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81. Japanese Government Warns Doomsday Cult Expanding Online CNN http://cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/12/23/japan.cult.ap/index.html |
82. CNN.com - Japanese Leader, Government Offices Target Of Radioactive Mailing - Ju CNN http://cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/06/12/japan.radiation.01/index.html | |
83. JFTC-Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc. Comprised of major Japanese trading companies and producers, the JFTC promotes better international trade, exchanges views with government authorities, conducts trade research and public relations. http://www.jftc.or.jp/english/home_e.htm | |
84. Financial Services Agency Certified Public Accountants and Auditing Oversight Board INVEST japan government Information Locators Service System Koizumi Cabinet EMail Magazine http://www.fsa.go.jp/indexe.html | |
85. Response Of The Government Of Japan To The Nuclear Tests Conducted By India And Response of the government of japan to the Nuclear Tests Conducted by India and Pakistan. Reports on meetings, statements issued and other materials. http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/india/nuketest9805.html | |
86. Nippon Keidanren A nationwide business association resolving problems of the business community through committees; makes proposals to government officials. http://www.keidanren.or.jp/ | |
87. MOFA: Middle East Peace Process The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explains political and economic contributions and provides information on the Working Group on the Environment (EWG) chaired by the government of japan. http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/middle_e/peaceprocess/ | |
88. Japan Book Publishers Association Represents publisher interests to the government on such issues as reproduction technology, electronic media, the distribution system, the retail price maintenance system, and copyrights. http://www.jbpa.or.jp/default-e.htm | |
89. Domestic Politics & Foreign Affairs Of Japan: An Annotated Directory Of Internet blank space. japan Domestic Politics Foreign Affairs. blank space. Political Processes government Policies government Offices Political Parties http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/japan-pol.html | |
90. Click2History - America In World War II - Chapter 1 - Preface government posters that capitalized on changed American attitudes following japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and America's entry into WWII. http://www.click2history.com/forgotten_posters/forgotten_posters_ch1.htm | |
91. Japanese Government Offices: An Annotated List Of Internet Resources An annotated list of official sites of Japanese government offices, ministries institutions for the executive, legislative judicial branches. http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/japan-gov.html | |
92. Japan Restaurant Association HOME PAGE Conducts research, survey and guidance for improvement of restaurantsand culinary arts, promotes tourism, and makes proposals or petitions to the government. http://www.joy.ne.jp/restaurant/htm_e/e_main.htm | |
93. Ministry Of Land, Infrastructure And Transport ÂMinistry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport government of japan ÂWHITE PAPER ON LAND, INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT IN japan, 2004 http://www.mlit.go.jp/english/ | |
94. Hyogo Prefectural Government Cultural Centre Situated in Perth, the Centre provides japanese language and cultural information and services for the people of Western Australia's sister state to Hyogo Prefecture in japan. http://www.hyogo.com.au | |
95. BBC NEWS | Business | What Caused Japan's Recession? It has now said that it will also buy Japanese government bonds to help boost The Japanese government says it is committed to structural reforms like http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/2193853.stm | |
96. ÂúÂ{·ÂsÂæÂï government sanctioned organization to improve services for travelers to and from japan. Disseminates information, encourages cooperation among members, and develops beneficial legal dealings. http://www.jata-net.or.jp/ | |
97. BBC NEWS | Business | Reform Stalls As Japan Poll Looms japan Post has been a cash cow for the japanese government Junichiro Koizumi s government has been trying to privatise japan s massive post office, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4130632.stm | |
98. MOFA: Japan's Measures In Response To The Terrorist Attacks In The United States The ministry for foreign affairs offers reports on the measures taken by the government, official statements and consular information. http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/n-america/us/terro0109/index.html | |
99. ÂÂÂÃÂÂÂÃÂZÂp¦ÂïÂ@ÂzÂ[ÂÂÂyÂ[ÂW A nonprofit organization operating under the guidance of the Japanese government to promote international cooperation for the development of infrastructure essential to economic and social development, and to ensure a safe and comfortable life. http://www.idi.or.jp/ |
100. East Asian Collection Contains monographs, serials, manuscripts and government documents for topics related to and publications from China, japan and Korea. http://www.library.yale.edu/eastasian/eac.htm | |
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