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101. JICPA The Japanese Insutitute Of Certified Public Accountants Organization of CPAs in japan for quality control, continuing education and representing the profession to government and internationally. http://www.jicpa.or.jp/n_eng/index.html | |
102. CNN.com - Economy Worsening, Says Japan - May 14, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/BUSINESS/asia/05/14/japan.government/index.html | |
103. Japanese Government - Government In Japan - Governmental Organization Lists Japanese government organization. Japanese government. Lists Japanese government organizations. Articles Resources http://gojapan.about.com/od/japanesegovernment/ | |
104. Archived: The Educational System Of Japan: Case Study Findings - Table Of Conten US government study on Japanese education, from June 1988. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/JapanCaseStudy/index.html | |
105. HRW World Report 1999: Japan: Human Rights Developments The ruling was a rejection of existing policy denying government compensation japan cancelled $30 million in grants to the Indian government and said it http://www.hrw.org/worldreport99/asia/japan.html | |
106. CNN.com - Japan Child Abuse Cases Soar During Past Year, Government Says - Novem CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/11/01/crime.japan.abuse.reut/index.html | |
107. UNICEF - At A Glance: Japan - UNICEF Continues Partnership With Japanese Governm NEW YORK, 2 March 2005 UNICEF and the government of japan are developing The government of japan donated 70 million dollars to UNICEF tsunami relief, http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/japan_25309.html | |
108. ÂúÂ{¯ÂwÂÂÂÂÂKÂCÂh japanese government site with guide for prospective students, students in japan, and former exchange students. http://www.studyjapan.go.jp/ |
109. CNN - Japanese Opposition Seeks To Topple Obuchi Government - August 10, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9908/10/japan.brawl/index.html | |
110. Japan National Tourist Organization Web Site Japanese government site providing information for online budget hotel reservations, regional guides, convention locations, museums, and important starting information. http://www.jnto.go.jp/ |
111. CNN.com - ASIANOW - Japan's Mori Outlines Government Agenda - July 5, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/07/05/japan.politics/index.html | |
112. Consulate General Of Japan In San Francisco JIC Organization of the government of japan, 1994 japanese Local government International Affiliation Directory 2000 http://www.cgjsf.org/en/e_m04_05_02.htm | |
113. Â_ÂÃÂÂ
ÂYÂà ÂA¨ÂhÂu government site that gives information on plants prohibited from being carried to and from japan, and station functions. http://www.pps.go.jp/ | |
114. Consulate General Of Japan In San Francisco JIC Who s Who in Japanese government 199798. A handbook containing information about Japanese government including charts on its functions and the relationship http://www.cgjsf.org/en/e_m04_05_03.htm | |
115. Government, Firms Strive To Stem Graying Of Japan CNN http://cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/05/30/japan.old.ap/index.html |
116. Japan Biotechnology News and business information on japan's biotechnology industry, pharmaceuticals, bioventures, medical, and technology transfer resources. Funded by the japanese government. http://www.biojapan.org/ | |
117. History Of Japan - Japan's Government History Historical Periods Military History of japan. 3. japan s government History. 4. World War II japan. 5. Shoguns, Samurai Daimyos Part 1 http://www.japan-101.com/history/index3.htm | |
118. Government Of Japan - Government & Politics japan101, Articles About Business government. government of japan Related Links, Resources Shopping. Discuss any article in our Business http://www.japan-101.com/government/ | |
119. JPRI Working Paper No. 76 Essay delves into corruption in japan's government ministries and police. http://www.jpri.org/publications/workingpapers/wp76.html | |
120. Accessing Japanese Government Documents I was asked to discuss Japanese government documents for today s mini seminar. As we can see, we cannot currently rely on the Japanese government for a http://www.hawaii.edu/asiaref/japan/Articles/ceal.htm |
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