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161. The Operations Research Society Of Japan Conducts research on OR theory and development of methodologies, and explores the practical use of methods applicable to specific problems occurring in the world of business and government offices. http://www.orsj.or.jp/english/engindex.html |
162. Japan The japanese government From Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official Web Site. Cabinet Office, government of japan In English. http://www.washlaw.edu/forint/asia/japan.html | |
163. Untitled Document Organization to foster cooperation and understanding between local governments in japan and their equivalents in the United States and Canada. http://www.jlgc.org/ |
164. AMD Takes Intel Battle To Japan - Government & Law - Breaking Business And Techn silicon.com is the mustread executive briefing sheet for business and IT professionals- giving you the strategic insight to make technology investments http://management.silicon.com/government/0,39024677,39131541,00.htm | |
165. ÂúÂ{¹ÂyÂÃÂÂÂjÂIÂÂÂ@Musicians' Union Of Japan The labor union representing 6000 musicians performing in japan. Works for betterment of working conditions, promote live music, protect musicians' rights and to make political proposals to the japanese government and other concerned organizations. http://www.muj.or.jp/ |
166. Soviet-Japanese Neutrality And Denunciation. This File Contains 9, the Soviet government will consider itself to be at war with japan. Formatted, edited and indexed by Larry W. Jewell jewell@mace.cc.purdue.edu. http://wiretap.area.com/Gopher/Gov/US-History/WWII/sov-japan.neu | |
167. Aichi Prefectural Government Official Site Official website of the Aichi prefectural government. Contains profile, info on the 2005 World Exhibition, the Central japan International Airport, international exchange, plus a number of other topics. http://www.pref.aichi.jp/index-e.html | |
168. Scott Teresi - Essay On The Japanese Government's Underlying Problems An essay on the underlying problems of the Japanese government. The Japanese are one of the most harmonious and welloff peoples in the world. http://teresi.us/html/writing/japan.html | |
169. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Japan - Government Legal directory and search engine legislation, case-law, journals, law reform, by country and subject. http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/51809.html | |
170. East Asian Co-op Japanese Government East Asian Libraries Cooperative WWW. Japanese government government sites. Prime Minister s Official Residence (View in Japanese ). http://pears.lib.ohio-state.edu/Japan/government.jpn.html | |
171. NHK Radio Japan Online Live broadcast from the government network, with links to multiple languages. Realplayer required. http://www.nhk.or.jp/rj/ram/en/live.ram |
172. Japanes War Crimes : Has Justice Been Served ? Speech by prominent JapaneseAmericans calling for the Japanese government to address its war crimes in WWII. http://skycitygallery.com/japan/japhonda.html | |
173. Report: Japan, Korea, China To Break Windows Ties | InfoWorld | News | 2003-09-0 Plans for governments and private sector firms of China, japan, South Korea, to jointly work together to develop new OS to rival Microsoft Windows to be unveiled later this week, according to 2 japanese newspaper reports. InfoWorld http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/09/02/HNbreakties_1.html | |
174. Japanese Government Ministries & Agencies - Links Provided By Mizuho Securities Research and links to English language resources on Japanese government Ministries and Agencies. http://www.mizuho-sc.com/english/ebond/government.html | |
175. Study In Japan Comprehensive Guide This Web site is produced and operated by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is a site that provides comprehensive information on studying in http://www.studyjapan.go.jp/en/ | |
176. Government-sponsored What types of Japanese government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships are there? Japanese government Scholarships and Their Content (Fiscal 2003) http://www.studyjapan.go.jp/en/toj/toj0302e.html | |
177. Plant-Covered Roofs Ease Urban Heat The promotion of green roofs by city governments in Canada, japan, and the United States. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/11/1115_021115_GreenRoofs.html | |
178. Welcome To The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Japan Web Site! Visit to japan Minister of External Relations of Angola Extension of japanIsrael Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement http://www.infojapan.org/ | |
179. Ministry Of The Environment Of JAPAN Agency for nature and soil conservation, air and water quality management, biodiversity, and waste disposal. http://www.env.go.jp/en/ | |
180. METI Ministry Of Economy, Trade And Industry July 6, United Satesjapan Investment Initiative 2005 Report (PDF 121KB) A report jointly published by the US and japanese governments on the occasion of http://www.meti.go.jp/english/ | |
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