Central European, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, japanese japanese. Windows 5.9MB; UNIX 5.1MB Central European font pack languages http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html | |
194. TEC Software & Technical Services Corp. Technical translation, interpretation from various languages into japanese. http://www.tsscorp.co.jp/ENG/ | |
195. NCJLT Has Moved! NCJLT logo. NCJLT has a new home at http//www.ncjlt.org! Please update your record. You will be taken to the new page in 10 seconds. http://www.colorado.edu/ealld/atj/ncjlt/ | |
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