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61. Log In Problems Filipino, Japanese, Asian Indian, Mexican, Central or South American, *NonHispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, American Indians/Alaska Natives, http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/468125 | |
62. Congressman Jim McDermott - Speeches - Celebrating Asian Pacific American Herita May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and a time when every to a richand ethnically diverse cultural weave of Japanese, Asian Indian, Korean, http://www.house.gov/mcdermott/sp050504.shtml | |
63. Wing Luke Asian Museum -- Brown Quarterly -- V. 1, No. 3 -- Spring 1997 as well as Japanese, Asian Indians, Koreans, Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, For many Asian Pacific American children, the Museum is their first http://brownvboard.org/brwnqurt/01-3/01-3g.htm | |
64. Multicultural Links (Strong Japanese/Asian emphasis in content links.) African American Organizationsoffers a set of organizationbased links. http://sophia.smith.edu/~jdrisko/multi.htm | |
65. Prevalence Of Cigarette Use Among 14 Racial/Ethnic Populations --- United States Filipino, Japanese, Asian Indian, Mexican, Central or South American, Tobacco use and the African American community a conceptual framework for the http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5303a2.htm | |
66. Mine Safety And Health Administration (MSHA) - A Pictorial Walk Through The 20th A Pictorial Walk Through the 20th Century The Asian American in Mining Filipino, Japanese, Asian Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, http://www.msha.gov/century/asian/page1.asp | |
67. Asianamericans Filipinos, Koreans, Japanese, Asian Indians, and Southeast Asians all have Asian American Studies Resource Guide - provided by USC library http://www.cos.edu/library/asianamerican.htm | |
68. Public Interest: American Diversity And The 2000 Census Full text of the article, American diversity and the 2000 Census from Public Hawaiian, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Asian Indian, Samoan, Guamanian, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0377/is_2001_Summer/ai_76812252 | |
69. Anime Web Turnpike - Web Forums - Live Action Neon Genesis Evangelion Movie...aa actors are going to be Japanese or American or American Japanese/Asian . The movie may use new characters, maybe based on the NERV American or http://forum.anipike.com/archive/index.php/t-1362.html | |
70. PBS - "Ancestors In The Americas" Asian American man Holding my queue grown longer, American cowlicks growing law was applied in succession Japanese, Asian Indian, Filipino, Koreans. http://www.pbs.org/ancestorsintheamericas/program3_2.html | |
71. Book Proposal - Tentative Table Of Contents And Chapter Descriptions - Asian Tex Chapter Eighteen The Houston Asian American Community. One of the largest, mostprominent Asian American communities in the United States. http://www.austin.cc.tx.us/itang/book_proposal/Tentative_Table_of_Contents_And_C | |
72. Yellowworld Forums - 442nd There were many parts in the efforts to gain civil rights for Japanese/AsianAmericans. Sure, people like Korematsu and Hirabayashi did a good job in http://forums.yellowworld.org/archive/index.php/t-4808.html | |
73. School Of Theology - Seton Hall University They include principally the Chinese, Filipinos, Japanese, Asian Indians, Needless to say, AsianAmerican Catholics present serious challenges to the http://theology.shu.edu/lectures/asianc.htm | |
74. American Misconceptions About Japan FAQ Subject American misconceptions about Japan FAQ All FAQs posted insoc.culture.japan, soc.culture.asian.american, fj.life.injapan, http://www.cs.uu.nl/wais/html/na-dir/japan/american-misconceptions.html | |
75. Heterogeneity Within The Asian American Community A convenience sample of 1202 Asian American women evaluated the cultural in the sample disclosed an underrepresentation of Japanese, Asian Indian, http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=328089 |
76. Asian American Empowerment: ModelMinority.com - Myths About Asiaphiles You complain about the reduction of Asian American women to sex objects by So okay what would happen if Japanese men likes other NonJapanese Asian http://www.modelminority.com/article741.html | |
77. Japanese American Issues At Japanese American Youth Forum ~ A Runboard.com Free A forum for young people to discuss political, social, and civil rights issuesand history, and topics raised on, but not limited to, the Youth Page of the http://com1.runboard.com/bjapaneseamericanyouthforum.fjapaneseamericanissues | |
78. Mae M. Ngai The Architecture Of Race In American Immigration Law At another level, the law constructed a white American race, in which persons but it remained unclear where Japanese, Asian Indians, Armenians, Syrians, http://history.uchicago.edu/faculty/MaeNgai/ngai.html | |
79. All.info Listings Directory / Religion Listings / Music / multigenerational and multi-language, focused on Japanese Asian Americansindividuals and churches to enable them to have a dynamic relationship with http://allinfo.com/directory/Listings_Directory/Religion_Listings/Music/ | |
80. ACS :: Asian-American, Pacific Islander Women Fall Behind In Screening Rates AsianAmerican and Pacific Islander women have lower rates of screening for breastand Filipino, Japanese, Asian Indian, Korean and Vietnamese varied http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/content/NWS_1_1x_Asian_American__Pacific_Islan | |
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