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41. THE NEW MAJORITY MARKETING TO MINORITIES With The Explosion Of Africanamericans earn $262 billion a year, twice the gross national product ofMexico. Filipinos, Japanese, Asian Indians, Koreans and Vietnamese. http://www.sba.gov/gopher/Business-Development/Success-Series/Vol6/mktg.txt |
42. Asian Pacific Americans-A Brief History | South Carolina NRCS By Donna Ray, Asian Pacific American Islander Emphasis Program Manager Asians include Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Asian Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, http://www.sc.nrcs.usda.gov/news/curdev_2001_2002/cd_asain.html | |
43. Yellowworld Forums - Asian Fetish Non Japanese Asianamericans who believe that they are authorities on Japan White people who believe that their non-Japanese Asian-American friends are http://forums.yellowworld.org/archive/index.php/t-4989.html | |
44. The Haworth Press Online Catalog Table Of Contents Social and Economic Inequality and Asian americans in the United States first with the Chinese and later with the Japanese, Asian Indians, and Filipinos http://www.haworthpress.com/store/Toc_views.asp?TOCName=J134v06n04_TOC&desc=Volu |
45. Kang & Lee The majority of Russianspeaking americans live in 6 markets New York, NY; Filipino, Japanese, Asian-Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, and Polish). http://www.kanglee.com/newsroom/news_detail.php?nflag=2&news_id=1012 |
46. Project MUSE Even though they were spared mass incarceration, how Japanese americans in nonJapanese Asian community leaders, such as the Chinese American leader http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_asian_american_studies/v008/8.1kim.html | |
47. Newsgroups Soc.culture.korean,soc.culture.asian.american,alt.talk We are talking Korean americans, and for those Korean americans who grow up in Since there are comparable amounts of Filipinos, Japanese, Asian Indians, http://www.dpg.devry.edu/~akim/sck/aa2.htm |
48. Onigiriman's RiceBowlJournal Archives Issues of Identity by Other Japanese/Asian americans. May 21, 2004. by Sekura81.Being of Cambodian/Chinese descent is hard sometimes. http://members.cox.net/onigiriman/jajothervoices.htm | |
49. The Asian And Pacific Islander Population In The U.S. ERIC Digest. There are an estimated 12 million Asian and Pacific Islander americans (APIAs) in Filipino, Japanese, Asian Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, and Hawaiian. http://www.ericdigests.org/2003-4/asian.html | |
50. Southeast Asian Women, Bibliographies Monitored Peril Asian americans and the Politics of Representation. Malaysian,Vietnamese, and Filipino as well as Chinese, Japanese, Asian Indian and http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/GlobalGender/sea.am.lit5.html | |
51. Ancestors In The Americas: Overview Filipinos, Koreans, Japanese, Asian Indians, and Southeast Asians all have Native americans, of course, were not immigrant; African americans had http://www.cetel.org/ancestors_overview.html | |
52. Picture This: Depression Era While Chinese americans grew up with mainstream American culture, Asian Americanpopulation that included Chinese, Japanese, Asian Indians, Filipinos, http://www.museumca.org/picturethis/3_4.html | |
53. Black African Blacks/African americans total 35283 and represent 5.4% of the county s total Chinese, Japanese, Asian Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Laotian, http://www.plsinfo.org/healthysmc/202/black_African.html | |
54. Black White In Color But a ÂHappy Asian Pacific American Heritage Month? Forget it. Not to mention,the Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Asian Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, http://www.asianweek.com/052496/EmilAmok.html | |
55. ABG Asian Beauty Greats | Asian American Personalities | GoldSea Asian Beauty Greats GoldSea Asian American Supersite. Chinese and JapaneseAsian carry the White Racist attitude in their view of what is beautiful in http://goldsea.com/ABG/abg_30102.html | |
56. Tony's Writing- American Dream Pie More importantly, as we further study Japanese/Asian American history, we mightbegin to see current issues like immigrantbashing, attacks on civil http://www.kuidaosumi.com/TOwriting/101Ways.html | |
57. Browsing The Inventory Of Steven Baughman By Catalog: Social Sciences: Racial St ISBN 0394312201. 1st Edition. Trade Paperback. Good. Japanese Asian AmericansImmigration Immigrants. Offered by Steven Baughman (Montana, United States) http://biblio.com/browse_books/catalog/251512/24838.html | |
58. African American Medal Of Honor Recipients WW2 First AfricanAmerican graduate of West Point Military Academy and a Buffalo Colonel Charles Young; Third African-American West Point Academy graduate http://www.buffalosoldier.net/WW11AfroAmericanMedalofHonorRecipients.htm | |
59. HISPANIC-AMERICAN MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS Library of Congress American Memory Lessons, Grades 412 Federation of AmericanScientists- Includes video clips and much more. Excellent http://www.buffalosoldier.net/Hispanic-AmericanMedalofHonorRecipients.htm | |
60. Health And Health Care For Asian And Pacific Islander American ASIAN AND PACIFIC ISLANDER AMERICAN ELDERS. INTRODUCTION The group includesresidents of the US from Chinese, Japanese, Asian Indian, Pakistani, Korean, http://www.stanford.edu/group/ethnoger/apiaintroduction.html | |
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